SEARCH ALL INGREDIENTSSee My Recommendations. WHICH FOODS ARE RIGHT FOR YOUR BODY TYPE?The ways you experience food in Ayurveda are enlightening. You begin to understand how certain foods will affect your body and what you should and should not eat. Some ingredients might make you feel light and well nourished, while other might leave you feeling heavy and unsatisfied. It starts and ends with your body type - learning to eat the right foods for your body type will leave you feeling your best. You’ll find a number of resources below that will help you in understanding Ayurveda food lists. If you don’t yet know your body type, take the free quiz first. FIND MY BODY TYPE![]() YOUR PERSONAL AYURVEDA BODY BOOK - CUSTOM-MADE FOR YOUSay goodbye to confusion about health with your personal Ayurveda body book, individually formulated for you. Confidently choose food that restores your healthy glow, while you grow in wisdom and balance. Your body book brings everything you need to know about your body, imbalances, and diet in one place, saving you time and energy. We use technology to zero in on and present you with a book about you, only GET IT NOW FOR JUST $19.99WHAT FOOD WILL NOURISH YOUR BODY?There are so many hot topics in healthy eating today - Gluten-free, eating organic, raw food vs. cooked food, and more. It can be overwhelming when deciding what’s right for you. You shouldn’t feel pressured to be a vegetarian, just because you hear that’s heathliest. We’ve put together our best resources to help you make the right decisions for you and learn how to nourish your unique body. ![]() WANT GOOD OJAS? GET THESE FOODS.In Ayurveda, if a person has healthy skin and flesh, is resilient to disease and injury, and has “juiciness, ” they are said to have good ojas. Do you want good ojas for yourself? The body transforms food into ojas through digestion and metabolism. These foods are especially ojas building. OJAS BUILDING FOODClinical Tools & ResourcesBECOME AN AYURVEDIC EXPERT WITH OUR