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62 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Acorns are high in tannins, a bitter and astringent acid that irritates the digestive tract and causes constipation. However, tannins are water soluble. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 424 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Adzuki beans are known to have originated in China where they are used extensively in traditional medicine. They are a staple in the macrobiotic diet and very popular in Japan, second only to the soybean in terms of consumption and popularity. (3.67 out of 5 stars) 3 ratings, 405 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Apples are crunchy and leave a rough feeling on the roof of the mouth, both signs of astringency. Astringency is drying. Thus raw apples provoke Vata and constipation. Cooked apples and apple sauce are more Vata friendly. They are not astringent.... 416 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Black beans are a rich source of vegetable protein, easing any meat cravings for those seeking satiation. The shiny obsidian quality of the beans are a beautiful addition to any meal, providing an earthy depth and dark contrast. Black beans appear... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 339 likes SAVE FOOD Caffeine shifts awareness from the heart chakra to the third eye. New trades routes brought caffeinated beverages to Europe creating an 'Age of Enlightenment' and ending the middle ages. Ayurveda comes from an older time where the mind was not separate... 302 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Beans are the 'musical fruit' because they contain saponins to protect themselves against insects. Saponins form the sudsy foam on the surface of a cooking pot of beans. They prevent protein digestion resulting in stagnation and gas of the bowels. 184 likes SAVE FOOD Beans are the 'musical fruit' because they contain saponins to protect themselves against insects. Saponins form the sudsy foam on the surface of a cooking pot of beans. They prevent protein digestion resulting in stagnation and gas of the bowels. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 350 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT The short answer is yes, chickpeas are good for you. Here are some of the ways: The fiber in chickpeas is nearly 75% insoluble and remains undigested as it reaches the colon. This significantly bulks up stools for a satisfying morning... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES