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full start reviewfull start reviewfull start reviewfull start reviewfull start review(5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 660 likes

Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Almonds.RECIPES WITH IT

As the most widely grown tree nut in the world, these crunchy little nuggets are highly revered for building strength and intelligence across many ancient cultures. Originally native to the levant and in Northern Africa as far west as Morocco, almonds...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Aloe Vera Juice / Gel.RECIPES WITH IT

Aloe includes more than 250 species of flowering succulents and is native to Africa, Madagascar and Jordan. It is closely related to cactus, yucca and onion. For thousands of years and across many cultures, aloe has been used to heal a variety of...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Avocado.RECIPES WITH IT

The avocado fruit grows on trees, but does not ripen until after it has been picked. It has a pear shape, and a rough, dark green to black skin with tiny bumps, which earned it the name "alligator pear". Unlike other fruits, avocado isn't sweet at all,...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Banana.RECIPES WITH IT

Replenish Electrolytes and RehydrateYou have spent a long hot afternoon tending your garden or chasing the kids and you're feeling parched. But sometimes, no matter how much water you drink, your body still feels thirsty. Simple...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Beets.RECIPES WITH IT

"A tale that begins with a beet will end with the devil", wrote Tom Robbins in Jitterbug Perfume. For good reason too - cooking with red beets leaves the hands looking blood-stained. A chef who slaughters beets cannot hide - only run from the scene of...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Carrot.RECIPES WITH IT

Ancestors of the wild carrot came from Iran and Afghanistan, the center of genetic diversity for carrot. Carrots were bred from a species of wild carrot, called Queen Anne's Lace. Originally they were grown for their aromatic leaves and seeds. Since...


Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Chamomile.RECIPES WITH IT

Chamomile infuses your tea with a delicious floral aroma that is warm, light & airy. Its smell is reminiscent of apples, first noted by the Greeks, who named it 'ground-apple' (kamai=ground & melon=apple). Improve Sluggish...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Coconut Oil.RECIPES WITH IT




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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Cucumber.RECIPES WITH IT

Oft considered a vegetable, these elongated cylindrical delicacies are actually a fruit. They join watermelon and honey dew as succulent members of the summer friendly melon family. Originally from the Indian subcontinent, cucumbers are now grown...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Eggs.RECIPES WITH IT

Egg whites are a great source of protein. The egg yolks are a hearty and nourishing tonic pacifying Vata but aggravating Kapha. Egg yolks are high in cholesterol. Egg yolks are heating, and mildly aggravating to Pitta. Some people are allergic to the...


Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Hibiscus.RECIPES WITH IT

Hibiscus is from the same family as okra, cotton, and chocolate. More obscure members include durian, marshmallow root, & kola nut.

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Pomegranate.RECIPES WITH IT

Pomegranate comes from the latin words for apple (pomum) and seed (granatum), altogether meaning 'seeded-apple'. The seeds of the pomegranate are embedded in a white membrane that is also used for its medicinal qualities in Ayurveda. The french word...


Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Saffron.RECIPES WITH IT

Saffron's use is ancient. Saffron-based pigments have been found in 50,000 year-old paintings in northwest Iran. It conjures romance, royalty, and delicacy wherever it appears. Alexander the Great bathed in saffron to cure battle wounds. Cultivated...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Sesame Oil.RECIPES WITH IT

Sesame oil is derived from nutty sweet sesame seeds. As the seed matures, it bursts out of its pod. Think back to the children's story about "open sesame," a secret password in the medieval Arabic adventure tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. As the...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Sesame Seeds.RECIPES WITH IT

"Open sesame" was the secret password in the medieval Arabic adventure tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. These magic words revealed a cave rich with treasures secreted by thieves. Sesame seeds and oil are a food treasure rich with myriad health...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Strawberries.RECIPES WITH IT

The ruby red strawberry has been long appreciated for its unique aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness. The first garden strawberry was bred in the 18th century in France. Prior to this, most strawberries were either harvested wild or...


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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Tahini.RECIPES WITH IT

Smooth, hearty tahini is the creamy butter of blended sesame seeds. This savory and sensual spread invites a Middle Eastern richness to your...

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Tofu.RECIPES WITH IT

Tofu was invented in China over 2000 years ago.

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Save this FoodSAVE FOODRecipes with Turmeric.RECIPES WITH IT

Turmeric is a warm, yellow, earthy, slightly bitter spice used in ritual, medicine, and cooking. Turmeric paste is applied to bride and groom before marriage in some places of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Although a deep yellow color, turmeric...

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