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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 214 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Acai means fruit that cries. Acai is a sweet & juicy fruit with a satisfying purple pulp. It provides rich nutrition, high antioxidant value, and fiber. 846 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Acorn Squash is a nourishing, grounding vegetable whose sweetness can be the centerpiece of a hearty meal. As sweet taste is almost always cold, be sure to warm your acorn squash with mild spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, or more savory options like... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 794 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Aloe includes more than 250 species of flowering succulents and is native to Africa, Madagascar and Jordan. It is closely related to cactus, yucca and onion. For thousands of years and across many cultures, aloe has been used to heal a variety of... (4.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 476 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Amaranth represented up to 80% of the caloric intake of the Aztecs before the Spanish conquest. Amaranth tastes somewhat like corn, but is somewhat less sweet. Others have described the taste as nutty, like bacon or wood, or slightly bitter. It is... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 7 ratings, 631 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Often used for weight loss, vinegar strongly increases the flow of bile. Bile is a fatty, oily substance made by the liver, and stored in the gall bladder. It helps you digest fats. Since bile is also a fatty oily substance, draining bile from the... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 680 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT "A tale that begins with a beet will end with the devil", wrote Tom Robbins in Jitterbug Perfume. For good reason too - cooking with red beets leaves the hands looking blood-stained. A chef who slaughters beets cannot hide - only run from the scene of... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 3 ratings, 618 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Pop a few blueberries in your mouth and you'll notice reduced agitation, a relaxing sensation in the eyes, and cool feeling in your skin. These visceral signs are your personal cue indicating blueberries' beneficial effect on your liver, and their... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 166 likes SAVE FOOD Bitter detoxicant, Cold vasodilator, depurative, alterative, astringent diuretic. Stimulates kidneys to eliminate uric acid. like dandelion rt but not a potassium diuretic ENZYME DEFICIENCIES