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Many doctors agree, better health starts in the digestive tract. Why? Because good digestion turns food into good blood, strengthening your immunity. Poor digestion creates weak blood. Since blood feeds your organs and your mind, poor digestion weakens your entire body and destabilizes your emotions. Matching your diet to your body type can help you improve the health of your digestive tract, overcome digestive problems, disorders and diseases, select the right digestive aids, and strengthen your digestive fire.

This free quiz can help you discover signs and symptoms of digestive imbalance. It includes an assessment of diet, appetite, stomach, small intestine, bowel elimination, and stools. When you are done you will be taken to a results page where you can view your imbalances. The results from this test will guide you to healthy food choices and recipes matching your body's unique digestive needs. This test will take approximately ten minutes to fill.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Appetite'?

Irregular Thirst
Irregular Thirst
Vata aggravating
It takes a strong digestion to get thirsty. Otherwise, water will feel heavy in the stomach. Vata individuals often forget to drink water, or fail to notice they are thirsty. Excess mucus and insufficient acids can also drown healthy thirst. Your...

Learn more about 'Irregular Thirst'.

Strong food cravings
Strong food cravings
Your body craves particular foods when in need, whether to fulfill nutritional needs, or to relieve physical or emotional discomfort. Interpreting your cravings and the meaning they communicate about your physical or emotional state, instead of...

Learn more about 'Strong food cravings'.

Strong hunger
Strong hunger
Pitta aggravating
Both physical and emotional imbalances can masquerade as feelings of strong hunger, so there is no easy answer in Ayurveda. The most common causes for an excess appetite include a thick kapha blood, fiery pitta-type metabolism, malabsorption, and...

Learn more about 'Strong hunger'.

Steady, moderate appetite
Steady, moderate appetite
A steady, moderate appetite is a measure of balanced Kapha's stamina and resiliency. Unless a Kapha person has a habit of frequent snacking, they enjoy steady, stable blood sugar levels. When you snack between meals, your body slowly forgets how to...

Learn more about 'Steady, moderate appetite'.

Large portions
Large portions
Kapha aggravating
You've probably heard the infamous phrase "your eyes are bigger than your stomach" and for those who struggle with large portions, this often rings true. There are diverse reasons for indulging in large portions, such as emotional eating, an...

Learn more about 'Large portions'.

Quickly full / early satiety
Quickly full / early satiety
Vata aggravating
The appetite is often small when there is insufficient acid production in the stomach.

Learn more about 'Quickly full / early satiety'.

Irregular/small appetite
Irregular/small appetite
Vata aggravating
The appetite is often small when there is Insufficient acid production in the stomach. This may be due to chronic dehydration. In that case, drink a glass of warm water with a pinch of salt and a wedge of lime a half hour before meals to rehydrate...

Learn more about 'Irregular/small appetite'.

Eat many small meals throughout the day
Eat many small meals throughout the day
Fasting between meals gives the digestive organs a chance to rest, and improves the ability of the body to digest fat, a stable source of energy. Although recommended by western medicine, many small meals causes blood sugar instability and leads to...

Learn more about 'Eat many small meals throughout the day'.

Anorexia, past or current
Anorexia, past or current
Vata aggravating
Anorexia means a poor or irregular appetite. Anorexia nervosa refers to a psychological disorder where the appetite is suppressed. Anorexia has been associated with stress undereating, perhaps due to low agni and poor digestion. The root of anorexia...

Learn more about 'Anorexia, past or current'.

Stress under-eater
Stress under-eater
Vata aggravating
Prevent stress from attacking the digestive tract with lower abomdinal exercises. This should help keep tension where it belongs - in the pelvic floor.

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Stress overeater
Stress overeater
When an infant cries, one of your first impulses might be to soothe it with food or a warm bottle. Food is calming. Eating causes your blood sugar to rise, bringing you back to a state of balmy ease. Eating helps brings you down to earth, abating...

Learn more about 'Stress overeater'.

Strong/frequently thirsty
Strong/frequently thirsty
Pitta aggravating
Swelling, edema, and dehydration increase a person's thirst. Consider how your body is releasing the water. If the urine is clear, you may be over hydrated. According to Ayurveda, the urine should be a pale yellow, neither too dark nor too light. If...

Learn more about 'Strong/frequently thirsty'.

Rarely Thirsty
Rarely Thirsty
Vata aggravating
It takes a strong digestion to get thirsty. Otherwise, water will feel heavy in the stomach. Vata individuals often forget to drink water, or fail to notice they are thirsty. Excess mucus and insufficient acids can also drown healthy thirst. Your...

Learn more about 'Rarely Thirsty'.

Emotional eating
Emotional eating
The kinds of food you crave can give you clues as to what's going on internally When you eat, are you truly hungry for...

Learn more about 'Emotional eating'.

Salty cravings
Salty cravings
Pitta aggravating
The body craves salt when it wishes to retain water. Swelling, inflammation, and edema draw fluids out of circulation and can actually increase salt cravings.

Learn more about 'Salty cravings'.

Sour cravings
Sour cravings
Pitta aggravating
Sour cravings are a frequent desire to eat sour food. Sour is one of the six fundamentals tastes in Ayurveda. In balanced quantities, the sour...

Learn more about 'Sour cravings'.

Craving Crunchy Foods
Craving Crunchy Foods
Kapha aggravating
Kapha people naturally crave crunchy foods because of internal dampness. In nature, most crunchy foods are drying or astringent. Most processed, modern crunchy foods like chips and bread actually provoke more dampness in the body.

Learn more about 'Craving Crunchy Foods'.

Sweet cravings
Sweet cravings
Sweet food is comforting. Anxiety, past trauma, and other insecurities can make you hungry, and contribute to emotional eating. Emotional eating can quickly become pathological. Exhaustion, stress, poor circulation and protein deficiencies also...

Learn more about 'Sweet cravings'.

Eat when abdomen painful

Which boxes best describe your 'Stomach'?

Leaky Pyloric Valve
Leaky Pyloric Valve
Pitta aggravating
The pyloric valve may leak when the stomach is overstuffed, when damaged, or when there is poor coordination.

Learn more about 'Leaky Pyloric Valve'.

Vomiting Mucus
Vomiting Mucus
Kapha aggravating
Thick mucus in the stomach blocks the action of digestive enzymes, making digestion sluggish. In Ayurveda, mucus in the stomach is called an accumulation of Kledaka Kapha - one of the 5 canonical signs of Kapha dosha aggravation. Mucus in the...

Learn more about 'Vomiting Mucus'.

Indigestion / Upset stomach
Indigestion / Upset stomach
Indigestion is often the first warning sign of imbalance. The diet should be modified to avoid foods that are difficult to digest and that cause digestive upset. See

Learn more about 'Indigestion / Upset stomach'.

Slow, heavy digestion
Slow, heavy digestion
Kapha aggravating
Do You Have the Sluggish Digestion Blues? Friends don't let friends eat Twinkies(tm). My neighbor's kids, astounded by my 15 year Twinkie fast, somehow convinced me to eat one. Against my better Ayurvedic judgment, I indulged in this...

Learn more about 'Slow, heavy digestion'.

Tired after eating
Tired after eating
You return to work after a tasty lunch. A new project sits on your desk. Rather than feeling ready to tackle it, you feel ready to take a nap. You feel tired after filling your belly, and have zero umph or inspiration. With a cloudy head and lunch...

Learn more about 'Tired after eating'.

Sour Taste in Mouth
Sour Taste in Mouth
Pitta aggravating
A sour taste in the mouth could indicate acid reflux.

Learn more about 'Sour Taste in Mouth'.

Frequent Burping
Frequent Burping
Vata aggravating Kapha aggravating
Introduction Everyone burps from time to time. Despite it being somewhat embarrassing, most people don't give burping a second thought. Have you ever stopped to think what your burps might be trying to tell you? Ayurveda has....

Learn more about 'Frequent Burping'.

Metallic Taste in Mouth
Metallic Taste in Mouth
Pitta aggravating
Blood has a metallic taste. Bleeding gums, gastrointestinal bleeding and acid reflux may cause a metallic taste.

Learn more about 'Metallic Taste in Mouth'.

Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux
If heavy foods like cheeseburgers, burritos and ice cream trigger acid reflux, your stomach acid is probably too weak. Most acid reflux is triggered by...

Learn more about 'Acid Reflux'.

Pitta aggravating
Most people who have acid reflux have hypoacidity, or too little acid. Only a stomach acid test can confirm if you have too much or too little acid. Hyperacidity can result from stress, high Kapha, or high Pitta. Hyperacidity may result from bile or...

Learn more about 'Hyperacidity'.

Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal Hernia
Pitta aggravating
A hernia is a protrusion of an organ through an opening. In this case, a hiatal hernia is a protrusion of the stomach through the diaphragm. The diaphragm is big dome-shaped muscle above stomach that separates the lungs and heart from the stomach ,...

Learn more about 'Hiatal Hernia'.

Sores inside mouth
Sores inside mouth
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Sores inside the mouth are often a sign of inflammation throughout the GI tract. Acidic foods like tomato or vinegar, irritating foods like coffee or chilis may aggravate intestinal mucosa, or flareups of intestinal bacteria may cause inflammation.

Learn more about 'Sores inside mouth'.

Pitta aggravating
Are You So Hungry It Hurts? You Might Have Gastritis. Hunger doesn't always come from a big appetite. Sometimes, it's a side-effect of inflammation. I once had a client that was 100 lbs overweight because she was always...

Learn more about 'Gastritis'.

Stomach Ulcer
Stomach Ulcer
Vata aggravating
An ulcer is an open wound or sore on the lining of the GI tract. If you have a stomach ulcer, you may experience a gnawing or scraping sensation in your upper abdomen, usually in the top center or slightly to the left. This article will help...

Learn more about 'Stomach Ulcer'.

Frequent Nausea
Frequent Nausea
Nobody likes vomit. Especially other people's vomit. I remember the night my little sister vomited on me while I was sleeping. When my eyes came into focus, I found my sister had not only vomited, she had also passed out. Waking up in a puddle of...

Learn more about 'Frequent Nausea'.

Pitta aggravating
Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. Often, contents of the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, are also discharged. Vomiting is caused by irritants and harmful agents, such as viruses, bacteria,...

Learn more about 'Vomiting'.

Vomiting Blood
Vomiting Blood
Vata aggravating
The picture to the left shows blood that has been digested in the stomach. The oxidation of hemoglobin by stomach acids gives the vomit has a brown granular appearance similar to coffee grounds. Bleeding in the upper GI is usually due to an ulcer or...

Learn more about 'Vomiting Blood'.

Morning Sickness
Morning Sickness
Pitta aggravating
Morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting experienced by a woman in the early stages of pregnancy. It can lead to hyperemesis gravidarum - a serious condition of frequent vomiting during pregnancy. Charlotte Bronte, the author of Jane Eyre, died...

Learn more about 'Morning Sickness'.

Bulimia, past or current
Bulimia, past or current
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
It's not about food Often with bulimia, we get caught in thinking that food is the problem; we think that if cookies, chips, and other junky "binge" foods didn't exist, we wouldn't have a problem. But, food is merely a...

Learn more about 'Bulimia, past or current'.

Frequent Hiccup
Frequent Hiccup
Vata aggravating
Hiccup or hiccoughs can result from overstimulation of the vagus nerve after eating hot or spicy foods. A 'burp' trapped by mucus can cause hiccups as well.

Learn more about 'Frequent Hiccup'.

Abdominal surgery
Abdominal surgery
Abdominal surgery includes stomach, gall bladder, small intestine, colon, bladder, and reproductive organ surgical procedures. Stomach surgery is an operation or procedure performed on the stomach. There are many types of stomach surgery....

Learn more about 'Abdominal surgery'.

Stomach band
Recurrent Vomiting
Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning
Food poisoning is the illness caused by ingesting food or water contaminated with harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Salmonella and E. coli are examples of bacteria that commonly cause food poisoning. Symptoms include...

Learn more about 'Food Poisoning'.

H pylori infection
H pylori infection
Do You Have the #1 Gut Infection in the World? Flip a coin and that's the likelihood you are infected right now. Over 50% of the world's population battles this gutsy bug[1] , making it...

Learn more about 'H pylori infection'.

Deep Cracks on Tongue
Many cracks on tongue
Many cracks on tongue
Vata aggravating
Most people don't even notice cracks on their tongues. But in Ayurveda, these cracks tell important stories about what's happening in your body. They can be an early warning sign that your digestive tract is degenerating or that your body is...

Learn more about 'Many cracks on tongue'.

Which boxes best describe your 'Small Intestine'?

Steady, strong digestion
Steady, strong digestion
Pitta aggravating
Pitta individuals have strong digestion and good production of enzymes. They get hungry on time and are irritable when meals are late. When their stomach is empty it feels irritated. Pitta individuals may overeat. Over time, Pitta digestion wanes...

Learn more about 'Steady, strong digestion'.

Gas, irregular digestion
Gas, irregular digestion
Vata aggravating
Got a gassy gut? Frequent farting and flatulence isn't just embarrassing, it's also unhealthy. Prompt action is necessary. Passing gas is an important warning sign your body has weak digestion, metabolism, and compromised immunity. Gas is considered...

Learn more about 'Gas, irregular digestion'.

Gurgling Noises
Gurgling Noises
Gurgling noises indicate the presence of gas or fluids. Easy to digest foods, massage, stretching, and appropriate use of laxative should help to eliminate the stagnant gas and fecal matter.

Learn more about 'Gurgling Noises'.

Smelly Gas
Smelly Gas
Pitta aggravating
Gas is a sign of toxicity in your body. When you eat food and it doesn't digest well, it ferments in you gut. As the food rots it starts to smell. When food is poorly digested, toxins enter your bloodstream. This heavily taxes your liver and...

Learn more about 'Smelly Gas'.

Bloating / distension
Bloating / distension
Vata aggravating
Bloating and distension can come from trapped gas, stagnant stools, uterine swelling during menstruation, or other causes. The gas becomes trapped if the muscles of the abdomen are too tense, if bowel tone is too lax, if peristalsis is asynchronous,...

Learn more about 'Bloating / distension'.

Nervous stomach / butterflies
Nervous stomach / butterflies
Vata aggravating
Introduction When you experience a "nervous stomach," a looming sense of uneasiness overwhelms your abdomen, right to the pit of your gut. You get that familiar "uh-oh" feeling, even in situations where the threat is...

Learn more about 'Nervous stomach / butterflies'.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Vata aggravating
Origins & IntroductionWhether due to past trauma, digestive disorders, or habitual lifestlye of change, some people have never experienced true 'comfort' in their gut. Anxiety, from an Ayurvedic perspective, attacks the gut...

Learn more about 'Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)'.

Intestinal colic / spasm / cramping
Intestinal colic / spasm / cramping
Vata aggravating
Normally, the intestines contract in a wave-like motion called peristalsis, propelling the food or fecal matter smoothly through the intestinal tract. Sometimes, the intestines contract in an irregular way leading to colicky pain and cramping. This...

Learn more about 'Intestinal colic / spasm / cramping'.

Vata aggravating
Malabsorption is the inability to absorb nutrients from food. The problem may be general, or specific to a certain nutrient. Some common types include fat, carbohydrate, protein, fructose, bile, iron, vitamin A, D, B12 or vitamin K...

Learn more about 'Malabsorption'.

Inguinal hernia
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Are Your Intestines Keeping You Safe? Your intestinal walls are supposed to be bullet-proof, a wall between your body and the contents in your intestines. When this barrier is compromised, bacteria, toxins in the gut, as...

Learn more about 'Leaky Gut Syndrome'.

Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria
Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria
Vata aggravating
Should You Get Tested for a Parasite?A parasite can wreak havoc on your body. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms caused by parasites are common to individuals who don't have parasites as well. That leaves everyone wondering -...

Learn more about 'Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria'.

Blastocystis hominis
Blastocystis hominis
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Blastocystis hominis is a protozoan bacteria. Billions of people have Blastocystis hominis have no symptoms. Blasto was not even considered a 'bad bacteria' by most doctors until the 2000s. Even if you have Blasto, look for other potential root...

Learn more about 'Blastocystis hominis'.

Traveler's Diarrhea
Traveler's Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a serious condition that should be reviewed by a medical doctor. Traveler's diarrhea is often due to parasite infestation. It is impportant to treat parasites quickly.

Learn more about 'Traveler's Diarrhea'.

Food allergy
Food allergy
Pitta aggravating
Food allergies are an abnormal immune reaction to certain foods. For many reasons, food allergies have become more common. This article explores the causes of food allergies, as well as ways to identify and manage them. Food allergies cause a...

Learn more about 'Food allergy'.

Nut allergy
Peanut allergy
Citrus allergy
Citrus allergy
Pitta aggravating
There is a misconception that it is the citric acid in citrus fruits that causes allergies, but it is proteins and substances specific to citrus fruit, and not the acid. Read more: Citrus Allergy Symptoms |

Learn more about 'Citrus allergy'.

Lactose Intolerant
Lactose Intolerant
Fasting from dairy for several months can lead to lactose intolerance, as your body no longer produces dairy digesting enzymes. Many lactose intolerant clients report that they can eat ghee without symptoms.

Learn more about 'Lactose Intolerant'.

Wheat Intolerance
Wheat Intolerance
A wheat intolerance is an inability to digest wheat. A gluten allergy is slightly different. Gluten is a protein molecule found in wheat and some other grass family foods (such as barley). A gluten allergy means that your immune system attacks the...

Learn more about 'Wheat Intolerance'.

Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease
Pitta aggravating
Celiac disease is an allergy to wheat. Wheat intolerance (the inability to digest wheat) and wheat allergies are different even though the symptoms may be similar. In celiac disease, the immune system attacks the gluten. The symptoms are generally...

Learn more about 'Celiac Disease'.

Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Pitta aggravating
A GI Bleed may occur spontaneously in those who are on blood thinners. As a person ages, the colon becomes more fragile and occult bleeding becomes more common. IBD including ulcerative colitis and crohn's may cause fecal occult blood and more...

Learn more about 'Gastrointestinal Bleeding'.

Red meat intolerant
Fruits Cause Gas
Fruits Cause Gas
Fructose malabsorption affects up to 30% of the population in western countries. A healthy individual can digest between 25g-50g of fructose per meal. Poor fructose digestion results in gas & bloating, as the fructose is quickly fermented by...

Learn more about 'Fruits Cause Gas'.

Lumps on Surface of Belly
Lumps on Surface of Belly
Kapha aggravating
These may be lipomas (benign) however this condition should be checked by a medical doctor. Ayurveda considers lipomas of the abdomen a sign of lipid and lymphatic stagnation of the belly, a Kapha condition.

Learn more about 'Lumps on Surface of Belly'.

Short Bowel Syndrome
Intestinal Perforation
Intestinal Perforation
Vata aggravating
Intestinal perforation is an emergency, life threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Learn more about 'Intestinal Perforation'.

Duodenal Ulcer
Duodenal Ulcer
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
An ulcer is an open wound or sore on the lining of the GI tract. If you have a stomach ulcer, you may experience a gnawing or scraping sensation in your upper abdomen, usually in the top center or slightly to the left. This article will help...

Learn more about 'Duodenal Ulcer'.

Intestinal Obstruction
Palpable Mass in Abdomen
Palpable Mass in Abdomen
Vata aggravating
A moving palpable mass in the abdomen could signify the presence of gas or impacted fecal matter. An immovable mass could indicate tissue changes. Either way, this condition should be reviewed by a medical doctor. Enema and purgation therapy may be...

Learn more about 'Palpable Mass in Abdomen'.

Strong abdominal pulse
Strong abdominal pulse
Pitta aggravating
A strong abdominal pulse indicates that abdominal organs are stressed, perhaps due to proliferation of bacteria, or occlusion of blood vessels by gas and fecal matter.

Learn more about 'Strong abdominal pulse'.

Indigestion after cheese/fatty foods


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Asheville, North Carolina