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Free Dosha Quiz: Find Your Ayurvedic Body Type

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Are You Vata, Pitta or Kapha?

This free dosha quiz will help you determine your ayurvedic body type, whether Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Ayurveda recognizes three body types, called doshas. They are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each of these doshic body types uses metabolic energy in a unique way. Vata spends energy. Pitta manages it. Kapha stores it. Your body type effects your physical constitution, psychology and way of thinking. Each body type tends to characteristic imbalances as well.

Once you know your dosha, this website helps you balance your unique body type with food, herbs, and lifestyle suggestions! When you are done with this quiz you will be taken to a results page where you can view your doshas, see the diet for your body type, and see product recommendations matching your body type. This test will take approximately four minutes to fill.

Please choose the answers that most accurately fit your body for most of your life.

Vata Dosha

Pitta Dosha

Kapha Dosha

Body Frame
Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles
Medium, symmetrical with good muscle development
Stocky, round, broad or large
Lose weight easily
Constant weight
Gain weight easily
Sunken chest, ribs showing
Medium chest
Broad, large chest
Slender, thin hips
Medium hips
Wide, Heavy Hips
Irregular schedule / eating times
Long workday
Good at keeping a routine
Light sleeper
Sleep well, average length
Sleep deep & long, trouble waking up
Irregular/small appetite
Strong hunger
Steady, moderate appetite
Irregular Thirst
Strong/frequently thirsty
Rarely Thirsty
Gas, irregular digestion
Steady, strong digestion
Slow, heavy digestion
Thin skin
Thick skin
Warm & rosy skin
Dry, dark, frizzy hair
Fine, straight, light or reddish hair
Thick Hair
Sunken, small, active, dark eyes
Sharp, gray, green, light brown eyes
Large, calm, loving eyes
Thin lips
Bright red lips, face or palms
Large, smooth lips
Talks quickly
Sharp language
Slow, monotonous speech
Anxiety, fear, uncertainty
Anger, irritable, ambitious, analytical
Calm, greedy, stagnant
Mood changes quickly
Intense emotions
Steady emotions
Creative, imaginative
Intelligent, efficient, perfectionist
Caring, calm, patient
Conflict makes me
Conflict makes me restless
Conflict makes me angry, irritable
Conflict makes me depressed, lazy
Poor, spends frivolously
Medium wealth, spends on luxuries
Rich, holds onto money
Make and change friends often
Friends are work related, change with job
Friendships are long lasting, sincere
Short bursts of energy
Medium stamina
Steady, high stamina
Avoids cold
Avoids heat
Avoids humidity
Hyperactive, quick
Moderate pace, goal oriented activity
Slow and steady activity

Register for only $250/month! Receive an advanced, clinically focused Ayurvedic education. In these rigorous online Ayurveda courses, you will study Ayurvedic medicine, digestive tract pathology, pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, diet, lifestyle, herbal formulations, and much more. No travel required.


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