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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 794 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Aloe includes more than 250 species of flowering succulents and is native to Africa, Madagascar and Jordan. It is closely related to cactus, yucca and onion. For thousands of years and across many cultures, aloe has been used to heal a variety of... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 166 likes SAVE FOOD Bitter detoxicant, Cold vasodilator, depurative, alterative, astringent diuretic. Stimulates kidneys to eliminate uric acid. like dandelion rt but not a potassium diuretic 216 likes SAVE FOOD In the Middle Ages, caraway seeds were served with a bit of sugar as a digestive after a big meal, much the way sugar coated fennel is eaten after a meal in India. 509 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree in the Lauraceae family native to Sri Lanka. Other members of this family include sassafras, avocado, camphor, and spicebush. Trees of the laurel family, including cinnamon, predominate in the world's laurel forests.... 356 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Cloves are native to India and Indonesia. They are the aromatic dried flower bud of a tree in the same family as Eucalyptus and Guava (Myrtaceae family). Cloves resemble a nail in shape. The English name 'clove' derives from the latin 'clavus'... 239 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Cranberries grow in acidic bogs. Early settlers in North American thought cranberry flowers looked like a crane, and named them 'craneberry'. They are a major commercial crop in North America. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 4 ratings, 434 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Appreciated since ancient times, cumin's aroma has wafted through kitchens since at least the second millennium BC, even flavoring breads and soups mentioned in the Bible. The highly valued spice was a currency to pay tithes to priests. The ancient... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES