Table of ContentsAre you prone to a problem with 'Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Blood and Circulation by taking the free blood and circulation quiz: AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE ON MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS)>Introduction Do people think of you as being hypersensitive and reactive - to food, chemicals, emotions, or situations that don't go your way? Food and chemical sensitivity can impact your life satisfaction in many difficult ways. Being sensitive to foods can lead to awkwardness in social situations, when you have to ask the host or waiter, "Is there dairy/gluten/sesame/etc. in this?." Pangs of regret and "I wish I hadn't said that," might be familiar thoughts to sensitive, irritable individuals with reactions beyond their control. A spray of perfume or cleaning chemical at a table nearby can ruin an evening out for the chemically sensitive. And an allergy to your host's cat can be difficult to conceal if your eyes are puffy, your nose red, and you are pulling out a hanky every few minutes. Being sensitive and reactive can make even simple life situations hard to negotiate.Having an adverse reaction to certain chemicals, particularly in high doses, is normal. Being emotionally sensitive can be a good thing - raising awareness of others around you. However, some people have heightened sensitivities to many things - food, chemicals, materials, and situations that make life a roller coaster ride physically and emotionally. We've had clients call before visiting our clinic to ensure that none of us wear perfume in the office (we don't). In severe cases, heightened sensitivities is a condition known as multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). These seemingly endless sensitivities can provoke anxiety and withdrawal from normal life activities. Or, cause others to get frustrated and angry with you for seeming "difficult" or hard to accommodate, not understanding the struggle of being sensitive.. If you have MCS, avoiding all of the substances that provoke a reaction can seem nearly impossible. Trying to hide your reactions doesn't help because symptoms are often visible, causing a break out in hives. It may provoke a headache, dizziness, or make you irritable. Strong smells and perfumes can make you feel nauseous. Being highly reactive can make simple tasks, such as grocery shopping, a difficult feat. Just walking down the cleaning aisle of the grocery store may irritate your nostrils and cause you to feel woozy. Between individuals with normal sensitivities and those who have MCS is a broad spectrum. We all know sturdy individuals that can swill down a few beers without hardly a buzz, while for others with delicate constitutions a few sips of wine leads to a headache and hangover the next morning. These individuals also tend to be extra allergic to poison ivy, have food allergies, autoimmune conditions, and experience motion sickness in boats or cars. They may have strong or perfectionist personalities. If "being sensitive" describes you, emotionally or physically, this article will help you understand some of the physical reasons why. It will walk you through the challenges of being oversensitive, but most importantly, it will show you remedies that can minimize hyper-reactivity to improve your quality of life. In Ayurveda, all sensitivity, whether emotional or physical, comes down to a weak and fiery liver. The Challenges of Being Highly SensitiveBeing highly sensitive can have repercussions in all areas of your life. It can affect your relationships, work performance, and enthusiasm to go out and socialize with friends. Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is perhaps one of the most difficult conditions to live with, but fortunately it can be managed with Ayurveda.The wide range of symptoms in MCS makes it hard to classify from a western standpoint. Some medical professionals do not consider it to be a "real" illness as there is no consensus on its diagnosis yet. It has also been rejected as a disease by multiple organizations including the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, and the American Medical Association. As a result, you are left confused with few concrete answers, struggling to manage your symptoms as best as possible. It can also be incredibly challenging, and even embarrassing, to explain to friends and family what is happening. Sometimes it can just be easier to avoid a situation instead of trying to explain the details of why you are feeling unwell or leaving early. Medically, there are no reliable tests that give definitive evidence of multiple chemical sensitivity. While the exact pathogenesis and means of treatment of MCS remains unknown to western medicine, in Ayurveda this condition simply comes down to supporting the liver. While it may not be possible to completely overcome your sensitivities, through Ayurveda, it is possible to reduce the severity of your reactions, allowing you to enjoy daily life unencumbered. Sensitivity Comes From a Weak Liver
In Ayurveda, MCS is associated with the liver. You might even notice liver pain under the right rib cage, a sign your liver is inflamed or enlarged. Simply put, Ayurveda believes that weakness in the liver aggravates Pitta dosha. When Pitta is aggravated, inflammatory and immune system responses are heightened which makes your body very sensitive to irritation. Being sensitive s associated with fire element.
The liver is a detox organ. It detoxifies the blood and the end products of your digestion. It can become inflamed or "overwhelmed" due overexposure to toxins, such as in chronic gas and bloating, leaky gut, and following chemotherapy.. Also, exposure to allergens, fatty liver disease, and other inflammatory conditions can all weaken the liver. Once the liver becomes too weak to effectively clear toxins (like alcohol) from the bloodstream, even a small sip of wine causes high levels of blood toxicity. A weakened liver is unable to protect the body from the harmful effect of chemicals. When the liver is weak and it can't process toxins, it leads to hypersensitivity including symptoms such as nausea, allergies, irritability and sensitivity to smells. This causes a vicious cycle because the more sensitive you are, the more inflamed and weaker the liver becomes. Pitta types tend to have the most sensitive livers and struggle to process an influx of toxins, say from a very strong perfume or paint fumes. If your diet is deficient in healthy fats and oils, you may also notice your liver is too weak to process toxins. This is more common in underweight Vata individuals. Why is My Immune System Overstimulated?
When there is an over abundance of toxins and chemicals (ama) in the bloodstream, due to a weakened or "overwhelmed" liver, the immune system takes over to cleanup the mess, and can become highly reactive. It sees every substances as a foreign invader and tries to purge the harmful pathogen from the body either through production of antibodies, consumption by white blood cells, diarrhea, vomiting or sweating.
Alternatively, the immune system is overstimulated by existing immune conditions. These can include a lingering viral infection from the distant past such as mono, frequent exposure to an allergen, or an autoimmune condition. Anything that over stimulates the immune system also weakens the liver, cascading chemical and emotional sensitivity. Reducing Sensitivities Naturally
If you suspect MCS, or just feel you are more sensitive than most, an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle can strengthen the liver and calm a reactive immune system. By supporting these systems, both physical and emotional sensitivities will start to dissipate.
LifestyleThe first step to overcome multiple sensitivities is to avoid triggers as much as possible, or at least the ones you are most sensitive to. Ultimately, the goal is that your immune system and liver will be able to cope when you interact with these triggers. Meanwhile, it is important to give your body a chance to rest and recover. Here are a few ways to minimize your daily interaction with chemicals:If you haven't already, swap all chemical based products in your home for natural alternatives. Remove chemical based cleaners and use a dilute of apple cider vinegar in warm water as a multipurpose cleaner. Lemon juice and baking soda will remove difficult to budge dirt in both the bathroom and kitchen. Chose non-toxic and unscented dish soap and make sure to vacate the house for the day if it is being painted or if the garden is being sprayed. Favor pleasant, mild scents from lavender, rose petals and cardamon in your home, avoiding air fresheners completely. For some people, even fresh flowers can be aggravating. Cleaning your home with natural products, especially lemons, will give it a fresh, natural scent too. Perfumes and aerosol deodorants are also common triggers. Many people with MCS have reactions to essential oils too, so going fragrance free is often the best option. Instead of drugstore skin products, introduce herbal soaps like aloe and neem and natural moisturizers like coconut oil. Get fresh air daily, preferably in a park or green area away from heavy traffic and car fumes. As well as removing toxic chemicals from your daily life, it is essential to minimize intense emotions, anxiety, and stress too. Intense emotions aggravate and weaken the liver. Implement a daily routine to reduce unnecessary stress and restore order to your day, ensuring you take adequate time to rest. Consider your current coping mechanisms for stress. Do you have the faith you need to face obstacles with grace? Make sure to go to bed by 10-10.30pm each night as staying up later than this strains the liver. Practice belly breathing and a few minutes of meditation or repetitive prayer each day to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, or "rest and digest" mode. This helps calm feelings of stress, tension, and anxiety and supports a sense of ease. Medical trials are currently being developed to test the efficacy of mindfulness cognitive behavioral therapy (MCBT) for the treatment of multiple chemical sensitivities. DietUndergoing an elimination diet can help determine if you have food allergies which may be aggravating the immune system. If you suspect food allergies, it is always a good idea to get tested for medical confirmation too. Eating foods you have a reaction to means the immune system is consistently on high alert. A reactive immune system will be affected more acutely by chemical sensitivities.To care for the liver, avoid alcohol and coffee. Favor mildly sweet, oily, sour, and cooling foods, such as cooked apples, coconut oil, blueberries, and foods rich in beta carotene, like carrots and sweet potatoes. Chicken or cow liver is an excellent way to strengthen the liver, as are cooling foods such as pomegranate and ghee. Include a daily dose of mildly bitter leafy greens which will cleanse the liver gently. Avoid any rough or intense cleansing techniques which could weaken the liver further. Bone broth and ghee both help reduce sensitivities by restoring the lining of the gut wall if leaky gut or chemo have caused damage. Avoid irritating foods like coffee, alcohol, cayenne pepper, and jalapenos which can irritate the delicate lining of the intestines, particularly if it is already inflamed. For long-term management, follow a pitta pacifying diet of easy to digest foods. HerbsLiver Nourish & Support is a specially formulated herbal tea for sensitive and reactive people. Instead of cleansing a sensitive & reactive liver, it rebuilds it.Guduchi, in particular, is among the top herbs for reducing sensitivities and strengthening the liver. It is well known for its cleansing effect on the liver while also having adaptogenic and immune tonifying properties, helping calm a reactive immune system. Licorice root is soothing and cooling to the liver. It can be used to tonify and restore liver strength. Liver cleansers and hepatoprotectives, such as bhringaraj and milk thistle, can be used to reduce toxic accumulations while also supporting and protecting the liver. For mild liver cleansing, try amalaki. Cilantro is known for it immune calming properties. Conclusion
Dealing with heightened sensitivities, either physical or emotional, can be both draining and worrisome. You may wonder why everyone else can go about daily life with minimal reactions while you are left feeling fatigued, sick, and upset. Will the list of triggering substances continue to grow? How will you cope if your sensitivities worsen? Overcoming multiple sensitivities can feel like an endless burden, particularly when others don't seem to understand what you are dealing with.
If you're highly sensitive and can't find a solution to your symptoms, Ayurveda can help you get to the root of the problem by supporting the liver and the immune system. While your sensitivities may never disappear completely, you can reduce the severity of reactions to through diet and lifestyle. By removing offending substances, nourishing the liver and calming a reactive immune system, you will be able to go about your daily life free from the constraints of your sensitivities. ARE YOU NEW TO AYURVEDA? GET THE BASICSWHAT HAS ALREADY HELPED YOU HEAL MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS)?Improve the accuracy of your recommendations by letting us know what is working.DIET REMEDIES FOR 'MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS)'
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HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS FOR 'MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS)'Please check with your medical doctor before making any changes to your health & wellness routine, and for the proper use of these products.
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![]() MORE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION TIPSDISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. Balance Your Body with Diet, Herbs, & Lifestyles Having These BiocharacteristicsEverything you eat has an effect on your body, which Ayurveda categorizes in a simple and easy way, using biocharacteristics (gunas). Biocharacteristics are qualities (like cold and hot) that describe the effect a food or herb has on your body. Cooling foods like cucumber, decrease metabolism. Heating foods like chili pepper, stimulate your body and increase metabolism. For 'Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)', you should select foods with the following biocharacteristics. Individual results will vary, based on your body type and the root cause of your imbalance.MATCH WITH YOUR WELLNESS PROFILECOLD ABOUT COLD BIOCHARACTERISTICCold refers to anything that reduces body temperature, metabolism, and blood flow.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Cold' gunaBITTER ABOUT BITTER BIOCHARACTERISTICBitter taste has cholagogue action - it is cold, clear, light, and stimulating. It increases digestive enzymes, laxative, and drying.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Bitter' tasteSOUR ABOUT SOUR BIOCHARACTERISTICSour refers to anything fermented or acidic.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Sour' tasteSWEET ABOUT SWEET BIOCHARACTERISTICSweet refers to anything builds tissue, including macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Sweet' tasteTo learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. INTERNAL-DETOXICANTLiquefies, dissolves, decongests or dislodges internal stagnant toxins. Decongests the lymphatic system.ANTI-INFLAMMATORYReduces inflammation in the body. Different herbs and carriers target different body systems.IMMUNE-CALMINGHerbs that interrupt an allergic reaction or calm the immune system, useful in allergies and autoimmune conditions.REPAIRS-MEMBRANEReduces inflammation and allergen reactivity by restoring epithelial barrier function. Repairs tight cell junction in leaky gut, interstitial cystitis, eczema, asthma, etc.ALTERATIVERestores the proper function of the body by cleansing the blood and balancing blood chemistry. In Ayurveda terms, they pacify Pitta in rakta. They were traditionally used to revitalize and detoxify after a long winter.HEPATOPROTECTIVEAn herb that is capable of preventing liver damage. Many hepatoprotectives work via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.LIVOTONICAn herb that strengthens the liver. It is helpful for people with a history of substance abuse, chronic liver issues from hepatitis and hemolytic anemias. Generally, liver tonics are oily, cool, sweet, mildly sour, or contain beta-carotene.FLAVONOIDSFlavonoids are a colorful type of polyphenol. As all polyphenols, they have a strong antioxidant effect. Many flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory, and/or antiallergen effect.ROSMARINIC-ACIDInhibits autoantibodies from binding to TSH receptors in the thyroid.![]() Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. HOW TO ADDRESS ISSUES IN STAGE OF DISEASE #2MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS) IS IN STAGE OF DISEASE #2 - AFFECTING BLOOD & EMOTIONSAffecting Blood: Initially, imbalances are localized, often in the digestive tract. As an imbalance grows, it starts to affect your body systemically, via the blood. If you have symptoms in this category it means that your imbalances are starting to spread, have entered the bloodstream, and are now systemic. Pay particular attention to the biocharacteristics, tastes, and doshas out of balance systemically, so you know how to strengthen your body as a whole, and reduce physical stress on your organs. At this stage of imbalance you will begin to experience generalized discomfort, imbalanced emotions, and may develop sensitivities to temperature. It may take several weeks of strict adherence to a specific remedial diet to clear blood level imbalances. Blood cleansing herbs may reduce symptoms. A several day cleanse may shorten the recovery time. AVOID DIETS, LIFESTYLES & HERBS THAT AGGRAVATE THESE EFFECTSAccording to Ayurveda, one or more of the following doshas and biocharacteristics may aggravate 'Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)'. If you have an excess of one of these doshas or biocharacteristics below, Ayurveda recommends reducing foods and lifestyle habits that aggravate them. Click on the biocharacteristic to learn what foods and lifestyle habits should be reduced.![]() Symptoms Tell A Story The first step to healing is learning patterns from your symptoms. Symptoms are clues that reveal underlying imbalances. Symptoms show you where your body is weakened. Ultimately, all disease has a root in tissues too weak to defend itself. Ayurveda describes these patterns of weakness using doshas & biocharacteristics. If you notice a biocharacteristic or dosha appears next to many of your symptoms, it helps you establish a pattern that may be systemic.
To learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. Are you prone to a problem with 'Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Blood and Circulation by taking the free blood and circulation quiz: RELATED SYMPTOMS & HABITSThe following symptoms & habits may be related to 'Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)'. See your quiz results for a computerized assessment of your body type. Please click on the symptoms below to learn more about them.Biocharacteristics of 2,279 People Reporting Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)On average the biocharacteristics of people reporting Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) were more aggravated than 95% of other symptoms. From the 2,279 people who reported Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) in this research study of 74,671 individuals, average deviation in biocharacteristic levels were the following:BIOCHARACTERISTICAVG CLIENT LEVEL %%CASES (#)#IMBALANCE Pungent Sign
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pungent.
29.5% (672)
6,802 have Pungent constitution
Pitta Sign
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42.7% (972)
10,540 have Pitta constitution
Hot Sign
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27.7% (632)
7,949 have Hot constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Vata.
35.8% (815)
11,554 have Vata constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Bitter.
33.2% (757)
8,626 have Bitter constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Cold.
20.4% (465)
8,107 have Cold constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Dry.
32.8% (748)
9,009 have Dry constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Light.
31.4% (715)
9,391 have Light constitution
Toxic Aggravates
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43.2% (984)
7,099 have Toxic constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Astringent.
24.5% (558)
8,068 have Astringent constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Gooey.
12.9% (294)
7,069 have Gooey constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Sour.
24.4% (556)
7,528 have Sour constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Difficult.
45.9% (1,047)
8,532 have Difficult constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Salty.
36.9% (842)
7,179 have Salty constitution
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25.4% (579)
9,650 have Sweet constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Kapha.
24.8% (565)
12,745 have Kapha constitution
Risk Factors of Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
Below you will see general risk factors as well as the greatest risk factors, i.e. those who were also more likely to report Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).
Overall, 6.22% of people surveyed in this research study reported Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).
SYMPTOM (Cases)Cases With Both% Reporting ThisIncrease from 6.22%Review These Common Risk Factors Feel underweight (2358)
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50% more often
Feel overweight (25362)
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10% less often
Hyperactive, quick (19615)
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40% less often
Fatigue / tired (16721)
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40% more often
Male (1336)
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30% less often
Female (26227)
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10% more often
Detergent allergy (3204)
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340% more often
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (227)
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320% more often
Liver Sore (883)
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300% more often
Chronic Infection (1413)
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300% more often
Citrus allergy (670)
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280% more often
Parasite passed in stool (353)
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270% more often
Joint pain after eating (712)
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270% more often
Pancreatic Insufficiency (545)
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270% more often
Painful rash (516)
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270% more often
Enlarged Spleen (328)
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260% more often
Liver Degeneration (200)
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44 Small number of cases 22%
250% more often
Neuralgia (784)
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250% more often
Fibromyalgia (3094)
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230% more often
Gallbladder Inflammation (1070)
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230% more often
Convulsions (156)
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31 Small number of cases 19.9%
220% more often
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) (4107)
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220% more often
Fever (Current) (294)
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220% more often
Lungs Irritated / Inflamed (1038)
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210% more often
Blood thick / Congested lymph (1069)
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210% more often
Skin sensitivity to chemicals (7584)
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210% more often
Nut allergy (960)
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200% more often
Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria (1615)
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200% more often
Non-healing sore / ulcer (816)
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200% more often
Flat rash (526)
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200% more often
Hypoglycemic (2714)
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190% more often
Oozing Sores on Skin (292)
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190% more often
Purpura (429)
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180% more often
Croup (176)
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31 Small number of cases 17.6%
180% more often
Interstitial Cystitis (878)
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180% more often
Swollen lymph nodes - hips (899)
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180% more often
Peanut allergy (788)
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180% more often
Rheumatic Fever (146)
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25 Small number of cases 17.1%
170% more often
Swollen lymph nodes (2365)
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170% more often
Celiac Disease (1108)
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170% more often
Poor discernment of temperature (1393)
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170% more often
Fragile skin/breaks easily (1846)
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170% more often
Sensitive to Alcohol (5846)
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170% more often
Raised & bumpy rash (1605)
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170% more often
Skin growths - other (619)
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170% more often
Malabsorption (4275)
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170% more often
Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain (1126)
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170% more often
Leaky Gut Syndrome (4834)
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170% more often
Lumps on Surface of Belly (713)
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170% more often
Guarding area of pain (886)
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170% more often
Skin Allergy / Contact dermatitis (1872)
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170% more often
Jaundice (568)
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160% more often
Prolapsed colon (272)
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44 Small number of cases 16.2%
160% more often
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting) (1259)
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160% more often
Food allergy (7844)
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160% more often
Burning / painful urination (1010)
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160% more often
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain (1417)
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160% more often
Hives (2397)
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150% more often
Weakness / Debility (3964)
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150% more often
Blood or pus in mucus (462)
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150% more often
Mold allergy (7586)
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150% more often
Intestinal Perforation (142)
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22 Small number of cases 15.5%
150% more often
Lichen planus (206)
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32 Small number of cases 15.5%
150% more often
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (194)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
30 Small number of cases 15.5%
150% more often
Staph infection (1066)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Staph infection.
150% more often
Swollen lymph nodes - arm pits (2014)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Swollen lymph nodes - arm pits.
150% more often
Chronic Fungus infection (2556)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Chronic Fungus infection.
150% more often
Autoimmune Disorders (5726)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Autoimmune Disorders.
150% more often
Mononucleosis (Past) (2257)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Mononucleosis (Past).
150% more often
Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc (1069)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc.
150% more often
Intestinal Obstruction (352)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Intestinal Obstruction.
140% more often
Cardiac Insufficiency (139)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Cardiac Insufficiency.
21 Small number of cases 15.1%
140% more often
Skin Infection (608)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin Infection.
140% more often
Palpable Mass in Abdomen (267)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Palpable Mass in Abdomen.
40 Small number of cases 15%
140% more often
Laryngitis (906)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Laryngitis.
140% more often
Nerve Damage (293)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Nerve Damage.
44 Small number of cases 15%
140% more often
Skin Rash (5387)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin Rash.
140% more often
Gout (451)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Gout.
140% more often
Food Poisoning (1032)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Food Poisoning.
140% more often
Red meat intolerant (1829)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Red meat intolerant.
140% more often
Seizures (452)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Seizures.
140% more often
Atherosclerosis (189)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Atherosclerosis.
28 Small number of cases 14.8%
140% more often
Whooping Cough (232)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Whooping Cough.
34 Small number of cases 14.7%
140% more often
Skin problems entire body (1396)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin problems entire body.
140% more often
Scabies (211)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Scabies.
31 Small number of cases 14.7%
140% more often
Goiter (482)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Goiter.
140% more often
Pressure in eye (2299)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pressure in eye.
140% more often
Feel pain more than other people (4736)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Feel pain more than other people.
130% more often
Heaviness in heart area (2680)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Heaviness in heart area.
130% more often
Wheat Intolerance (6953)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Wheat Intolerance.
130% more often
Duodenal Ulcer (373)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Duodenal Ulcer.
130% more often
Nipple Fissures / Candida / Skin Problems (827)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Nipple Fissures / Candida / Skin Problems.
130% more often
Exercise aggravates symptoms (5106)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Exercise aggravates symptoms.
130% more often
Inflamed skin (2135)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Inflamed skin.
130% more often
Difficulty Swallowing (2999)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Difficulty Swallowing.
130% more often
Swollen joints (2624)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Swollen joints.
130% more often
Abdominal pain relieved by eating (1562)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Abdominal pain relieved by eating.
130% more often
Chest Pain (2589)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Chest Pain.
130% more often
Lump in throat (2115)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Lump in throat.
130% more often
Prolapsed Uterus (769)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Prolapsed Uterus.
130% more often
Stinging Eyes (2850)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Stinging Eyes.
130% more often
Complications of Those Reporting Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
In this research study, people who report Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) were likely to report the following:
REPORTSCASES WITH BOTHINCREASE%NORMALLY Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting).
+5.2 times
1.74% (1,259 cases)
Detergent allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Detergent allergy.
+4.5 times
8.69% (3,204 cases)
Liver Sore
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Liver Sore.
+4.3 times
2.35% (883 cases)
Citrus allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Citrus allergy.
+4.0 times
1.75% (670 cases)
Parasite passed in stool
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Parasite passed in stool.
+4.0 times
1.01% (353 cases)
Chronic Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Chronic Infection.
+3.8 times
3.94% (1,413 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Fibromyalgia.
+3.6 times
7.84% (3,094 cases)
Gallbladder Inflammation
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Gallbladder Inflammation.
+3.4 times
2.9% (1,070 cases)
Joint pain after eating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Joint pain after eating.
+3.3 times
2.1% (712 cases)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
+3.3 times
10.87% (4,107 cases)
Painful rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Painful rash.
+3.3 times
1.51% (516 cases)
Lungs Irritated / Inflamed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Lungs Irritated / Inflamed.
+3.1 times
2.86% (1,038 cases)
Nut allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Nut allergy.
+3.1 times
2.56% (960 cases)
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pancreatic Insufficiency.
+3.1 times
1.6% (545 cases)
Non-healing sore / ulcer
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Non-healing sore / ulcer.
+3.1 times
2.25% (816 cases)
Interstitial Cystitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Interstitial Cystitis.
+3.1 times
2.27% (878 cases)
Blood thick / Congested lymph
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Blood thick / Congested lymph.
+3.0 times
3% (1,069 cases)
Skin sensitivity to chemicals
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin sensitivity to chemicals.
+3.0 times
21.45% (7,584 cases)
Skin growths - other
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin growths - other.
+3.0 times
1.68% (619 cases)
Peanut allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Peanut allergy.
+2.9 times
2.05% (788 cases)
Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria.
+2.9 times
4.46% (1,615 cases)
Bluish / Purple Tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Bluish / Purple Tongue.
+2.9 times
1.04% (472 cases)
Exercise aggravates symptoms
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Exercise aggravates symptoms.
+2.9 times
11.1% (5,106 cases)
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Leaky Gut Syndrome.
+2.8 times
12.42% (4,834 cases)
Celiac Disease
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Celiac Disease.
+2.8 times
2.85% (1,108 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Swollen lymph nodes.
+2.8 times
6.44% (2,365 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Hypoglycemic.
+2.8 times
7.54% (2,714 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Malabsorption.
+2.8 times
11.52% (4,275 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Neuralgia.
+2.8 times
2.54% (784 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes - hips
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Swollen lymph nodes - hips.
+2.7 times
2.58% (899 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Purpura.
+2.7 times
1.11% (429 cases)
Food allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Food allergy.
+2.7 times
20.42% (7,844 cases)
Sensitive to Alcohol
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Sensitive to Alcohol.
+2.7 times
16.06% (5,846 cases)
Skin Allergy / Contact dermatitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin Allergy / Contact dermatitis .
+2.7 times
5.23% (1,872 cases)
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
+2.7 times
3.75% (1,417 cases)
Fragile skin/breaks easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Fragile skin/breaks easily.
+2.6 times
5.3% (1,846 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Hives.
+2.6 times
6.49% (2,397 cases)
Poor discernment of temperature
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Poor discernment of temperature.
+2.6 times
3.82% (1,393 cases)
Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
+2.6 times
3.06% (1,126 cases)
Flat rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Flat rash.
+2.6 times
1.53% (526 cases)
Food Poisoning
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Food Poisoning.
+2.6 times
2.68% (1,032 cases)
Raised & bumpy rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Raised & bumpy rash.
+2.6 times
4.62% (1,605 cases)
Lumps on Surface of Belly
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Lumps on Surface of Belly.
+2.6 times
1.93% (713 cases)
Mold allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Mold allergy.
+2.6 times
20.39% (7,586 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes - arm pits
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Swollen lymph nodes - arm pits.
+2.5 times
5.54% (2,014 cases)
Guarding area of pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Guarding area of pain.
+2.5 times
2.38% (886 cases)
Autoimmune Disorders
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Autoimmune Disorders.
+2.5 times
15.16% (5,726 cases)
Difficulty Swallowing
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Difficulty Swallowing.
+2.5 times
7.64% (2,999 cases)
Pressure in eye
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pressure in eye.
+2.5 times
6.09% (2,299 cases)
Skin Rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin Rash.
+2.4 times
14.32% (5,387 cases)
Red meat intolerant
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Red meat intolerant.
+2.4 times
4.93% (1,829 cases)
Chronic Fungus infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Chronic Fungus infection.
+2.4 times
7.02% (2,556 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Jaundice.
+2.4 times
1.66% (568 cases)
Anal Spasm
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Anal Spasm.
+2.4 times
2.91% (1,145 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Seizures.
+2.4 times
1.25% (452 cases)
Abdominal pain relieved by eating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Abdominal pain relieved by eating.
+2.4 times
4.17% (1,562 cases)
Wheat Intolerance
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Wheat Intolerance.
+2.4 times
18.37% (6,953 cases)
Tongue deviates to right/left
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Tongue deviates to right/left.
+2.4 times
1.26% (484 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Hyperthyroid.
+2.4 times
2.1% (780 cases)
Feel pain more than other people
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Feel pain more than other people.
+2.4 times
12.65% (4,736 cases)
Skin Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin Infection.
+2.4 times
1.7% (608 cases)
Sore eye muscles
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Sore eye muscles.
+2.3 times
5.97% (2,328 cases)
Staph infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Staph infection.
+2.3 times
3.01% (1,066 cases)
Weakness / Debility
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Weakness / Debility.
+2.3 times
11.64% (3,964 cases)
Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc.
+2.3 times
7.8% (3,400 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pancreatitis.
+2.3 times
1.3% (498 cases)
Chest Pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Chest Pain.
+2.3 times
6.96% (2,589 cases)
Stinging Eyes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Stinging Eyes.
+2.3 times
7.84% (2,850 cases)
Abdominal pain continuous
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Abdominal pain continuous.
+2.3 times
3.09% (1,145 cases)
Low basal body temperature
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Low basal body temperature.
+2.3 times
14.13% (5,258 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes - neck
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Swollen lymph nodes - neck.
+2.3 times
13.69% (5,244 cases)
Burning / painful urination
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Burning / painful urination.
+2.3 times
3.1% (1,010 cases)
Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc.
+2.2 times
3.12% (1,069 cases)
Heaviness in heart area
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Heaviness in heart area.
+2.2 times
7.6% (2,680 cases)
Slow, heavy digestion
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Slow, heavy digestion.
+2.2 times
22.89% (21,898 cases)
Kidney Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Kidney Infection.
+2.2 times
4.49% (1,649 cases)
Gallstones / Attack
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Gallstones / Attack.
+2.2 times
4.95% (1,914 cases)
Skin problems entire body
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Skin problems entire body.
+2.2 times
4.06% (1,396 cases)
Difficulty expectorating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Difficulty expectorating.
+2.2 times
3.62% (1,399 cases)
Nipple Fissures / Candida / Skin Problems
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Nipple Fissures / Candida / Skin Problems.
+2.2 times
2.28% (827 cases)
Strong abdominal pulse
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Strong abdominal pulse.
+2.2 times
6.85% (2,630 cases)
PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder).
+2.2 times
14.64% (5,247 cases)
Hiatal Hernia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Hiatal Hernia.
+2.2 times
5.05% (1,911 cases)
Dilated Pupil
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Dilated Pupil.
+2.2 times
1.38% (518 cases)
Trauma-induced overeating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Trauma-induced overeating.
+2.2 times
4.62% (1,603 cases)
Vitiligo / white patches
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Vitiligo / white patches.
+2.2 times
3.24% (1,152 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Laryngitis.
+2.2 times
2.78% (906 cases)
Yellow bump on eye
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Yellow bump on eye.
+2.2 times
1.39% (535 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Edema.
+2.2 times
6.96% (2,527 cases)
Pain wakes you up at night
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pain wakes you up at night.
+2.2 times
4.18% (1,604 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Gout.
+2.1 times
1.4% (451 cases)
H pylori infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and H pylori infection.
+2.1 times
2.8% (1,025 cases)
B12 Deficiency
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and B12 Deficiency.
+2.1 times
12.66% (4,649 cases)
Pain on left side above heart
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Pain on left side above heart.
+2.1 times
4.69% (1,752 cases)
Painful menstruation & menstrual cramps
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Painful menstruation & menstrual cramps.
+2.1 times
21.59% (13,471 cases)
Hirsutism / Female Facial Hair on Chin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Hirsutism / Female Facial Hair on Chin.
+2.1 times
3.29% (1,304 cases)
Past physical trauma
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Past physical trauma.
+2.1 times
16.93% (5,997 cases)
Drug/penicillin allergy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Drug/penicillin allergy.
+2.1 times
16.01% (5,683 cases)
Lump in throat
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Lump in throat.
+2.1 times
6.17% (2,115 cases)
General Inflammation
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and General Inflammation.
+2.1 times
24.77% (8,849 cases)
Famine / Underfed in Childhood
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and Famine / Underfed in Childhood.
+2.1 times
5.25% (1,923 cases)
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Your body map contains a complete analysis of your Ayurvedic imbalances, organ by organ.
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