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DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU LOST A FRIEND IN YOUR BATTLE TO LOSE WEIGHT - YOUR FRIENDSHIP WITH YOURSELF? Joyful Belly offers something better than a battle between your will and your weight, a more natural approach, addressing your unique health & wellness concerns. Ayurveda recognizes there are many factors, including digestion, and personal psychology affecting your relationship to food.

This free quiz is the first step to healing your relationship to food. Once you have completed this test, you will be able to determine your body type and receive an Ayurvedic diet uniquely tailored to you.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Weight'?

Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles
Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles
Vata aggravating
Vata individuals tend to be lanky due to poor digestion, malabsorption, or parasites. Vata individuals have thin fluids, which tends to make the limbs long. Kapha individuals on the other hand, tend to be short and stocky. Due to thick fluids, Kapha...

Learn more about 'Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles'.

Stocky, round, broad or large
Stocky, round, broad or large
Kapha aggravating
Kapha individuals tend to be short and stocky. They easily gain weight. Due to thick fluids and poor circulation, limbs are short and tapering.

Learn more about 'Stocky, round, broad or large'.

Large, calm, loving eyes
Large, calm, loving eyes
Kapha aggravating
Kapha's stability, generosity, and loving nature is visible in their facial expressions, and especially their eyes. Large eyes also imply fatty deposits behind the eyes.

Learn more about 'Large, calm, loving eyes'.

Constant weight
Constant weight
Pitta aggravating
Pitta individuals tend to maintain a constant weight. They have a high enough metabolism to prevent weight loss, yet a strong enough digestion to be well nourished.

Learn more about 'Constant weight'.

Trying to lose weight
Trying to lose weight
Trying to lose or control your weight is exhausting and often empty process. Let your body decide what weight to be and focus instead on establishing balance in your body and your life. When you desire or try to be a weight that is unhealthy for...

Learn more about 'Trying to lose weight'.

Feel overweight
Feel overweight
In Ayurveda, excess weight is considered a symptom of something deeper. You might feel physically heavy, puffy, or sluggish; perhaps there is a feeling of discomfort in overly tight clothing or a shame about the number on the scale that makes you...

Learn more about 'Feel overweight'.

Gain weight easily
Gain weight easily
Gaining weight in the past was extremely adaptive when there were frequent shortages of food or famine. Famine is still a reality in developing countries. Those able to easily store and retain fat were the most likely to survive. In affluent...

Learn more about 'Gain weight easily'.

Recent weight change
Recent weight change
Any recent or sudden weight change is important sign from the body that demands attention. It is important to know the cause of any recent weight changes. Rapid weight gain may be caused by low metabolism and hypothyroid. Getting your thyroid...

Learn more about 'Recent weight change'.

Feel underweight
Feel underweight
Vata aggravating
A low body weight may cause an unsettling sense of lightness, ungroundedness, or weakness. It is important to determine the cause of weight loss. Unexplained weight loss can be serious - please see a doctor if you have chronic weight loss issues....

Learn more about 'Feel underweight'.

Lose weight easily
Lose weight easily
Vata aggravating
Many people unconsciously lose weight because they follow advertising that promotes a certain type of food deemed healthy and good for us. Yet the target market for these ads are people who are overweight so it is important to listen to your body...

Learn more about 'Lose weight easily'.

Recent weight loss
Recent weight loss
Vata aggravating
Unintended loss of weight could indicate a serious condition, including parasites, cancer, etc. Even intended, rapid weight loss could create health problems. The best way to lose weight is slowly and steadily.

Learn more about 'Recent weight loss'.

Sunken cheeks
Full cheeks

Which boxes best describe your 'Body Image'?

Body Checking
Weigh myself daily
Weigh myself daily
Daily weighing reduces you to a number. When you spend time focusing on external numbers on the scale or BMI chart, you lose the chance to engage with your body and learn from your physical sensations. Instead, the number becomes more important than...

Learn more about 'Weigh myself daily'.

Body dysmorphia / Distorted self-image
Body dysmorphia / Distorted self-image
Body dysmorphia is when you believe you are less attractive looking than you actually are. A classic example is an anorexic who believes they are overweight. More subtle examples include preoccupation with some trivial defect, such as acne.

Learn more about 'Body dysmorphia / Distorted self-image'.

Dissatisfied with appearance / shape
Ashamed of weight
Ashamed of weight
The first step in alleviating body shame is to develop a gentler and more loving relationship with your body. Your body is an important part of your identity in life and should be treated with the care and respect that you would show a spouse or...

Learn more about 'Ashamed of weight'.

Avoid social events due to appearance
You are your own gift in the world, which is hard to see when consumed by self-loathing. Feelings of self-disgust and loathing can blind you from your own unique gifts and keep you from declaring your authentic identity. It is easy to blame the size...

Learn more about 'Self-loathing'.

Preoccupied with size, shape or weight
Panic about size, shape or weight
Panic about size, shape or weight
Weight often becomes the object of our attention when we are feeling anxiety, uncertainty about the future, or hopelessness. Self-inquiry is thus a useful strategy in addressing panic about size and weight. When did you first notice yourself...

Learn more about 'Panic about size, shape or weight'.

Feel judged for my weight
Feel judged for my weight
Many people with heartier constitutions or excess weight may feel silenced or ashamed because of their weight as a result of cultural or family pressure. You might feel afraid or embarrassed to eat in public, believing that a heavier person is not...

Learn more about 'Feel judged for my weight'.

Difficulty finding clothes that fit
Difficulty finding clothes that fit
Keeping clothes that no longer fit you or are too small is often a form of insidious self-punishment. Too small or too tight clothes serve as reminders of your past and current weight and can inspire feelings of shame and guilt, which are prime...

Learn more about 'Difficulty finding clothes that fit'.

Which boxes best describe your 'Overeating Habits'?

Strong hunger
Strong hunger
Pitta aggravating
Both physical and emotional imbalances can masquerade as feelings of strong hunger, so there is no easy answer in Ayurveda. The most common causes for an excess appetite include a thick kapha blood, fiery pitta-type metabolism, malabsorption, and...

Learn more about 'Strong hunger'.

Large portions
Large portions
Kapha aggravating
You've probably heard the infamous phrase "your eyes are bigger than your stomach" and for those who struggle with large portions, this often rings true. There are diverse reasons for indulging in large portions, such as emotional eating, an...

Learn more about 'Large portions'.

Strong food cravings
Strong food cravings
Your body craves particular foods when in need, whether to fulfill nutritional needs, or to relieve physical or emotional discomfort. Interpreting your cravings and the meaning they communicate about your physical or emotional state, instead of...

Learn more about 'Strong food cravings'.

Eats quickly
Eats quickly
Vata aggravating
If you lead a hectic lifestyle and find yourself always running from place to place, it can be hard to switch gears and slow yourself down. The first step might be in planning, long before the meal. Have you carved out enough time in your schedule...

Learn more about 'Eats quickly'.

Emotional eating
Emotional eating
The kinds of food you crave can give you clues as to what's going on internally When you eat, are you truly hungry for...

Learn more about 'Emotional eating'.

Overeat because of spouse / kids
Stress overeater
Stress overeater
When an infant cries, one of your first impulses might be to soothe it with food or a warm bottle. Food is calming. Eating causes your blood sugar to rise, bringing you back to a state of balmy ease. Eating helps brings you down to earth, abating...

Learn more about 'Stress overeater'.

Eat when lonely / depressed
Eat when lonely / depressed
Part of what makes loneliness unbearable is the aspect of mystery in it. When you are alone, you may not know how and where you can find human connection, and feel your self-esteem quickly wither before the enigma. When you feel like you are unloved...

Learn more about 'Eat when lonely / depressed'.

Overeat more than 2x/week
Overeat more than 2x/week
Feasting and overeating are not new phenomena. For thousands of years, celebratory feasts have been commonplace in cultures around the world as a way of bonding, enjoying the fruits of the harvest, and as symbols of generosity & wealth. Your body is...

Learn more about 'Overeat more than 2x/week'.

Preoccupied with food
Preoccupied with food
Food is your body's fuel; you need to eat food in order to survive and live fully. Yet, if you are spending your day thinking or obsessing about food, or constantly making sure you have prepared enough to eat, you may find yourself unable to engage...

Learn more about 'Preoccupied with food'.

Uncontrollable compulsion to eat
Uncontrollable compulsion to eat
You might be tempted to believe that self-control is the only answer to a compulsive relationship with food. However, most compulsions have a story to tell. Listening to them is usually a more effective means to unravel their power and help you...

Learn more about 'Uncontrollable compulsion to eat'.

Binging more than 1x monthly
Binging more than 1x monthly
Bingeing is a common and serious symptom of bulimia and binge eating disorder. A binge involves a short period during which the binger consumes abnormally large amounts of food and feels a complete loss of control. This can be followed by a period...

Learn more about 'Binging more than 1x monthly'.

Can't stop eating once I start
Can't stop eating once I start
Food Restrictions Lead to Overeating Deprivation often leads to a lack of control around food. If you feel like you cannot stop eating once you start, observe your daily habits. Are you eating regularly throughout the day?...

Learn more about 'Can't stop eating once I start'.

Eating without realizing it
Eating without realizing it
Eating happens. Food calms you down when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or hazed, which can create an almost instinctive impulse to reach for a snack, even when you're calm, when life and your diet are going swimmingly well for you. Two...

Learn more about 'Eating without realizing it'.

Indiscriminate eating
Indiscriminate eating
Eating indiscriminately feels like living in a cloud; you may be unable to think clearly or find some perspective on your appetite, making it nearly impossibly to avoid the temptation to eat haphazardly. Often indiscriminate eating is marked by a...

Learn more about 'Indiscriminate eating'.

Trauma-induced overeating
Trauma-induced overeating
Trauma involves loss of control. During a traumatic event such as a car accident, a natural disaster, or any physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, you often feel powerless, frozen, and terrified because your personal safety and sense of control has...

Learn more about 'Trauma-induced overeating'.

Uneasy when food unavailable
Uneasy when food unavailable
Food creates an illusion of security. An abundance of food can represent opulence, wealth, and well-being, while a scarcity of food can mean poverty, instability, and unsatisfied hunger. A history of yo-yo dieting, eating nutrient deficient foods,...

Learn more about 'Uneasy when food unavailable'.

Search for perfect bite
Distress when sweets unavailable
Distress when sweets unavailable
Sweets have a calming, sedating effect on the body and mind; they can serve to bring you comfort and ease when you're feeling stressed or ungrounded. Yet, if you are becoming distressed when sweet foods are unavailable, this is an indication of...

Learn more about 'Distress when sweets unavailable'.

Rebel against food limitations
Rebel against food limitations
The fire in the human spirit does not like to be repressed or told what to do. When you have limitations placed on the amount of food or the types of food you are "allowed" to eat by yourself, your parents, your friends, or even society, it is often...

Learn more about 'Rebel against food limitations'.

Feel like a failure after overeating
Feel like a failure after overeating
Slipping up does not make you a failure; when you start to change a habit around food, especially if its one you've had for many years, you are bound to go back to the old line of behavior every now and then. Instead of feeling like a...

Learn more about 'Feel like a failure after overeating'.

Eat when abdomen painful


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Asheville, North Carolina