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My Poop is green, what does it mean? Your bowel movements tell a story of your health. The type, color, shape, and consistency of your feces reveal important information about your colon, intestines, and your body in general. With Ayurveda, you can learn to decipher the mysteries and meaning of your stool, and become a virtuoso poop detective!

This free quiz can help you discover signs and symptoms of bowel health & imbalance. It includes an assessment of bowel elimination, and stools. When you are done you will be taken to a results page where you can view your imbalances. The results from this test will guide you to healthy food choices and recipes matching your body's unique digestive needs. This test will take approximately ten minutes to fill.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Stool'?

Sausage / banana shaped stool
Sausage / banana shaped stool
This type of stool indicates a healthy, well-formed stool. The ideal poop is like a banana in size, shape and consistency with a medium brown color and no cracks on the surface. The bowels should eliminate 1-2x daily, with the first movement in the...

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Sausage shape stool with cracks on surface
Sausage shape stool with cracks on surface
Cracks on the surface of a stool indicate moderate dryness of the stool and dehydration. The stool may be sitting in the bowels for too long. As the stool sits in the bowels, the intestines continue to absorb water from them, making the stool into a...

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Sausage or snake stool with smooth surface
Sausage or snake stool with smooth surface
A smooth surface on stool indicates the stool is well hydrated. A long stool indicates adequate fiber or poor absorption. The ideal poop is like a banana in size, shape and consistency with a medium brown color and no cracks on the surface. The...

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Long, large stool (Lincoln Log)
Long, large stool (Lincoln Log)
The satisfying daily release of a long, large lincoln log stool indicates adequate soluble and insoluble fiber in the diet. The fiber absorbs moisture which increases the size of the stool. Constipation accompanied by a long, large stool can...

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Rabbit pellet / Hard lumpy stool
Rabbit pellet / Hard lumpy stool
Vata aggravating
Small, hard stool indicates either dryness in the colon or that the stool is sitting in the colon for too long. Hard, dry stools are considered to be a sign of constipation. When stool sits in the colon too long, it begins to rot. The rotting stool...

Learn more about 'Rabbit pellet / Hard lumpy stool'.

Stool formed, but porous & airy
Stool formed, but porous & airy
Vata aggravating
Have you ever seen air bubbles in your poop? Is your poop frothy? Frothy poop is a sign of poor digestion. When food digests poorly, it sits too long in your gut and bacteria begin to grow. This causes fermentation, the same process...

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Stool entirely liquid, no solid pieces
Stool entirely liquid, no solid pieces
Pitta aggravating
Irritation, inflammation and osmotic laxatives can often cause stools to completely liquefy. This condition quickly depletes the body of fluids and electrolytes, causing weight loss and dehydration. The loss of electrolytes can lead to muscle cramps...

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Stool in mushy pieces mixed with liquid
Stool in mushy pieces mixed with liquid
Vata aggravating
Stool in pieces mixed with liquid should be differentiated from mud-like stool. Mud like stool is stool that has never formed into a solid. Mushy pieces imply the stool was formed, then mixed with liquids, perhaps implicating the colon. When the...

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Frothy Stool / with Bubbles
Frothy Stool / with Bubbles
Vata aggravating
About Foamy Poop Frothy stools are those that contain bubbles and look somewhat like a foamy poop. Frothy stools mean there is a lot of air mixed with the stool due to gut fermentation. The bubbles in foamy stool are...

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Stool thick mud
Stool thick mud
Pitta aggravating
Stool that is thick mud can imply that digestive organs are too weak to fully digest the food (Vata). Or, muddy stools can reflect a diet that is too rich. It may also be a sign of excess bile (Pitta). If the stool has a foul odor, it is a hot &...

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Soft Stool
Soft Stool
Pitta aggravating
When stools are soft, you lose vital fluids and electrolytes. When stools are soft, there is often poor absorption of foods. You may feel drained & tired. The longer your stools are soft, the more your ojas will be depleted. Stools become soft...

Learn more about 'Soft Stool'.

Narrow Stool / Stringy Poop - Thin, pencil stool
Narrow Stool / Stringy Poop - Thin, pencil stool
Pitta aggravating
Narrow Stools (Stringy poop, Pencil stool) can indicate inflammation or growths in the colon causing a stricture (narrowing of the inside of the tube). The inflammation can obstruct the movement of stools. It can also be a simple sign of loose...

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Groove in length of stool
Groove in length of stool
Vata aggravating
A polyp, internal hemorrhoid, or something protruding into the colon can create a consistent groove in the stool. This condition should be checked by a qualified gastroenterologist to rule out colon cancer.

Learn more about 'Groove in length of stool'.

Parasite passed in stool
Parasite passed in stool
Vata aggravating
Passing a parasite in your stool is a definitive sign you have parasites. Parasites are organisms that live within another organism, often causing harm to the host. They can live in multiple locations in the human body, but many prefer the digestive...

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Undigested food in stool
Undigested food in stool
Vata aggravating
Skins of foods, poorly chewed foods, and foods that are difficult can be seen in the stools. Undigested food is often a sign of a low digestive fire. Poor digestion may be due to a blood deficiency, stress, poor routine & eating habits, or eating...

Learn more about 'Undigested food in stool'.

Foul odorous stool
Foul odorous stool
Vata aggravating
The body doesn't make foul odors. Odorous stool implies food is rotting and fermenting in the gut. Poop starts to rot when it sits too long in the gut (constipation). When you cannot absorb the nutrients from your food (malabsorption, Vata), the...

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Shiny / oily / fatty stools
Shiny / oily / fatty stools
Fatty poop, greasy stools, steatorrhea, or whatever you'd like to call it, one thing is certain: oily stool indicates dysfunctional fat absorption. Fatty stools can manifest in different ways. You may see oil floating in the toilet with stool, light...

Learn more about 'Shiny / oily / fatty stools'.

Mucus on stool
Mucus on stool
Is Your Digestion Bogged Down with Mucus? Individuals have an innate curiosity about what happens in the murky depths of the bowels. When they see something strange happening down there, they wonder what it means,...

Learn more about 'Mucus on stool'.

Sinking stool
Sinking stool
Sinking stool is a sign of a rich, heavy diet. Ice cream often makes the stool sink. When food sits in the bowels too long, the stool may become hard and dense. Easy to digest food, mild digestives and fiber should be used to clear the digestive...

Learn more about 'Sinking stool'.

Floating stool
Floating stool
High fat content may cause stools to float. Stools will appear yellow in this case. Stools may float if the fiber in the stool is high, generally appearing bulky. Stools also float when fermentation aerates the stools.

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Pus in stool
Pus in stool
Pus in stool is a sign of active infection. Please see a medical doctor promptly to address this condition.

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Which boxes best describe your 'Stool Color'?

Dark brown stool
Dark brown stool
Stercobilin is the chemical responsible for the brown color of human fecal material. When stool sits in the colon too long, it becomes smaller, drier, and more concentrated, thus darker. You can test colon transit time by eating a cup of well cooked...

Learn more about 'Dark brown stool'.

Light brown stool / Cardboard colored
Light brown stool / Cardboard colored
Vata aggravating
Yellow or green stool indicates quick transit time through the bowels. A light brown stool (the color of cardboard or lighter) may be lacking sufficient bile, a sign of Vata type dryness in the liver. This is especially true if the light colored...

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Yellow stool
Yellow stool
Pitta aggravating
Why is your poop yellow? There are two main causes of this anomaly of the bowels. The most common is when stools are moving too quickly through the intestines, called a fast bowel transit time. This rapid elimination of stools is usually from...

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Green stool
Green stool
Pitta aggravating
Green poop is caused by a bright green fluid called bile, secreted by the liver. Bile helps you digest fat and helps you absorb fat soluble vitamins. It is also an intestinal lubricant that softens the stool. Your stool is initially green in...

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Tarry black stools
Tarry black stools
Vata aggravating
Babies have tarry black stools called melena for the first few days after birth. Otherwise, tarry black stool indicates implies blood in the stool that has been digested. This tarry black stool will have a peculiar smell and indicates upper...

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Bloody stools
Bloody stools
Although most cases resolve spontaneously, bleeding from the GI tract can be scary. Blood in the stool (hematochezia) can come from hemorrhoids, diverticulum, inflammatory bowel diseases, impacted fecal matter, ulcers, angiodysplasia, polyps or...

Learn more about 'Bloody stools'.

Gray Stool
Gray Stool
Vata aggravating
Gray or light colored stool may have insufficient bile for digestion.

Learn more about 'Gray Stool'.

Orange / Rubbery Stool
Orange / Rubbery Stool
Pitta aggravating
The bile of man and carnivorous animals is of a deep orange-red color, turning to greenish-brown by decomposition of its coloring matter. The bile pigment of man and carnivora is chiefly the reddish form called bilirubin. It is insoluble in water...

Learn more about 'Orange / Rubbery Stool'.

Which boxes best describe your 'Elimination / Bowel Routine'?

How often should you poop? Ayurveda suggests that one bowel movement in the early morning followed by a possible second bowel movement later in the day is appropriate. Your stool should be more or less the shape and texture of a ripe banana, easy to...

Learn more about 'Constipation'.

Use laxatives frequently
Use laxatives frequently
Laxatives are substances that help encourage a bowel movement. They are generally used to relieve constipation and are intended for short-term use. However, many people can become dependent on the frequent use of laxatives to evacuate a stool....

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Less than 1 elimination a day
Less than 1 elimination a day
Vata aggravating
Stagnant stool sitting in the digestive tract may begin to putrefy, releasing irritating toxins. Moving the bowels flushes the toxicity. Mild or intermittent constipation can cause a buildup of toxins, making you anxious or emotionally unstable....

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1-2 bowel movements a day
1-2 bowel movements a day
1-2 bowel movements a day is ideal. Stool should be like a banana in size, shape, and consistency with a medium brown color. The surface should be smooth but not slimy.

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3+ bowel movements a day
3+ bowel movements a day
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Unless a person eats a large amount of fiber, Ayurveda suggests that normally a person will have 1-2 bowel movements per day. 3 or more bowel movements per day could be a sign of malabsorption of nutrients from food resulting from weak digestion....

Learn more about '3+ bowel movements a day'.

Pitta aggravating
Common Causes of Diarrhea Inflamed, irritated intestines due to: Infection by parasites (i.e. E coli, Amoeba, Giardia, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, Arbocvirus, Norwalk, etc.) ...

Learn more about 'Diarrhea'.

Diarrhea when stressed
Diarrhea quickly after eating
Diarrhea quickly after eating
Pitta aggravating
Diarrhea is a serious condition that should be reviewed by a medical doctor. Diarrhea quickly after eating may imply irritation in the intestines, an overactive gastro-colic reflex, or IBS.

Learn more about 'Diarrhea quickly after eating'.

Alternating Diarrhea / Constipation
Alternating Diarrhea / Constipation
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Alternating diarrhea and constipation is often simply constipation that eventually irritates the colon. Diarrhea dries out the colon, causing constipation. Constipation irritates the colon, causing diarrhea. This is symptomatic of 'low agni'...

Learn more about 'Alternating Diarrhea / Constipation'.

Voiding large quantity of stool
Voiding large quantity of stool
Pitta aggravating
A well-formed long, lincoln log stool is a sign of a high fiber diet and often very healthy. Elimination more than once a day, or a larger quantity of softer stools can be a sign of fermentation (hot), or poor digestive function (cold). Soft stools...

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Explosive elimination
Explosive elimination
Gas and watery stools together make the elimination explosive. Explosive elimination is often a sign of both irritated and weakened intestines. It may be a sign of colic, or irritable bowel syndrome. This condition should be addressed as quickly as...

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Fecal Incontinence
Fecal Incontinence
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Fecal incontinence may result from weakness of the muscles in the rectum, rapid emptying of veins in the sphincter, or inflammation causing an acute urge to defecate. Ashwini mudra may help in weakness. reduce blood stagnation in blood stasis.

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Difficulty eliminating
Straining to eliminate
Straining to eliminate
Straining could results from hard, dry stools (Vata). Or, inflammation of the intestines (Pitta) and lack of muscle tone in the terminal colon. Excess mucus could prevent elimination of stool (Kapha). Straining could cause prolapse of the rectum...

Learn more about 'Straining to eliminate'.

Frequent urge to defecate
Frequent urge to defecate
Vata aggravating
The frequent urge to defecate is the repeated desire to pass a stool. The urge to pass a stool is a natural sensation, and signals it is time to evacuate feces. However, this urge can become excessive, abnormal, and even painful. Frequent urge...

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Impacted Fecal Matter
Impacted Fecal Matter
Vata aggravating
A clean colon is the measure of health in Ayurveda. Ayurveda gives great importance to cleansing impacted fecal matter using laxatives or enema where appropriate. The impacted matter can be a source of toxicity and infection.

Learn more about 'Impacted Fecal Matter'.

Fullness below belly button
Fullness below belly button
Vata aggravating
This symptom describes a feeling of fullness, bloating, or pressure in the center of the body below the belly button, often caused by stagnant decal matter in the lower GI (ileum or rectum). It is easiest to experience while belly breathing, or a...

Learn more about 'Fullness below belly button'.

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