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Taking this free quiz of your Lifestyle can help you discover signs and symptoms of imbalance. When you are done you will be brought to a results page where you can view your imbalanced doshas & qualities from an ayurvedic perspective. The results from this test will guide you to healthy food choices and recipes matching your personal, individual ayurvedic diet. This test will take approximately ten minutes to fill.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Clothing Preferences'?

Comfortable Clothes
High heels
Tight clothing / belts
Tight clothing / belts
Tight clothing restricts circulation. Underwire bras, tighty-whitey men's underwear, tight jeans, tight belts, girdles, tight socks, and any tight clothing causes lymphatic stagnation. Clothes and belts that are tight at the waistline restrict the...

Learn more about 'Tight clothing / belts'.

Underdressed for cold weather
Love fragrant sprays, perfumes, or air fresheners
Love fragrant sprays, perfumes, or air fresheners
Fragrances are ultimately chemicals. When you inhale them or put them on your skin, they have an effect on your body. They must be cleared by the liver. If you have rashes, allergies, or get irritable easily, limit use of fragrances to limit the...

Learn more about 'Love fragrant sprays, perfumes, or air fresheners'.

Which boxes best describe your 'Climate Preferences'?

Love comfort
Love tropical climates
Love dry climates
Love cold climates
Love warm climates
Love humid climates

Which boxes best describe your 'Home Life'?

Make and change friends often
Make and change friends often
Vata aggravating
Vata individuals find it easy to make friends, and to fit into a variety of situations. However, they are also inconsistent, "Easy come, easy go!"

Learn more about 'Make and change friends often'.

Friends are work related, change with job
Friends are work related, change with job
Pitta aggravating
Because of heat in the blood, Pitta individuals tend to favor the mind over the heart, which they believe is practical. Pitta people must work to cherish others. Human dignity demands that each person be uniquely valued, loved and cherished....

Learn more about 'Friends are work related, change with job'.

Friendships are long lasting, sincere
Friendships are long lasting, sincere
Kapha is the dosha of love and stability. Kapha people are generally homemakers, and do well in committed relationships.

Learn more about 'Friendships are long lasting, sincere'.

Poor, spends frivolously
Poor, spends frivolously
Vata people live for the moment and buy on impulse. In a fit of excitement, they have difficulty discerning the value of a thing.

Learn more about 'Poor, spends frivolously'.

Medium wealth, spends on luxuries
Medium wealth, spends on luxuries
Only perfectionism can satisfying Pitta's gnawing sense of hopeless and shame, experienced as burning tension in midriff / solar plexus area. Spending money on luxuries alleviates this ever present self criticism somewhat. Shame is the classic sign...

Learn more about 'Medium wealth, spends on luxuries'.

Rich, holds onto money
Rich, holds onto money
Kapha's stability leads to acquisition of wealth. Out of balance, Kapha individuals tend to horde wealth and belongings. They have trouble letting go.

Learn more about 'Rich, holds onto money'.

Live alone
Prefer rural landscape
Prefer urban landscape
Have roommates (non-family)
Many people who lead single lives are malnourished and sleep deprived. Motivation to cook for one is often difficult.

Learn more about 'Single'.

The difficulties and messiness of life require compassion and forgiveness for those suffering through a divorce. Divorce disrupts stability, routine, community, and causes displacement generally. True unity is possible only when individuals...

Learn more about 'Divorced'.

No children
No children
Spiritually, children warm the heart and show us the path to generosity as well as how to deal lovingly with distraction. Having a child also cleanses the reproductive organs, including the breast tissue. Raising children also places a significant...

Learn more about 'No children'.

Have children
Have step children
Children live at home
3+ children
3+ children
Kapha aggravating
Ayurveda promotes fertility and the creation of life. Children invite their parents to shift their attention from an ego-centric worldview, to love-centered attention towards others. In this sense, parenthood satisfies one of the most basic goals of...

Learn more about '3+ children'.

Childcare draining
Childcare draining
Some of the happiest parents we know are parents who discipline their children - molding their children into individuals that are integrated into the rhythms of their family. Without this discipline, family life with multiple kids becomes...

Learn more about 'Childcare draining'.

Have a Cat
Have a Cat
Cat dander may cause allergies and infection with toxoplasma gondii.

Learn more about 'Have a Cat'.

Have a Dog
Have a Dog
Dog dander may cause allergies.

Learn more about 'Have a Dog'.

2+ pets in home
2+ pets in home
Many people are allergic to pet dander.

Learn more about '2+ pets in home'.

Other pets
3+ Address changes 10 years
3+ Address changes 10 years
Vata aggravating

Learn more about '3+ Address changes 10 years'.

Relationship issues
Relationship issues
Relationships offer many benefits and opportunities for self-growth. However, it's also common for relationships to experience strife and challenges. Understanding your tendencies can help increase harmony in your relationships.

Learn more about 'Relationship issues'.

Poor diet
Poor diet
In Ayurveda, beliefs govern behavior. Behavior governs routine. Routine governs diet. Diet rules digestion. Digestion creates the blood. Blood rule the organs.

Learn more about 'Poor diet'.

Unsupportive environment


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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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[email protected] +1 828-307-3281
Asheville, North Carolina