Ayurveda utilizes a metabolic classification system based on
Natural Law Theory
A theory that things have a true nature or form that they realize imperfectly. For example, an imperfectly drawn triangle has a true nature to be a perfect triangle.

Imperfections of the human form arise from genetics, poor lifestyle and diet choices, or environment. The imperfections themselves have a nature which corrupts the human nature. Ayurved classifies these imperfections into various biocharacteristics or gunas.

Natural Law Theory is a basic view of reality first described by Aristotle and later developed in the Middle Ages. It differences from the modern mechanistic view of reality, which claims that things do not have a nature beyond the sum of their parts.

(also known as Aristotelian Realism) to match food, herbs, and lifestyle choices to specific individuals and imbalances for effective treatment options and alternative approaches. In Ayurveda, this system is called Dravya Guna Shastra. This system suggests that different foods have different characteristics, and consuming the right foods can help to balance the metabolic characteristics (i.e. three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) of the body. Dravya-Guna-Shastra forms the foundation of Ayurveda's pharmacology. The system of Dravya-Guna-Shastra is biocharacteristics based, sharing many features with Unani Tibb and Greek Medicine.

On Joyful Belly, we've integrated this system into the core of the website, to provide tools for modern clinicians. Please click on category below to see how remedies are classified under this system. See all categories


An herb that creates an acidic pH in the blood chemistry.

Group: Heart-Circulation-Blood


An herb or food that makes the urine more alkaline (higher pH). This herbal action can be helpful for a number of inflammatory conditions.

Group: Heart-Circulation-Blood


Ojas is the essence of healthy tissue, immunity, stable energy and happiness. Substances that improve ojas are recommended after long-term illness, debility, emotional and physical trauma, and even sadness.

Group: Muscle-Health


Prana is the Sanskrit word for vital life energy (Qi in Chinese Medicine, pneuma in Greek). Many herbs stimulate your energy, or improve the flow of prana through your body. Generally, prana needs to be increased in spring after a sleepy winter.

Group: Energy-Vitality


Rajasic foods stimulate desire or nervous energy. Red meat, high protein food, garlic and onions stimulate desire. Rajasic foods include chili peppers, coffee, and anything that stimulates movement.


Sattvic foods promote awareness and a refreshed mind by nourishing the body without taxing digestion. Sattvic foods do not stimulate desire or nervous energy. They create clarity instead of drowsiness or heaviness.


Tamasic foods promote rest, sleepiness and stillness. Examples include wheat, mushrooms.


Herbs that increase tejas improve metabolism & brightness by stimulating the fire element at a cellular level. Destroys toxicity, excess fluids, & improves digestion. Also helps with mental function such as poor memory, lack of inspiration & depression.

Group: Mind-Stress-Sleep

See all categories

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