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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 4 ratings SAVE HERB Cleansing bowel tonic. Refreshes your body as it gently detoxes. (4.67 out of 5 stars) 3 ratings SAVE HERB Ayurveda's classic warming, relaxing tea. Dashamula calms your mind, tones your colon, and supports your bones. Commonly used in enemas as well. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB Shelled mung bean is used for cleansing in Ayurveda. It is easy to digest. SAVE HERB A famous Ayurvedic appetite suppressant that supports weight loss, healthy blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB A bitter cholagogue that strengthens and cleanses the liver. Supports healthy skin. Cooling bitter digestive and anti-inflammatory. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB Manjista is the quintessential blood purifier in the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. SAVE REMEDY Cooling Blood Purifier Saffron is a nourishing purifier that invigorates and moves the blood while cooling it. Saffron breaks up blood clots and clears liver stagnation. While most blood movers are heating, saffron is unique among... (2.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB A revitalizing aphrodisiac and tonic that encourages weight loss and improves thyroid function. SAVE HERB Ayurveda's number one mucus destroyer. Relieves food stagnation in the upper GI when used in cooking or tea. |