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Taking this free quiz of your Disordered Eating can help you discover signs and symptoms of imbalance. When you are done you will be brought to a results page where you can view your imbalanced doshas & qualities from an ayurvedic perspective. The results from this test will guide you to healthy food choices and recipes matching your personal, individual ayurvedic diet. This test will take approximately ten minutes to fill.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Body Image'?

Body Checking
Weigh myself daily
Weigh myself daily
Daily weighing reduces you to a number. When you spend time focusing on external numbers on the scale or BMI chart, you lose the chance to engage with your body and learn from your physical sensations. Instead, the number becomes more important than...

Learn more about 'Weigh myself daily'.

Body dysmorphia / Distorted self-image
Body dysmorphia / Distorted self-image
Body dysmorphia is when you believe you are less attractive looking than you actually are. A classic example is an anorexic who believes they are overweight. More subtle examples include preoccupation with some trivial defect, such as acne.

Learn more about 'Body dysmorphia / Distorted self-image'.

Dissatisfied with appearance / shape
Ashamed of weight
Ashamed of weight
The first step in alleviating body shame is to develop a gentler and more loving relationship with your body. Your body is an important part of your identity in life and should be treated with the care and respect that you would show a spouse or...

Learn more about 'Ashamed of weight'.

Avoid social events due to appearance
You are your own gift in the world, which is hard to see when consumed by self-loathing. Feelings of self-disgust and loathing can blind you from your own unique gifts and keep you from declaring your authentic identity. It is easy to blame the size...

Learn more about 'Self-loathing'.

Preoccupied with size, shape or weight
Panic about size, shape or weight
Panic about size, shape or weight
Weight often becomes the object of our attention when we are feeling anxiety, uncertainty about the future, or hopelessness. Self-inquiry is thus a useful strategy in addressing panic about size and weight. When did you first notice yourself...

Learn more about 'Panic about size, shape or weight'.

Feel judged for my weight
Feel judged for my weight
Many people with heartier constitutions or excess weight may feel silenced or ashamed because of their weight as a result of cultural or family pressure. You might feel afraid or embarrassed to eat in public, believing that a heavier person is not...

Learn more about 'Feel judged for my weight'.

Difficulty finding clothes that fit
Difficulty finding clothes that fit
Keeping clothes that no longer fit you or are too small is often a form of insidious self-punishment. Too small or too tight clothes serve as reminders of your past and current weight and can inspire feelings of shame and guilt, which are prime...

Learn more about 'Difficulty finding clothes that fit'.

Which methods have you used to limit calories or suppress your appetite?

Artificial sweeteners
Omitting Food Groups
Eating vegetables to suppress hunger
Preoccupied with healthy eating
Preoccupied with healthy eating
Pitta aggravating
An orthorexic lives in the future instead of the now, so has trouble participating in life without thought of future consequences. On a spiritual level, the inability to indulge is a disorder of excess chastity. The essence of chastity is an...

Learn more about 'Preoccupied with healthy eating'.

Skip meals more than 2x/week
Skip meals more than 2x/week
Some people skip meals because of a lack of routine. It's okay to skip a meal, however, if you aren't hungry. It is normal for Kapha people to skip breakfast, for example. Irregular mealtimes create metabolic instability, magnify food cravings, and...

Learn more about 'Skip meals more than 2x/week'.

Fasting during daytime hours / bingeing at night
Restricting Food Intake
Restricting Water Intake
Chewing and spitting food
Pretend Eating / Playing with Food
Purging Food
Smoking to suppress appetite
Drinking coffee to replace food
Scheduling time alone to eat
Secretive eating

What weight loss techniques have you tried in the past?

Currently/recently on a diet
Currently/recently on a diet
Your diet is the 'religion' of your body. It's what your body believes will help it survive. In many ways, because of deep subconscious patterns, it's easier to change your religion than to change your diet. Medical studies show that 90% of...

Learn more about 'Currently/recently on a diet'.

Fasting to lose weight
Exercise to lose weight
Multiple weight loss programs
Multiple weight loss programs
Yo-yo dieting and excess weight A crash diet is a famine to the body. When the food supply is too low, our bodies become scared and adapts to help us survive. At first, there is a feeling of lightness and potentially even...

Learn more about 'Multiple weight loss programs'.

Bulimia, past or current
Bulimia, past or current
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
It's not about food Often with bulimia, we get caught in thinking that food is the problem; we think that if cookies, chips, and other junky "binge" foods didn't exist, we wouldn't have a problem. But, food is merely a...

Learn more about 'Bulimia, past or current'.

Anorexia, past or current
Anorexia, past or current
Vata aggravating
Anorexia means a poor or irregular appetite. Anorexia nervosa refers to a psychological disorder where the appetite is suppressed. Anorexia has been associated with stress undereating, perhaps due to low agni and poor digestion. The root of anorexia...

Learn more about 'Anorexia, past or current'.

Foods, drinks, or supplements to lose weight
Diet pills, gums
Gastric bypass surgery
Purging Food
Smoking to suppress appetite
Chewing and spitting food
Laxatives to lose weight
Diuretics to lose weight


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Asheville, North Carolina