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Taking this free quiz of your Bones Muscle can help you discover signs and symptoms of imbalance. When you are done you will be brought to a results page where you can view your imbalanced doshas & qualities from an ayurvedic perspective. The results from this test will guide you to healthy food choices and recipes matching your personal, individual ayurvedic diet. This test will take approximately ten minutes to fill.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Posture'?

Good Posture
Head forward / Ears in front of shoulders
Head forward / Ears in front of shoulders
When the head is tilted forward, blood fills the frontal lobe, making it easier to think but harder to relax. Tilting the head forward may reduce the scope of a person's perspective. This increases focus, but reduces awareness. Tilting the head...

Learn more about 'Head forward / Ears in front of shoulders'.

Head tilted to one side
Shoulders Raised / Tight / Tense
Shoulders forward / in front of ears
Hunched / Rounded shoulders / Excessive upper back curve
Hunched / Rounded shoulders / Excessive upper back curve
Postural problems start in the hips. Hips should be back, directly over the ankles. When hips are forward of the ankles, there is a tendency to slouch. Exercise: Put your hands onto a table. Push the butt back. Drop the tailbone by rotating...

Learn more about 'Hunched / Rounded shoulders / Excessive upper back curve'.

One shoulder higher than other
In scoliosis, the spine both twists and deviates from its normal position. All scoliosis cases involve asymmetrical muscle development. For some reason, muscles on one side become stronger than the opposing side. This is often due to postural...

Learn more about 'Scoliosis'.

Excess lower back curve / pelvis tilted forward
Hips forward of ankles / ribs
Hips tilted / Standing on dominant leg
Hips Tilted Forward / Tailbone Up
Hips Tilted Backward / Tailbone Down
Collapsed arch
Feet / Knees turned in
Feet / Knees turned out
Locking knees
Hyperextension of Joints

Which boxes best describe your 'Joint, Tendon, & Ligament'?

Aches & Pains - General
Aches & Pains - General
Ayurveda classifies pain into several types - inflammatory, tension related, and ama related (toxins), although the underlying cause of pain could be virtually any injury, disease or sickness. General aches & pains are often a sign of ama or...

Learn more about 'Aches & Pains - General'.

Neck pain / tension
Neck pain / tension
All tension originates from the pelvic floor. To help release neck pain, learn proper hip alignment and release tension in the lower abdomen. The neck is sensitive to the cold. For most cases, keep your neck warm to reduce neck...

Learn more about 'Neck pain / tension'.

Shoulder pain
Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc
Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc
Sweet blood congests the liver, which weakens tendons (Shleshaka Kapha).

Learn more about 'Dislocated shoulder / ribs / etc'.

Pain upper back
Pain upper back
The upper back supports the neck, rib cage, sternum, lungs, and heart. Pain in any one of these areas can masquerade as an upper back ache. Abnormal posture, such as hunching the shoulders, a sunken sternum, as well as scoliosis, can create...

Learn more about 'Pain upper back'.

Pain middle back
Pain middle back
The middle back is home to the solar plexus, liver, gall bladder, stomach, kidneys, and heart. Pain in any one of these areas can masquerade as a middle back ache. For example, gallstones or ulcers can mimic a back ache. Abnormal posture, such...

Learn more about 'Pain middle back'.

Pain lower back
Pain lower back
The lower back is a fascinating and intricate part of the body that is home to the colon, intestines, uterus, urinary tract, prostate, kidney and spine. Pain in any one of these areas can masquerade as a back ache. Back Pain...

Learn more about 'Pain lower back'.

Herniated disc / back injury
Hip pain
Hip pain
Past injury, gravitational stress, auto-immune disorders, and candida or other infections lodged in the joints can cause joint pain. Hip pain is a sign of high vata dosha. Generally, Ayurveda treats joint pain with cleansing. Yoga teachers...

Learn more about 'Hip pain'.

Hip surgery
Knee pain
Knee pain
Proper alignment from studying yoga can help protect your knees from arthritis and pain. A significant cause of knee pain is carrying heavy objects, or gaining too much weight. Age can also cause arthritis in the knees.

Learn more about 'Knee pain'.

Knee surgery
Ankle pain
Joint pain
Joint pain
The causes of joint pain can be multi-factorial. Poor posture or alignment of bones places stress on surrounding joints and muscles. The following procedure may help to correct alignment issues: Schedule an appointment with a...

Learn more about 'Joint pain'.

Elbow pain
Wrist Pain
Wrist Pain
The tendons linking the fingers to the muscles of the forearm travel through the 'carpal tunnel' in the wrist. Sometimes, the tunnel becomes inflamed, especially in circumstances where the fingers are moving while the hand is bent (such as typing on...

Learn more about 'Wrist Pain'.

Arthritis (osteoarthritis) is considered to be a Vata disorder. Generally, circulation is poor in the joints. Toxins (mostly from poor digestion) tend to buildup in these areas of poor circulation, causing local inflammation and degeneration....

Learn more about 'Osteoarthritis'.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pitta aggravating
Detoxification of the colon is the first line of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurveda, together with herbs to stimulate circulation in the joint space. Since there is an auto-immune component to rheumatism, the liver should be detoxified...

Learn more about 'Rheumatoid Arthritis'.

Joint pain in fingers
Joint pain in fingers
According to Ayurveda, arthritic conditions are related to toxicity in the colon. Joint pain in the fingers can also indicate dryness and poor circulation to the extremities.

Learn more about 'Joint pain in fingers'.

Joint pain after eating
Joint pain after eating
Pitta aggravating
Joint pain after eating could imply an overgrowth of candida or other bacteria that become active whenever blood sugar levels increase. The bacteria may infest the joint space itself, or other tissues of the body. These pathogens release toxins into...

Learn more about 'Joint pain after eating'.

Cold aggravates joint pain
Swollen joints
Swollen joints
Swollen joints may be a sign of toxicity, an auto-immune disorder, or arthritic degeneration in the joint.

Learn more about 'Swollen joints'.

Morning joint pain
Popping/Cracking Joints
Overuse of a tendon, as well as Pitta type toxins can irritate the tendons. In Chinese medicine, the tendons are controlled by the liver.

Learn more about 'Tendinitis'.

Recent sprain
Recent sprain
A sprain is a torn ligament that occurs when the sudden movement forces a joint to exceed its range of motion. Ligaments are tough, inelastic fibers that are made of collagen. A ligament connects two or more bones together to form a joint. They are...

Learn more about 'Recent sprain'.

Recent strain / pulled tendon or muscle
Recent strain / pulled tendon or muscle
A strain is also known as a pulled muscle or pulled tendon. It occurs when the muscle is overstretched. Strains commonly occur in the hamstring and lower back. Mild strains are healed with simple at home treatment summarized by RICE: rest, ice,...

Learn more about 'Recent strain / pulled tendon or muscle'.

Describe any joint pains / cracking joints (include location)?

Which boxes best describe your 'Muscle'?

Strong muscles
Weak muscles
Weak muscles
Muscles may be weak due to over-exertion, exposure to heat, under-use, or electrolyte imbalance. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are essential for proper muscle function. Heat prostration may develop after a long period of sweating.

Learn more about 'Weak muscles'.

Lean muscles
Tense Muscles
Bulky muscles
Flabby muscles / Poor tone
Flabby muscles / Poor tone
Kapha aggravating
Poor muscle tone and weak ligaments may result from sweet thick, Kapha blood, lack of exercise, hypothyroid, lymphatic congestion, and liver or gall bladder congestion

Learn more about 'Flabby muscles / Poor tone'.

Muscles heavy / tired
Muscles heavy / tired
Causes may include: Exhaustion from physical labor Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, calcium, potassium, sodium, or magnesium deficiencies Stress Anemia and other blood deficiencies, lack of food Low...

Learn more about 'Muscles heavy / tired'.

Sore muscles / achey
Sore eye muscles
Sore eye muscles
Pitta aggravating
Soreness in eye muscles is a liver issue.

Learn more about 'Sore eye muscles'.

Tension in eyes
Tension in eyes
Pitta aggravating
Tension in the eyes is a liver issue.

Learn more about 'Tension in eyes'.

Eye twitching
Eye twitching
Vata aggravating
Eye twitching generally comes from toxicity or imbalance in electrolytes such as magnesium, potassium, or taurine.

Learn more about 'Eye twitching'.

Lazy Eye / Eyelid
Long tongue
Large, smooth lips
Large, smooth lips
Kapha aggravating
Kapha individuals have large, smooth lips due to the richness of rasa dhatu, the blood plasma.

Learn more about 'Large, smooth lips'.

Thin tongue
Thick tongue
Narrow Tongue
Wide Tongue
Tight muscles
Tight muscles
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Tight muscles can be a sign of cold, poor circulation, toxicity, or tension. Keep muscles warm and blood flowing through the muscle to encouraging the muscle to relax. Stretch the muscle gently while massaging it. Don't overstretch the muscle since...

Learn more about 'Tight muscles'.

Shoulders Raised / Tight / Tense
Tense chest
Tense chest
Vata aggravating
Chest tension may be due to depression or rage.

Learn more about 'Tense chest'.

Tight/tense abdomen
Tight/tense hips
Tight/tense hips
Good hip alignment is the foundation of good posture and emotional equanimity. Hips should be back with the tail-bone downward, and devoid of tension.

Learn more about 'Tight/tense hips'.

Can't touch toes
Can't touch toes
Tight muscles can be a sign of cold, poor circulation, toxicity, or tension.

Learn more about 'Can't touch toes'.

Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps
Cramping generally comes from poor circulation, toxicity, or imbalance in electrolytes, such as magnesium or amino acids such as taurine. Cholesterol medication can cause cramping as well.

Learn more about 'Muscle cramps'.

Cramping back of leg
Cramping back of leg
Vata aggravating
Leg cramps generally comes from poor circulation, toxicity, or imbalance in electrolytes. Cholesterol medication can cause a cramp as well. There is a colon marma or acupressure point where the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle meet. This point...

Learn more about 'Cramping back of leg'.

Foot cramps
Foot cramps
Vata aggravating
Muscle cramps are sometimes a sign of poor circulation, poor electrolyte balance, or use of anti-cholesterol pharmaceuticals.

Learn more about 'Foot cramps'.

Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Nerves and muscles, which function similarly, are highly sensitivity to changes in blood chemistry. These tissues are irritated by toxins, often arising from fermentation in the digestive tract, or other pathogenic factors including...

Learn more about 'Fibromyalgia'.

Medium, symmetrical with good muscle development
Medium, symmetrical with good muscle development
Pitta aggravating
Pitta individuals have adequate heat and high metabolism which prevents the buildup of bulk. They also have strong digestion, which nourishes their tissues, preventing the wasting one sees with Vata. The result is a finely-chiseled physique. Strong...

Learn more about 'Medium, symmetrical with good muscle development'.

Waxy clogged ears
Waxy clogged ears
Kapha aggravating
Ear wax helps protect against bacteria and has antifungal properties. However, too much of it can cause problems. Ear wax can affect balance. It can become impacted in the ear. Ear wax is called karna mala in Ayurveda. A diet high in...

Learn more about 'Waxy clogged ears'.

Describe any areas of tension (neck, shoulders, etc)?


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