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Taking this free quiz of your Blood and Circulation can help you discover signs and symptoms of imbalance. When you are done you will be brought to a results page where you can view your imbalanced doshas & qualities from an ayurvedic perspective. The results from this test will guide you to healthy food choices and recipes matching your personal, individual ayurvedic diet. This test will take approximately ten minutes to fill.

Page 1: Check the boxes for symptoms you experience on a regular basis, or that were significant in the past.

Which boxes best describe your 'Temperature Signs'?

Avoids heat
Avoids heat
Pitta aggravating
The liver, heart, brain, and genitals are most sensitive to heat. Heat also aggravates a rash, or any inflammation in the body.

Learn more about 'Avoids heat'.

Heat aggravates my skin
Heat aggravates my skin
Pitta aggravating
Heat generally aggravates inflammation, including rashes. High metabolism, peri-menopause, and obesity are other common causes of overheating.

Learn more about 'Heat aggravates my skin'.

Hot in torso/chest area
Hot in torso/chest area
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
When you feel hot in your torso area, but also have cold extremities, it can indicate poor circulation and overcompensation by the heart. Sweet, thick Kapha blood is the likely culprit.

Learn more about 'Hot in torso/chest area'.

Easily hot
Easily hot
Pitta aggravating
Sensitivity to heat indicates various patterns of imbalance. Sometimes the body becomes hot when deficient (as in dry eczema, or yin-deficient heat of Chinese medicine). Otherwise, heat may come from some kind of internal inflammation. A fever is a...

Learn more about 'Easily hot'.

Avoids cold
Avoids cold
Vata aggravating
A Vata person feels cold due to stress, light clothing or deficiency - anemia, skipping meals, low blood sugar levels, high metabolism, excessively light foods, etc. A Kapha person feels cold due to depressed metabolism, low heart rate, and...

Learn more about 'Avoids cold'.

Low metabolism
Low metabolism
Kapha aggravating
Low metabolism is a Kapha condition often appearing with hypothyroid, anemia, and poor circulation. Exercise, spicy foods, and avoiding foods with gooey, oily, and sweet qualities often helps in this type.

Learn more about 'Low metabolism'.

Low basal body temperature
Low basal body temperature
Kapha aggravating
Low body temperature could indicate deficiency (Vata), low metabolism with stagnation (Kapha), or chronic infection depleting heat (Pitta).

Learn more about 'Low basal body temperature'.

Cold extremities
Cold extremities
Vata aggravating
Cold extremities can imply a blood deficiency such as anemia, poor circulation from dehydration or congestion, a low metabolism, low blood sugar levels, insufficient clothing or fat, or stress. A chronic infection such as candida can rob the body of...

Learn more about 'Cold extremities'.

Cold to touch
Cold to touch
Vata aggravating
Our body redirects blood flow to digest a meal, when thinking, to fight an infection, or when exposed to the cold. If you are chronically cold, suspect either deficiency of ojas or fungal/pathogenic infection (a heat condition).

Learn more about 'Cold to touch'.

Easily cold
Easily cold
Vata aggravating
Kapha people become cold when metabolism is low or circulation is poor (Kapha). Vata people are cold when the skin is too dry, there is a lack of adequate fat tissue in the skin, or blood sugar levels are low. Pitta people feel cold when they...

Learn more about 'Easily cold'.

Purple/blue lips
Purple/blue lips
Vata aggravating
Bluish or purple lips may be a sign of cold, such as when a child swims in cold water for several hours. Or, it may be a sign of blood stagnation due to other reasons.

Learn more about 'Purple/blue lips'.

Bluish Skin
Bluish Skin
Vata aggravating
Blue skin is a sign of blood stagnation due to coldness or dryness.

Learn more about 'Bluish Skin'.

Pale Skin
Pale Skin
Vata aggravating Kapha aggravating
Pale skin can come from anemia or other blood deficiencies (Vata), low basal body temperature, or poor circulation at the surface of the skin. Often, poor circulation is related to thick, rich blood (Kapha).

Learn more about 'Pale Skin'.

Bluish / Purple Tongue
Bluish / Purple Tongue
Vata aggravating
A blue / purple tongue indicates internal blood stagnation (Kapha) or cold quality (Vata).

Learn more about 'Bluish / Purple Tongue'.

Blue spot on tongue
Blue spot on tongue
The spot may be bluish or purple.

Learn more about 'Blue spot on tongue'.

Bright red tongue
Bright red tongue
Pitta aggravating
A bright red tongue can indicate heart heat or blood stagnation.

Learn more about 'Bright red tongue'.

Dark red tongue
Dark red tongue
Pitta aggravating
A bright red tongue can indicate heart heat or blood stagnation.

Learn more about 'Dark red tongue'.

Sores on tongue
Red tip of tongue
Red tip of tongue
A red tip of the tongue is a normal sign of good metabolism (strong agni). When the tongue appears pale with a red tip however, it is a sign that the heart is overcompensating for anemia (Rakta dhatu deficiency). The heart in general...

Learn more about 'Red tip of tongue'.

Bluish nail-beds
Bluish nail-beds
Vata aggravating
Blue nail-beds signify stagnant blood, which may be due to poor circulation or low blood pressure.

Learn more about 'Bluish nail-beds'.

Pale conjunctiva
Pale conjunctiva
A sign of anemia in Ayurveda.

Learn more about 'Pale conjunctiva'.

Shadow under eyes
Shadow under eyes
Vata aggravating
Shadows under the eyes imply Vata type ama in the colon or gall bladder stagnation.

Learn more about 'Shadow under eyes'.

Warm & rosy skin
Warm & rosy skin
Pitta aggravating
Warm and rosy skin is a sign that blood vessels are dilated close to the surface of the skin. This may be due to a variety of causes, including lymphatic stagnation, general inflammation, toxic buildup, excess heat, fever, or chronic infection....

Learn more about 'Warm & rosy skin'.

Red / flushed skin
Red / flushed skin
Pitta aggravating
Redness or flushed skin is generally a sign of heat and inflammation (Pitta). This internal heat may be due to fever, skin allergies, toxins from inflammatory processes, infection, or buildup of toxins in the skin. Skin may also be flushed due...

Learn more about 'Red / flushed skin'.

Inflamed skin
Skin Rash
Skin Rash
Pitta aggravating
The body releases toxins through the digestion, urine, skin & lungs. Rashes may result when there are too many toxins, or the liver becomes otherwise aggravated. Some rashes may be infectious and require a visit to a medical doctor. All...

Learn more about 'Skin Rash'.

Skin red after mild abrasion
Skin red after mild abrasion
Pitta aggravating
Dermatographism, the ability to 'draw' on the skin, is a sign of capillary vasodilation due to Pitta type toxicity. It may indicate lymphatic stagnation as well.

Learn more about 'Skin red after mild abrasion'.

Bright red lips, face or palms
Bright red lips, face or palms
Pitta aggravating
Rosy cheeks, red lips, a pink tongue, and redness in the palms of the hand is a sign of rakta saar - or excellence in blood tissue. If the redness is a bright red, it can indicate high Pitta. While yellow color points to liver weakness, bright red...

Learn more about 'Bright red lips, face or palms'.

Pitta aggravating
Rosaceae is an inflammation and dilation of capillaries typically around the nose and cheeks. Demodex mites are present in 80% of cases - these mites trigger an immune response that causes rosaceae. For this reason, some consider rosaceae to be an...

Learn more about 'Rosaceae'.

Pitta aggravating
Hives are a sign of allergy and aggravated Pitta, or lymphatic congestion in aggravated Kapha.

Learn more about 'Hives'.

Acne - general
Acne - general
Pitta aggravating
Acne is considered a hot, oily pitta condition in Ayurveda. When oils build up in the skin and clog your pores the small pustules known as pimples appear. Acne represents a small local infection of the skin. Acne due to...

Learn more about 'Acne - general'.

Bright red conjunctiva
Bright red conjunctiva
A sign of aggravated / inflamed blood (rakta) in Ayurveda.

Learn more about 'Bright red conjunctiva'.

Red sclera (white part of eyes)
Bloodshot Eyes
Bloodshot Eyes
Pitta aggravating
The eyes may be bloodshot from a lack of sleep (Vata), irritation from contact lenses or debris (Vata), allergies (Pitta), a heat condition and even blood stagnation. Cucumbers on the eyes, cleansing the blood, and soothing the liver may help.

Learn more about 'Bloodshot Eyes'.

General Inflammation
Dull / Gray Skin
Dull / Gray Skin
Vata aggravating
Skin may become lusterless and dull when Circulation to the skin is poor Toxins (ama) in circulation are released through the skin Poor Circulation Poor circulation causes the skin to appear lifeless....

Learn more about 'Dull / Gray Skin'.

Pink skin
Pink skin
Pink skin appears predominantly pink in color. It can be a sign of strong, healthy circulation of blood to the surface of the skin. However, in some cases, skin may appear pink if it is inflamed, irritated, or there is sun damage. Pink or...

Learn more about 'Pink skin'.

Oily t-zone only
Oily t-zone only
Pitta aggravating
Oily in the T-zone only implies that heat/blood is moving upward into the head.

Learn more about 'Oily t-zone only'.

Oily face / dry extremities
Oily face / dry extremities
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
Oily face can indicate heat moving upward, especially when the extremities are cold. It can also indicate that sweet, Kapha thick blood is blocking circulation to the extremities.

Learn more about 'Oily face / dry extremities'.

Warm to touch
Flushes Easily
Flushes Easily
Pitta aggravating
A person may flush easily when they are overheated, experience intense emotions, due to toxicity or hormone fluctuations, or after indulging in Pitta aggravating foods or lifestyle. Intense emotions can trigger an increase in the heart rate or...

Learn more about 'Flushes Easily'.

Sweat often
Sweat often
Pitta aggravating
Sweating often may indicate congested fluids, or excess fat tissue. The backed up fluids can causes clamminess in hands or feet especially. A heat condition, a dry-heat condition, or irritating toxin can also cause the pores to open...

Learn more about 'Sweat often'.

Sweat rarely
Sweat rarely
Vata aggravating
Sweating rarely may indicate chronic dehydration, electrolyte imbalance such as magnesium deficiency, or other factors. Drinking inadequate amounts of water, urinating or passing too much liquid in the feces will reduce the amount of sweating. The...

Learn more about 'Sweat rarely'.

Pale lips
Pale lips
Vata aggravating
Pale lips may be a sign of anemia or other blood deficiencies. It could be a sign of vasoconstriction due to cold or other circulatory issues.

Learn more about 'Pale lips'.

Red Ears
Red Ears
Pitta aggravating
Redness of the ears could be a sign of upward moving heat (Pitta). Ears may be red continuously, after eating, after eating red meat or spicy food, or not at all.

Learn more about 'Red Ears'.

Acne - cystic
Acne - cystic
Pitta aggravating
Cystic acne may form in a person with a watery kapha constitution has a clogged pore, their body may form a cysts around the irritant.

Learn more about 'Acne - cystic'.

Acne - whitehead
Acne - whitehead
Pitta aggravating
A whitehead may also be painful. All painful whiteheads are due to a localized infection. Whiteheads can result from excessively sweet Kapha blood, or blood that is too high in sugar or fat content mixing with fiery Pitta toxins. The fiery toxins...

Learn more about 'Acne - whitehead'.

Pale Tongue
Pale Tongue
Vata aggravating
A pale tongue could indicate a blood deficiency such as anemia.

Learn more about 'Pale Tongue'.

Red dots on tongue
Red dots on tongue
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Red dots on the tongue are blood filled bumps that indicate a heat condition in the internal organs, especially the digestive tracts.

Learn more about 'Red dots on tongue'.

Bounding / Strong Pulse
Bounding / Strong Pulse
Pitta aggravating
Indicates heart is pumping hard, and vessels are elastic.

Learn more about 'Bounding / Strong Pulse'.

Weak Pulse
Weak Pulse
Pitta aggravating
A weak pulse indicates debility, cardiac problems, or dehydration.

Learn more about 'Weak Pulse'.

Slippery / Oily Pulse
Slippery / Oily Pulse
Vata aggravating
A slippery pulse will feel like small beads rippling underneath the fingers when you check the pulse. It is a forceful, oily pulse, so a sign of heat and damp. It is common in pregnancy, blood congestion, and in a full (sthenic) fever. The dampness...

Learn more about 'Slippery / Oily Pulse'.

Which boxes best describe your 'Water Regulation'?

Irregular Thirst
Irregular Thirst
Vata aggravating
It takes a strong digestion to get thirsty. Otherwise, water will feel heavy in the stomach. Vata individuals often forget to drink water, or fail to notice they are thirsty. Excess mucus and insufficient acids can also drown healthy thirst. Your...

Learn more about 'Irregular Thirst'.

Avoids humidity
Avoids humidity
Kapha people tend to store excess water. They avoid humidity and anything soggy, including soggy foods because it resembles the way they feel: congested, clammy and heavy. Since Kapha people crave heavy foods without sogginess, they are seduced by...

Learn more about 'Avoids humidity'.

Dry skin
Dry skin
Vata aggravating
The skin is the cream of the blood plasma, reflecting it's properties. Thin, dry skin often reflects depletion or insufficient fat intake (Vata). Ghee and oil massage are useful for Vata type dry skin. In some case, dry skin is related to...

Learn more about 'Dry skin'.

Clammy Skin
Clammy Skin
Clammy skin refers to skin that is wet, damp and sticky. Skin also usually feels cold to the touch. Most commonly, skin becomes clammy due to fluid accumulation in the extremities, often as a result of poor circulation.This can be due to thick...

Learn more about 'Clammy Skin'.

Water Retention
Water Retention
Kapha aggravating
Water retention could imply poor circulation or low kidney function. Poor circulation may be due to thick, sweet Kapha blood, a heart condition, low metabolism, or other factors.

Learn more about 'Water Retention'.

Kapha aggravating
Edematic swelling can result from stagnant circulation or low osmotic pressure in the blood compared to cells. Circulation becomes stagnant in Kapha dosha when the blood is too thick and sweet. "Sweet" blood means blood that is rich in sugars, fats,...

Learn more about 'Edema'.

Feet or Ankles Swelling
Feet or Ankles Swelling
Kapha aggravating
Edematic swelling can result from stagnant circulation. Circulation becomes stagnant in Kapha dosha when the blood is too thick and sweet, or when veins are too dilated and relaxed. "Sweet" blood means blood that is rich in sugars, fats,...

Learn more about 'Feet or Ankles Swelling'.

Puffy hands
Puffy hands
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
Puffy hands look enlarged and swollen. Hands generally become puffy due to lymphatic stagnation and sluggish circulation.Poor circulation often occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and eating a diet in heavy, rich, sweet, and fried foods....

Learn more about 'Puffy hands'.

Puffy / swollen skin
Puffy / swollen skin
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
Puffy skin implies lymphatic stagnation, inflammation, and edema, overall a Kapha condition in Ayurveda and dampness in Chinese medicine. Possible causes include poor circulation, an allergen, and toxins. Kapha lymph is naturally thick & gooey....

Learn more about 'Puffy / swollen skin'.

Puffy face
Puffy face
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
A puffy face is one that looks more swollen than normal. It is caused by sluggish circulation and lymphatic congestion. It can appear worse in the morning as lymph tends to stagnate overnight when you are immobile.Sluggish circulation often...

Learn more about 'Puffy face'.

Night-time Urination
Night-time Urination
Nightime urination may be due to toxicity in the blood, which gets filtered by the kidneys. Alternatively, night-time urination can indicate diabetes, especially if the urine is cloudy or bubbly.

Learn more about 'Night-time Urination'.

Dark Yellow Urine
Dark Yellow Urine
Kapha aggravating
Generally, urine should be straw colored, or light yellow. Dark yellow urine implies the urine has a lower concentration of water than normal. This may be due to dehydration, a high sodium diet, electrolyte imbalance, poor circulation to the kidneys...

Learn more about 'Dark Yellow Urine'.

Frequent Urination
Frequent Urination
Vata aggravating
Frequent urination causes significant loss of electrolytes and dehydration. Dehydration creates digestive problems and constipation. The quantity of urine is related to many factors including diabetes and diuretic foods and pharmaceuticals. When...

Learn more about 'Frequent Urination'.

Sour sweat
Sour sweat
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
Sour sweat is a sign of a Pitta Kapha condition with ama (damp-heat in Chinese medicine). Circulation may be blocked or stagnant. This condition typically occurs alongside red-puffy skin and well developed muscles.

Learn more about 'Sour sweat'.

Sweat rarely
Sweat rarely
Vata aggravating
Sweating rarely may indicate chronic dehydration, electrolyte imbalance such as magnesium deficiency, or other factors. Drinking inadequate amounts of water, urinating or passing too much liquid in the feces will reduce the amount of sweating. The...

Learn more about 'Sweat rarely'.

Sweat often
Sweat often
Pitta aggravating
Sweating often may indicate congested fluids, or excess fat tissue. The backed up fluids can causes clamminess in hands or feet especially. A heat condition, a dry-heat condition, or irritating toxin can also cause the pores to open...

Learn more about 'Sweat often'.

Night sweats
Night sweats
Vata aggravating Pitta aggravating
Night sweats are a classic sign of Vata pushing Pitta ('yin deficient heat' in Chinese medicine). They often correspond to a racing mind and heartbeat, insomnia, and terrifying dreams. Night sweats may be due to high blood sugar as in...

Learn more about 'Night sweats'.

Empty Pulse / Vessel
Empty Pulse / Vessel
Vata aggravating
An empty vessel pulse could mean low blood pressure or dehydration. The vessel feels especially deflated between heartbeats. A wide pulse (due to vasodilation) sometimes feels more empty because blood pressure drops when vessels are dilated.

Learn more about 'Empty Pulse / Vessel'.

Which boxes best describe your 'Circulation'?

Easily hot
Easily hot
Pitta aggravating
Sensitivity to heat indicates various patterns of imbalance. Sometimes the body becomes hot when deficient (as in dry eczema, or yin-deficient heat of Chinese medicine). Otherwise, heat may come from some kind of internal inflammation. A fever is a...

Learn more about 'Easily hot'.

Hot in torso/chest area
Hot in torso/chest area
Pitta aggravating Kapha aggravating
When you feel hot in your torso area, but also have cold extremities, it can indicate poor circulation and overcompensation by the heart. Sweet, thick Kapha blood is the likely culprit.

Learn more about 'Hot in torso/chest area'.

Hot / Burning Feet
Hot / Burning Feet
Burning feet syndrome is characterized by severe burning and aching feet. There may also be pain, elevated skin temperature, and excessive sweating.Burning feet syndrome may be a symptom of another disease, such as hypothyroidism, diabetes,...

Learn more about 'Hot / Burning Feet'.

Flushes Easily
Flushes Easily
Pitta aggravating
A person may flush easily when they are overheated, experience intense emotions, due to toxicity or hormone fluctuations, or after indulging in Pitta aggravating foods or lifestyle. Intense emotions can trigger an increase in the heart rate or...

Learn more about 'Flushes Easily'.

Skin red after mild abrasion
Skin red after mild abrasion
Pitta aggravating
Dermatographism, the ability to 'draw' on the skin, is a sign of capillary vasodilation due to Pitta type toxicity. It may indicate lymphatic stagnation as well.

Learn more about 'Skin red after mild abrasion'.

Red tip of tongue
Red tip of tongue
A red tip of the tongue is a normal sign of good metabolism (strong agni). When the tongue appears pale with a red tip however, it is a sign that the heart is overcompensating for anemia (Rakta dhatu deficiency). The heart in general...

Learn more about 'Red tip of tongue'.

Red capillaries visible on skin
Red capillaries visible on skin
Capillary fragility and increased blood pressure can cause capillaries to become distended and visible in the skin. As a person ages, the capillaries become more fragile. Alcoholism, smoking, and cardiovascular diseases can increase blood pressure....

Learn more about 'Red capillaries visible on skin'.

Poor circulation
Poor circulation

Learn more about 'Poor circulation'.

Easily cold
Easily cold
Vata aggravating
Kapha people become cold when metabolism is low or circulation is poor (Kapha). Vata people are cold when the skin is too dry, there is a lack of adequate fat tissue in the skin, or blood sugar levels are low. Pitta people feel cold when they...

Learn more about 'Easily cold'.

Low basal body temperature
Low basal body temperature
Kapha aggravating
Low body temperature could indicate deficiency (Vata), low metabolism with stagnation (Kapha), or chronic infection depleting heat (Pitta).

Learn more about 'Low basal body temperature'.

Cold extremities
Cold extremities
Vata aggravating
Cold extremities can imply a blood deficiency such as anemia, poor circulation from dehydration or congestion, a low metabolism, low blood sugar levels, insufficient clothing or fat, or stress. A chronic infection such as candida can rob the body of...

Learn more about 'Cold extremities'.

Bluish Skin
Bluish Skin
Vata aggravating
Blue skin is a sign of blood stagnation due to coldness or dryness.

Learn more about 'Bluish Skin'.

Cramping back of leg
Cramping back of leg
Vata aggravating
Leg cramps generally comes from poor circulation, toxicity, or imbalance in electrolytes. Cholesterol medication can cause a cramp as well. There is a colon marma or acupressure point where the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle meet. This point...

Learn more about 'Cramping back of leg'.

Bluish nail-beds
Bluish nail-beds
Vata aggravating
Blue nail-beds signify stagnant blood, which may be due to poor circulation or low blood pressure.

Learn more about 'Bluish nail-beds'.

Bluish / Purple Tongue
Bluish / Purple Tongue
Vata aggravating
A blue / purple tongue indicates internal blood stagnation (Kapha) or cold quality (Vata).

Learn more about 'Bluish / Purple Tongue'.

Puffiness upper eyelid
Puffiness upper eyelid
Seen as a sign of high cholesterol or low thyroid.

Learn more about 'Puffiness upper eyelid'.

Puffy under eyes / Bags
Puffy under eyes / Bags
Kapha aggravating
The skin around your eye area is the thinnest and most fragile skin found on the entire body. As you age, the lids under the eye may swell with fluids or fats. Muscles and ligaments responsible for holding those fats in place may become lax. Since...

Learn more about 'Puffy under eyes / Bags'.

Tingling / Numbness
Tingling / Numbness
Kapha aggravating
Tingling / numbness could result from poor circulation or other problems. A limb may be numb due to nerve pathology. Circulation may be blocked because of sweet, thick Kapha blood, bloating in the digestive tract, fat tissue, edematic swelling, and...

Learn more about 'Tingling / Numbness'.

Pins and Needles Hands and Feet
Pins and Needles Hands and Feet
Pins and needles are a sign of poor circulation. Circulation may be poor when the blood vessels are blocked by plaque, the blood is too thick, of the heart is not strong enough to pump the blood. Stress, cold body temperatures, a sedentary...

Learn more about 'Pins and Needles Hands and Feet'.

Shadow under eyes
Shadow under eyes
Vata aggravating
Shadows under the eyes imply Vata type ama in the colon or gall bladder stagnation.

Learn more about 'Shadow under eyes'.

Feel pain less than other people
Feel pain less than other people
Feeling pain less than other people, or hypoalgesia, is a condition in which there is decreased sensitivity to painful stimuli. Hypoalgesia is a potentially dangerous condition as there may be a reduced or delayed response in processing painful...

Learn more about 'Feel pain less than other people'.

Feel pain more than other people
Feel pain more than other people
Vata aggravating
Feeling pain more than other people, or hyperalgesia, is a condition in which there is increased sensitivity to painful stimuli. Pain is detected by sensory nerves. If you feel pain more than others, the nervous system is likely agitated or on high...

Learn more about 'Feel pain more than other people'.

Poor discernment of temperature
Poor discernment of temperature
Vata aggravating
Poor discernment of temperature is the inability to distinguish sensations of hot and cold. Inadequate circulation to peripheral nerves in the skin causes poor discernment of temperature.Your peripheral nervous system requires fresh blood and...

Learn more about 'Poor discernment of temperature'.

Bruise easily
Bruise easily
Pitta aggravating
Bruising easily is a sign of high Pitta in Ayurveda. Capillary beds may be dilated due to a heat condition in heart or liver, general inflammation, or irritating toxins in the blood. Platelet count may be low. Malabsorption of vitamins C and K may...

Learn more about 'Bruise easily'.

Raynaud's Syndrome
Raynaud's Syndrome
Vata aggravating Kapha aggravating
In Raynaud's, exposure to cold triggers the body to shunt blood from the hands and feet symmetrical and into the core, to prioritize vital organs. It is characterized by hyper-reactive vasoconstriction to cold. As a result, the hands turn...

Learn more about 'Raynaud's Syndrome'.

Bleed less than other people
Bleed less than other people
Bleeding less than other people can be a good thing - it means you won't lose as much blood if you cut or injure yourself. If pathological, it could be due to either thick, viscous blood with sluggish circulation

Learn more about 'Bleed less than other people'.

Blood Clots
Blood Clots
Painful clots may appear closer to the skin's surface (superficial thrombophlebitis). Or, a clot may be deep, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT can cause the entire leg to swell and can be a life threatening complication. Many DVT are...

Learn more about 'Blood Clots'.

Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins

Learn more about 'Varicose Veins'.

Non-healing sore / ulcer
Non-healing sore / ulcer
A non-healing ulcer or diabetic sore is one that does not respond to initial treatment and persists despite appropriate care. Diabetic ulcers generally tend to develop on the legs and feet due to poor circulation or edema in the lower...

Learn more about 'Non-healing sore / ulcer'.

Stroke (from aneurysm)
Stroke (from aneurysm)
A stroke is a loss of blood flow to a part of the brain, occuring due to a clot or an aneurysm. A stroke caused by an aneurysm occurs when the the walls of an artery in the brain rupture. This happens when the artery wall has been weakened from...

Learn more about 'Stroke (from aneurysm)'.

Stroke (from clot)
Stroke (from clot)
Kapha aggravating
An ischemic stroke is a loss of blood flow to a part of the brain, occuring due to a clot. This disruption in blood flow leads to the sudden death of brain cells. A clot can cause an obstruction in blood vessels inside the brain (thrombotic stroke),...

Learn more about 'Stroke (from clot)'.


Learn more about 'Atherosclerosis'.

Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Vata aggravating Kapha aggravating
Low blood pressure could imply dehydration (Vata type) or low thyroid function (Kapha type).

Learn more about 'Low blood pressure'.

If you are prone to headaches and want a natural source of relief, you’ve come to the right place. While there are many types of headaches, Ayurveda teaches that most are symptomatic of an imbalance in the blood. Let’s explore some...

Learn more about 'Headache'.

High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure
Kapha aggravating
What is High Blood Pressure? The concept of blood pressure is simple - it refers to the force of blood pressing against the walls of your arteries. Healthy blood pressure is around 120/80mm Hg. When your blood pressure...

Learn more about 'High Blood Pressure'.

Inflamed blood vessel
Inflamed blood vessel
The most common causes of blood vessels inflammation include: Varicose veins Long standing blood stasis Trauma to the vessel

Learn more about 'Inflamed blood vessel'.

Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
Pitta aggravating
A person that has difficulty clotting may bleed excessively from minor trauma, the GI tract, or in the brain. Under extreme conditions, even walking can cause bleeding and damage in internal organs. Blood thinners, vitamin K antagonists,...

Learn more about 'Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)'.

Red / flushed skin
Red / flushed skin
Pitta aggravating
Redness or flushed skin is generally a sign of heat and inflammation (Pitta). This internal heat may be due to fever, skin allergies, toxins from inflammatory processes, infection, or buildup of toxins in the skin. Skin may also be flushed due...

Learn more about 'Red / flushed skin'.

Pink skin
Pink skin
Pink skin appears predominantly pink in color. It can be a sign of strong, healthy circulation of blood to the surface of the skin. However, in some cases, skin may appear pink if it is inflamed, irritated, or there is sun damage. Pink or...

Learn more about 'Pink skin'.

Sweaty palms
Sweaty palms
Pitta aggravating
Sweaty palms may create discomfort in social situation that require shaking hands. Palm sweat is increased when your circulatory system is congested, the blood toxic, when stressed, when you have a heat condition, or when excess fat blocks the...

Learn more about 'Sweaty palms'.

Purple/blue lips
Purple/blue lips
Vata aggravating
Bluish or purple lips may be a sign of cold, such as when a child swims in cold water for several hours. Or, it may be a sign of blood stagnation due to other reasons.

Learn more about 'Purple/blue lips'.

Long tongue


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