"It would be amazing to collaborate with Joyful Belly to learn from your team and be part of something so incredible�.

Anyway, it would be an honor to collaborate and, if not, continue to learn from the team there at Joyful Belly.

Thank you all for your time and energy,"

Yoga Instructor - Philadelphia, PA

"So i just watched John's business class and am feeling really so much clearer on my business plan."


"Each of you has inspired me in a unique way to continue my firm personal commitment to learning more and more about Ayurveda and helping as many others as possible. I'm enjoying the learning process very much and am very eager about starting my own clinic, workshops, courses, etc. once ready."

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Lakeville , PA

"The course has been one of the best "gifts" I have ever gifted myself, as in the past I have had a complicated, not so healthy relationship with food. I�ve often said to myself, if I could overcome this one obstacle, I could rule the world. My biggest inspiration comes simply from listening to the stories of the diverse voices on the lectures, both students and instructors. My second inspiration comes from implementing the concepts into my daily life. Thank you once again for accepting me at last minute. I appreciate you."

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Shallowater, TX

"I have a success story that I just had to share. Last week a man came to see me ready to change his diet. He has a history of excess alcohol/liver heat, excess weight (not a lot but more than he would like), a lot of cold in the GI tract, dry colon with inflammation, lincoln log stools which sometimes purge yellow stools after doing yoga. He also has a history of indigestion with acid reflux which the doctor gave him Nexim for.

The Nexium did not help at all which he told his doctor, but the doctor insisted he keep taking it.

I gave him a vata/kapha diet with no solid foods after 2pm. Lemon/honey/ginger drink in the morning plus CCF tea during the day, I asked him to use certain spices in his cooking and practice mula bhanda to help with the stress he has been feeling. That's all, no herbs.

I spoke with him today and he is feeling fabulous. He said that he is feeling a warm heat throughout his body that he hasn't felt in a very long time. His bowels started to regulate very quickly and his body is starting to sweat during yoga which doesn't usually happen. He has lost a lot of weight, is feeling much lighter, more energetic, and his ankle is starting to heal itself.

If I had not taken the joyful belly course I would not have known that acid reflux can be caused by indigestion/lack of fire. I would have assumed that with his liver being hot that his stomach was too acidic as well and I would not have understood why his bowel movements were alternating.

I would have been nervous to treat him and likely would have treated him similar to the doctor instead of treating his case as having too much cold.

I am in tears at having helped someone and hearing the excitement in this man's voice from how good he feels. He's coming back next week for another consultation"

Ayurvedic Healer -

"HI! I miss you! I want you to know from the bottom of my heart how grateful and appreciative of all the knowledge, time, energy, and compassion you gave to me during the MID program. I'm honored to have been in this class. I have learned so much! My mind, body and spirit is still processing and slowly assimilating. I have decided to find my way by incorporating more in-depth digestion lessons of Ayurveda into the existing 5 sense programs/classes I offer, therapies etc. I will add this knowledge to my cooking classes, creating more balancing recipes and lectures on weight loss etc..

I'm compounding my herbal and essential oil blends for my patient's with new insight, along with tweaking some of my existing formularies. As a clinical aromatherapist I'll able to add so much more for my patient when formulating and to my aromatherapy teachings for my students this knowledge will give my students another lens to view all of the precious oils and carriers I discuss in lecture. I'm able to supercharge my nature walk/talks and outdoor lectures, and outdoor yoga classes with even more renewed- exuberance!

I'm using the Ayurvedic knowledge on dosha to create an even more personalized sound therapy session along with an even greater for detail for massotherapy, marma-tcm-accupressure point therapy, hypnosis, ect..

I will be FOREVER grateful!"

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Canfield, OH

"I have gotten so much out of this. I feel a bit emotional about it coming to an end! I'd love to stay in touch and keep learning from all the wise folk here."

Ayurvedic Healer - Melbourne, VIC

"JoyFul Belly has been instrumental in choosing Ayurveda as a means to address my digestive issues."


"I have enjoyed this course so much, it's been a life changer and so glad I did the step to take it."

Yoga Instructor - Shenzhen, HAMPSHIRE

"I just met with my 88 year old client who is having trouble with nausea. I explained the Ayurvedic perspective you discussed in the free call and how unexpressed anger, guilt or shame could be a possible cause. A light bulb went off in her head and she revealed childhood traumas that had cause the same feeling of nausea in her stomach. This new perspective gave her insight into her current condition."

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Milan,

"Just wanted to post a huge thank you to John Joseph Immel for his fantastic lecture on subtle quality. It was personally so illuminating for me, and shined so many lights onto all my lurking, barely visible, subtle parts. There were sooo many nuggets of wisdom and so much material to pause and reflect on. I could not believe how in depth it was, and I loved all the philosophies and topics you pursued in this lecture with subtle quality at the helm. Not to sound too overly dramatic, but I would consider this to be a very life-changing, life-uplifting, life-altering lecture, and I cannot thank you enough for all the time and effort you put into the presentation to make it so. Definitely finished the lecture with a renewed sense of hope, and also a feeling of profound gratefulness to be apart of such a wonderful course. Thank you!!!"

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Lakeville , PA

"I have to say, I really enjoyed this course and I feel it is the most comprehensive and interesting course out there. It was very intense!"

Bland , VA

"Anyway, all of this to say that I had big dreams at the outset of this program that still hold true. I cannot fathom the brain power and team power to get this quality of program up and running so successfully. I thank you all for everything that you do- I am inspired."

Yoga Instructor - Philadelphia, PA

"The class, has brought a certain calm to me, I have experienced my mental warrior energy, where as before this i�ve only experienced my physical warrior energy. To absorb this information is a lot for a 24 year old to take in but the fact that I gave it my best, showed me what I am truly capable of and I am seeing the outcome of giving your all to something you dreamed about doing. I feel strengthened, and motivated to see the world and my part in it in through a more experienced lens. I�ve learned how to balance, school, relationships, work, and play in a whole new way. I have a deeper respect for teachers, and think that we have been spoiled to have such knowledgeable and nurturing teachers to learn from, couldn�t thank the Joyful belly team enough."

Ayurvedic Healer -

"Hi, John! I'm the studio manager of Heartland Yoga in Iowa City, Iowa. I listened to your teleseminar yesterday and found your teaching so clear and practical. I think many of our yoga students are ready to learn about how they can incorporate Ayurveda into their daily lives. Would you be interested in teaching a seminar at Heartland?"

Reiki - Iowa city, IA

"I have been "self-studying" ayurveda for about 7 years now, and my very first introduction to it (I had never heard of it before!) was when my yoga teacher told me to "go to joyfulbelly.com" Since then I have been reading as much as I can, subscribe to your mailing list, and browse through the many recipes. I would like to now go a step further in my journey, and begin to help OTHERS find wellness through ayurveda. The Joyful Belly site has been so helpful in my own journey, that I am interested in furthering my education through the school."

Boscobel, IL

"As I continue to work on my paper, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for what I Ave learned this past nine months. Honestly, it is just amazing. John Joseph Immel, how can I even create a thesis that is more or better than the lecture you gave us regarding constipation? How?? When I read your words, I can visualize what is happening in the gut, I can feel the anguish and the straining of the intestines, and I can vision the alarm of the heart and nerves as they frantically call out forcrelief. I do not mean to be dramatic, but I truly just want to have a half-page Thesis that says, \"What John said.\""

Ayurvedic Healer -
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[email protected] +1 828-307-3281
Asheville, North Carolina