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According to the Ayurvedic clock, Kapha happens in the beginning of life, the year, the day, the night, and digestion. Kapha is thus naturally increased during the following times:
Childhood - Children are renowned for colds, congestion, and mucus. Children love to sleep late and eat sweet, heavy foods. They love to play and hate to work. They are loving and innocent.
Late winter and spring - During winter, Kapha fat rises to protect the body from coldness, driving the heat of the body inward. As the sun heats the air in late winter, the body sheds the layer of protective fat, releasing Kapha into the bloodstream. Melting Kapha is the Ayurvedic cause of hay fever congestion.
After sunrise and sunset - For the two hours after sunrise and sunset, Kapha feels relaxed. Kapha people will enjoy staying in bed past sunrise and feel after dinner laziness. If Kapha is high, there will be congestion during these times.
First two hours after a meal - After eating, the body feels calm and content due to rising blood sugar levels, which is Kapha. Congestion also increases immediately after eating unless the food is spicy.
Stomach - Mucus buildup in the stomach from slow digestion is the root of increased Kapha throughout the body.
Mouth - Many Kapha individuals experience strong food cravings. Kapha people lack the metabolism to process strong emotions and tend to suppress emotions and agitation with food.
Lymph - Kapha people have high blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood, leading to the slimy and oily quality clogging the blood vessels. Poor circulation deprives extremities of oxygen, leading to cold hands and feet. Slimy and oily quality manifest topically on the skin.
Lungs, Throat, Sinsuses, and Nose - Excess water and hyperglycemia lead to a thick layer of mucus in the lungs and GI tract. The result is congestion and improper circulation of lymph. Thick mucus reduces absorption of oxygen in the lungs. To compensate, the body lowers metabolism (low thyroid) and Kapha becomes psychologically overwhelmed and depressed. To balance, dry the body and avoid heavy guna and sweet taste. Favor bitter and pungent.
Breasts - Kapha in the lymphatic system leads to larger breasts and stagnation of lymph in mastic tissue. The breasts may be lumpy.
Pancreas - The combination of hyperglycemia and anoxia lead to insulin resistance in the cells, eventually wearing out the pancreas and causing diabetes.
Mind - Sugary blood and and good absorption makes Kapha content and peaceful. When the blood is too thick, circulation is affected and the mind becomes dull and depressed.