Categories in Respiratory HealthNose and SinusesPhlegmThroatLungsEarsOverviewDon't know your body type? Take our free Dosha quiz!
109 likes ![]() Nasal passages become blocked when either swollen or filled with mucus. Infections, as well as dryness in the air can irritate passages, making them swollen. Electric and gas heat are very dry in nature. Cold air causes the nasal passages to swell as... 21 likes ![]() Loss of taste and flavor makes it hard for you to choose the right foods for your body. Impaired taste can cause you to eat too little and lose weight, or it could make you eat too much and gain weight. Impaired taste can predispose you to using too... 21 likes ![]() Limited sense of smell could come from various causes. Toxins in the body reduce the sensitivity of the nose. Sinus inflammation or sinus infection could reduce sensitivity. Acid reflux may affect smell. Injury or trauma to the septum, or sphenoid bone... 74 likes ![]() A runny nose with thin mucus is often a Vata condition with cold. Toxicity (ama) is another factor. Toxins irritate the nasal passages. Toxins build due to leaky gut, constipation, or gas and bloating. Check for signs of... 188 likes ![]() Is your nose constantly drippy? If you are one who can't leave the house without tissues on hand, you probably have post nasal drip. The nose is one of the body's pathways to eliminate toxins, and a major site of immune system activity. Post nasal... 18 likes ![]() Snot is dried mucus, and a sign of Vata. Moist, slimy snot is more Kapha in nature. 53 likes ![]() Even though flowers release pollen all summer long, many people are more sensitive to pollen in the springtime. The body releases winter fats in the springtime, making the blood rich and sweet. When the blood is rich, any single grain of pollen... 21 likes ![]() Dry Nasal Passages Heating systems, especially air heat, tend to dry out the air, creating dryness in the nasal passages. Apply sesame oil and ghee to the nose with the pinky finger. Humidifiers can help. 16 likes ![]() Dry Nasal Passages Heating systems, especially air heat, tend to dry out the air, creating dryness in the nasal passages. Apply sesame oil and ghee to the nose with the pinky finger. Humidifiers can help. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The winter chill in the air and the smell of cedar logs crackling and burning in a far off chimney refreshes the senses. Yet after several minutes of walking, my nasal passages have swollen shut. An unsightly drop of clear mucus prompts me to reach for... 8 likes ![]() A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. Polyps may form in the nasal passages, colon, uterus, ear and bladder. Polyps may obstruct the passage, and are easily irritated and/or inflamed. In some cases they are... RESPIRATORY HEALTH TIPS DISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. HOW AYURVEDA WORKSARE YOU WONDERING HOW AYURVEDA CAN HELP YOU?WHY IS AYURVEDA THE RIGHT SOLUTION?Ayurveda strengthens the body while opposing disorders. It takes a holistic, systemic approach that looks at the whole body. Ayurveda shows how to interpret signs and symptoms of imbalance, and how to address them using diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbs. It shows a person how to optimize their health on a continual basis. You can't take the doctor home with you, but you can take Ayurveda home with you. Ayurveda is the most advanced and easy to use home system for self healing.HOW DOES AYURVEDA WORK?Ayurveda starts by identifying your body type, which identifies certain tendencies in your body to get sick (as well as identifying your strengths). It uses body type to determine the likely root causes of your disorders. Next, Ayurveda analyzes the nature of your disorder. It fits all your signs and symptoms into a pattern, expressed as a combination of biocharaceristics (gunas). For example, you may have a heat disorder, a cold disorder, or an oily disorder, etc. This simple categorical approach shows you how to correct systemic imbalances and strengthen your body as a whole.On Joyful Belly, we've created an extensive categorization of food so you can easily match food to your imbalanced biocharacteristics. By eating an optimal diet that balances your biocharacteristics, your whole body is strengthened and the conditions that created the disorder are removed. Once the root causes of the disease are removed, the disease lessens in strength or disappears altogether. Additional remedies - such as herbs and lifestyle practices - focused on the specific disorder, can greatly enhance your healing. GET STARTEDTo get started on your Ayurvedic journey, we first recommend that your find your body type by taking our free quiz. In Ayurveda, every solution is based on your unique body type, so by taking this quiz, you’ll get the best results. |