Why People Are Too Busy, And How Ayurveda Can Help?

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What's your well being worth? You know your health is important to you. But how are you going to make time for your body?

Clients tell us they don't have time for their health. They are busy raising kids, working full time and seeking out some personal time in between. They survive on power bars and caffeine. Then middle-age hits them like a brick wall in the form of menopause, exhaustion, or an adverse health event. We see this every day in the Joyful Belly clinic - a person who can no longer sleep or digest anything well. A person who lacks vitality. Slowly and suddenly more mindful of their health, these clients inch their way back to health and vitality.

Ayurveda says, "Don't wait until you're thirsty to start digging the well." Many people procrastinate until they are so ill they have no choice but to take care of themselves. By then the repair work is much harder than prevention. We suggest starting now. Incorporating self care not only prevents illness, but enhances your quality of life and creates stability that supports better decision making. Who doesn't want to enjoy life for years to come?

Why are People Too Busy?

According to the Economist, here are the top reasons why people are too busy to take care of themselves:
  • It's partly your point of view. If you believe you are too busy then voila suddenly you are. Most people make time for lots of meaningless activities. Not to mention that it is trendy to be busy. For some, busy-ness is also an avoidance technique. Instead, make a list of your priorities and focus on what counts.
  • People believe time is money. Individuals who believe time is money want to get as much out of every moment as they can. "The more cash-rich working Americans are, the more time-poor they feel," reported Gallup, a polling company, in 2011. The result: People who are paid more per hour generally work more to cash in on their time.
  • People with higher education tend to work longer days which means less time for play and self care. This may be due to loving work, job insecurity, or financial ambition.
  • There are simply more things to fill your time with. There has been an expansion of both entertainment and professional options. Altogether this creates the feeling that you need more time to participate in all of it. To boot, technology has normalized instant gratification inviting increased anxiety and impatience.
  • Some folks just can't say no - spiraling their free time and sanity into oblivion. Others feel selfish taking time for themselves. And there are those who don't want to appear needy or inadequate and therefore have a daily to do list that looks like a test of endurance.
Whatever the reason you are too busy, your body needs you.

How can Ayurveda Help Me?

Here are some of the reasons why you should prioritize Ayurveda:
  • Ayurveda is effortless once you make the upfront investment, like putting on a sweater when it's cold, and taking it off when you're hot. You don't think about it you just do it. In Ayurveda, you learn that level of ease with food and health. You learn behaviors that effortlessly support your lifestyle as well That's why Ayurveda is so easy to practice.
  • Ayurveda gives you insight into your nature, so you know who you are. That insight makes life easier for you in every aspect. Ayurveda's wisdom literally helps prevent costly mistakes. You save time by making better career choices. You reduce stress by navigating complex emotional issues artfully. And, you have more energy because you feel better.
  • Rather than a piecemeal approach to health problems - i.e. your weight, your skin, your sleep habits and energy levels, Ayurveda grants you the power of perspective. You gain the ability to see the whole picture rather than the sum of its parts. You find graceful and wisdom based solutions instead of costly and inefficient band aids to every problem.
Because of Ayurveda's unique benefits outlined above, Ayurveda actually saves you time the more you invest in it.

When to Start Taking Care of Yourself

Will you ever stop being busy, being a parent, being a boss, being all those things that prevent you from taking care of yourself? Is there an endpoint in sight to these endeavors? Probably not, so you've got to prioritize making the time for self care. Now is the most important time to ensure your well being. Don't let a health crisis creep up costing you missed days at work, expensive doctor's visits, and pricey prescriptions, not to mention the exhaustion such an event inevitably brings.

What is the Easiest Way to Get Started?

We've made it easy to take the first step with our array of educational resources. From the Personal Body Book, to Balance Your Diet in a Week e-Course, to Mastering Digestion, we've got your body type covered. We've got a number of options to meet your needs and your time constraints. Learn together with a group or at your own pace. You can also schedule a 1-to-1 consultation with one of our Ayurvedic practitioners to get yourself on the track to vitality. Start living more vibrantly today!
Building Your Ayurveda Career
What's Eating You? Find Out at this Ayurvedic School of Digestion


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About John Joseph Immel

About the Author

John Immel, the founder of Joyful Belly, teaches people how to have a healthy diet and lifestyle with Ayurveda biocharacteristics. His approach to Ayurveda is clinical, yet exudes an ease which many find enjoyable and insightful. John also directs Joyful Belly's School of Ayurveda, offering professional clinical training in Ayurveda for over 15 years.

John's interest in Ayurveda and specialization in digestive tract pathology was inspired by a complex digestive disorder acquired from years of international travel, as well as public service work in South Asia. John's commitment to the detailed study of digestive disorders reflects his zeal to get down to the roots of the problem. His hope and belief in the capacity of each & every client to improve their quality of life is nothing short of a personal passion. John's creativity in the kitchen and delight in cooking for others comes from his family oriented upbringing. In addition to his certification in Ayurveda, John holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Harvard University.

John enjoys sharing Ayurveda within the context of his Catholic roots, and finds Ayurveda gives him an opportunity to participate in the healing mission of the Church. Jesus expressed God's love by feeding and healing the sick. That kindness is the fundamental ministry of Ayurveda as well. Outside of work, John enjoys spending time with his wife and 7 kids, and pursuing his love of theology, philosophy, and language.

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