Ayurveda to take back control of your health
Book an Ayurveda Consultation

"I know what it means to destroy perfect health. And I also know what it means to take back control of our health after a loss - loss of a family member, a job, an addiction. I had a smoking addiction for 25 years that I recovered from without any mental agony whatsoever. I never thought I would be able to be free of my addiction to Nicotine and not in my wildest imagination that I thought I would recover from the damage that I had done to my body. Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga were instrumental in my journey of recovery back to perfect health and I want to extend that to you. Loss is inevitable in life, but your health does not have to suffer because of it."
-Sibasis Sahoo
Aging / declining health Specialist

Practice Specialty: Aging Gracefully with Ayurveda

Addiction/ Loss takes a toll on your body's physical resources, leaving you depleted, imbalanced. Addiction can be to substances, a person, an activity or other physical or mental objects. Cravings, if not managed can lead to incorrect behavior and diet habits. Ayurveda can help deal with cravings gently while restoring balance with simple strategies.
  • To stop the further deterioration of your health, like PREMATURE greying hair, balding, wrinkling of skin, loss of muscle
  • To feel alive! - Bring back energy and vitality to daily living, to live every moment with passion, enthusiasm
  • To bring back focus, concentration and a sharp memory.
  • To explore ways to live abundantly and eat rightly in your unique environment

Book a Wellness Appointment

Throughout the course of our work together, I will use Ayurveda biocharacteristics to:
  • Create an ayurvedic profile of your inherent (prakruti) and current (vikhruti) constitution
  • Assess your digestive strength, psychological strength, and the current symptoms that are manifesting
  • Address the root cause of your symptoms and improve your digestion and metabolic strength
  • Understand and improve your diet and lifestyle patterns which will prevent further imbalances
  • Achieve your unique health goals along with bringing back energy and vitality into your life

Student Wellness Appointment

Schedule a wellness appointment to support your body.


Schedule an appointment with Sibasis Sahoo to receive individualized health & wellness advice from Ayurveda. Sibasis Sahoo will educate you on Ayurveda's diet & lifestyle solutions for your unique body type and imbalances. Includes:
  • Analysis of your case information
  • 1 hour appointment with Sibasis Sahoo
  • Findings report with recommendations

Format of the Consultations

You have a choice between the following appointment options:

  • Phone (734-330-7071)
  • Location: Michigan, USA
Your practitioner will spend about 30 minutes preparing for the call. After the call your practitioner will email you recommendations & a report of findings. From setup & preparation to deliverables, your practitioner's total investment time in your first appointment is generally 3 hours.

Consultations last one hour and roughly follow this outline:

  • Examination of client and/or photos
  • Analysis of intake forms & quizzes
  • Interview & Questioning
  • Recommendations
  • Scheduling follow ups

What to expect during your consultation?

  • Insightful discussion of your existing diet, lifestyle and medical history.
  • Thorough intake and investigation of your imbalances.
  • Recommendations to balance your vital energies
  • Clarity, professionalism, & practical results!

Timeline & Investment

How soon can I expect to see results?

Many clients experience improvements after the first appointment. It is not uncommon for it to take several sessions before clients notice improvements. These benefits are built through highly individualized, incremental changes to your diet and lifestyle.

How often will we meet?

Depending on the client’s availability and the severity of their condition, we will generally meet once a week for the first 5 appointments. After 5 appointments, 1x/season for one year, 1x/year after that. Clients who are extremely motivated to do more reading and research on their own may meet less frequently. We recommend a cleanse with us twice a year in Sep/Oct or Mar/Apr.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on the client. For relatively simple cases, clients will meet with us over 5 sessions. For long term, serious disorders achieving balance may require up to 15 sessions.

Why do I need 5 sessions?

The Ayurvedic treatment approach is one of “slow and steady wins the race.” There is no "quick fix." This doesn't mean you won't see significant improvements early on, just that it is a gradual process to ensure steady progress until your body fully heals itself. "Quick-fixes" are just treating symptoms, not addressing the root cause, in which case, the symptoms will continue to reappear. Why not end the cycle for good?

What You Receive

Over the course of our sessions together clients typically receive:
  • An Ayurvedic assessment of your conditions & how to monitor them
  • Identification of dietary & lifestyle causes and how to overcome them.
  • A customized plan to support your body and restore balance.

Common Questions

What if my condition is incurable?

Even if your condition seems incurable, you can still support your body. Poor health creates a lot of strain on your body, which reduces your body’s natural ability to fight disease, cope with genetic conditions, allergies and auto-immune disorders. With Ayurveda, you will learn how to support and strengthen your body, regardless of the condition you are suffering from, so that you feel better even when your condition is incurable. Many so called incurable conditions have seen great success with Ayurveda. Although individual results may vary, good health gives your body more energy and capacity to fight chronic disorders.

Will I have to eat a very restrictive diet?

Many clients come to our clinic after trying to resolve problems on their own by strictly following and avoiding foods based on a list they found in a book or over the Internet. We will resolve this confusion about your diet so it is not overly restrictive. The goal of Ayurveda is to improve your diet flexibility, not reduce it.

As you heal, Ayurveda improves your ability to tolerate a diverse array of foods, so your diet will become less and less restrictive over time. You will find there are only a few foods that you must avoid, a few that you must moderate, and several foods that can help you in a pinch.

I already have a good diet. What can Ayurveda teach me?

Many people follow diets advertised in the media, instead of one that is uniquely suited for their body type. This one-size-fits-all style of dieting fails to acknowledge each individual has a unique constitution. In Ayurveda, we will help you discover the ideal diet for your specific constitution. The three dosha types are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many different kinds of Vata, Pitta and Kapha individuals, each with a unique diet to match their type. Your practitioner can provide this fine-tuned missing link between you and your diet.

What if my western medical doctors have been unable to find a diagnosis?

Ayurveda doesn’t need a western medical diagnosis to support your body’s health and healing. Ayurveda studies your body, not just disease. If you cannot identify your condition, Ayurveda can still help.

Does Ayurveda Work?

Conventional nutritionists and certified dietitians focus on supplements and chemistry. Ayurveda emphasizes your experiences and discovering your body. Body awareness and your experience is the critical missing component in public health care. Ayurveda offers a unique and complementary benefit to any health & wellness routine. Ayurveda's medical model is the biocharacteristics theory of clinical medicine.

The biocharacteristics theory of medicine was the dominant form of medicine throughout all Silk Road cultures from 340BC until the mid 1600's (~2000 years). This form of medicine was called 'Greek Medicine' in Europe, Unani tibb in Muslim Cultures, and Ayurveda in India. Its individual approach was replaced by modern medicine's use of more statistically based research models. These aggregate models often ignore highly individualized circumstances. Ayurveda fills this gap in the western model, and it complementary to it.

Terms of Service

24 hour notice required before re-scheduling an appointment. There is no refund once you purchase. You will receive an email from Sibasis Sahoo with instructions after you book your appointment. Please be on time for your appointment. Note due to the nature of clinical appointments your practitioner may be running late for your appointment. Do not call multiple times. Instead, your practitioner will call you when they are free.

We accept credit cards payments and paypal.

Meet Your Ayurveda Practitioner: Sibasis Sahoo

Ayurveda to take back control of your health


My Expertise: Aging / declining health
Location: Michigan, USA
Phone: 734-330-7071
Aging gracefully with Ayurveda
2 Year Ayurveda Health Counselor Certification - Joyful Belly
Non Violent Communications Trained (NVC) - NVC Detroit
Meditator, Yoga Practitioner
Coach, Mentor, Father.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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[email protected] +1 828-307-3281
Asheville, North Carolina