Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEW
Bitters, the Liver & DigestionDigestive bitters are the most popular digestive remedy in Europe. They help food move through your digestive tract easily by stimulating peristalsis - the cleansing muscular contractions of the digestive tract. Bitters contribute to regularity in elimination of the bowels. They also increase digestive enzymes, speeding up the digestive process. Inefficient digestion siphons large amounts of energy, making a person feel tired, moody or just plain yucky. Efficient digestion makes a person feel light, energized, refreshed, and clear headed, which is why bitters are a great remedy if you often feel tired or lethargic after eating. Bitters directly detoxify the blood, and decongest the liver and gall bladder by stimulating bile secretion. Bitters also reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides. Bitters also have the power to eliminate unhealthy food cravings by resetting your palate. SUGGESTED USE
Metabolic Nature of Digestive Bitters
Foods with a Similar Nature to Digestive BittersDandelion Leaves Dandelion Leaves has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Hypolipidemic, Lowers-blood-sugar, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicant, Alterative, Digestive, LivotonicTurmeric Root (Fresh) Turmeric Root (Fresh) has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Digestive, Lowers-blood-sugar, Antibacterial, Hypolipidemic, Alterative, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicantTurmeric Turmeric has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Digestive, Lowers-blood-sugar, Antibacterial, Hypolipidemic, Alterative, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicantBurdock Root (Gobo) Burdock Root (Gobo) has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Internal-detoxicant, Cholagogue, Livotonic, Alterative, Hypolipidemic, Lowers-blood-sugarAloe Vera Juice / Gel Aloe Vera Juice / Gel has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Hypolipidemic, Antibacterial, Internal-detoxicant, Alterative, Cholagogue, Lowers-blood-sugarCilantro Cilantro has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Digestive, Appetizer, Hypolipidemic, Alterative, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicantEndive Endive has these Actions in CommonInternal-detoxicant, Cholagogue, Lowers-blood-sugar, Alterative, Hypolipidemic, Anti-inflammatoryKale Kale has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Internal-detoxicant, Cholagogue, Lowers-blood-sugar, Alterative, HypolipidemicFenugreek Fenugreek has these Actions in CommonDigestive, Lowers-blood-sugar, Anti-inflammatory, Hypolipidemic, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicantAllspice Allspice has these Actions in CommonAntibacterial, Internal-detoxicant, Appetizer, Lowers-blood-sugar, Anti-inflammatory, DigestiveArugula Arugula has these Actions in CommonDigestive, Lowers-blood-sugar, Hypolipidemic, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicantHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to Digestive BittersDandelion Root Dandelion Root has these Actions in CommonDigestive, Hypolipidemic, Internal-detoxicant, Livotonic, Lowers-blood-sugar, Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, CholagogueBhumyamalaki Bhumyamalaki has these Actions in CommonCholagogue, Digestive, Hypolipidemic, Internal-detoxicant, Livotonic, Alterative, Anti-inflammatoryNeem Leaf Neem Leaf has these Actions in CommonHypolipidemic, Internal-detoxicant, Lowers-blood-sugar, Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, CholagoguePunarnava Punarnava has these Actions in CommonCholagogue, Digestive, Hypolipidemic, Internal-detoxicant, Lowers-blood-sugar, Alterative, Anti-inflammatoryYellow Dock Yellow Dock has these Actions in CommonInternal-detoxicant, Lowers-blood-sugar, Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, Cholagogue, DigestiveMugwort Mugwort has these Actions in CommonInternal-detoxicant, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Appetizer, Cholagogue, DigestiveGoldenseal Goldenseal has these Actions in CommonCholagogue, Digestive, Internal-detoxicant, Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, AntibacterialPatola Patola has these Actions in CommonLowers-blood-sugar, Anti-inflammatory, Digestive, Hypolipidemic, Internal-detoxicantBitter Ghee - Tikta Ghrta (9 fl oz) Bitter Ghee - Tikta Ghrta (9 fl oz) has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Anti-inflammatory, Cholagogue, Hypolipidemic, LivotonicMahatikata Ghrta Mahatikata Ghrta has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Anti-inflammatory, Cholagogue, Hypolipidemic, LivotonicGuduchi Guduchi has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Anti-inflammatory, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicant, Livotonic![]() Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. TRADITIONALLY INDICATED FOR THESE SYMPTOMSDigestive Bitters may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any herb supplement for a condition is highly dependent on the individual. Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition.HERB DRUG INTERACTION RISKHere are some potential herb drug interactions. Please see your health care provider for more information.
WHAT'S NEXT?Look for similar items by category Herbs-and-Formulas, Joyful-Belly-Formulas, Kapha-Reducing, Cleanse-and-Detox, DigestionReviews for Digestive Bitters![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
It is available in powder form.
Should I drink the herbs or strain them? They are extremely bitter can I use a little honey to sweeten them up or mix i a spoon of apple sauce instead?
Dear Sally, Yes, you can mix honey into them. If you are unused to bitter taste, the formula may appear strong. Usually within 40 days the tastebuds recalibrate. Then you may find you have an entirely new relationship with bitter taste. Also, brewing and straining should give you control over the strength of the formula. ~John
Strong but good. I dilute them with apple juice. My husband likes them too.
My husband and I have each tried the digestive bitters twice -- does as advertised and it is not at all difficult to drink. A great replacement for my previous OTC "bubbly" antacid, so my travel bag now includes a container of DB to mix with water when I've eaten too much rich food. One tip: upon opening the packet, don't inhale! (I was curious as to how the mix smelled and the cayenne went right up my nose!)
Really HOT!!!!
Is it ok to drink them AFTER a meal? do they help in the same way? - Donna H Indian Land, SC
Am very happy with the effects of the bitter herbs. Do they come in two different varieties? The one I have you need to brew for 5 minutes and strain. Is there one that is instant? I actually like the taste and my digestion and elimination have improved immensely. Believe this product to be a keeper.
Thanks for the comments on Digestive has become a bestseller! If it tastes bad to you, mix with almond milk!
Yes, J, Digestive Bitters are safe for a Vata Constitution without a gallbladder for short term use. Just be mindful to keep enough juicy, unctuous, heavy foods in your diet to keep Vata nice and mellow. Hope that helps!
I am 61 and Pitta dosha though Vata symptoms because of age? I am wondering do I attempt to address balancing of both? Also gallstones though avoiding surgery have worked through diet to avoid any further gallbladder attacks since 4 years. Now have thyroiditis though has not gone into Graves or Hashimotos as yet. Thank you,
If you don't have a gallbladder, can this be used, and if so, for how long? Without a gallbladder, would one use it daily or rotate it?
Yes! This formula is quite helpful for those who have had their gall bladder removed and may ease some of the digestive discomfort you experience. Take a break for one week a month.
Yes, you may take this formula during pregnancy, but please take a half dose.
They might be intense for a 5 year old - more bitter greens in the diet might be a better approach. If you did decide to try it, begin with a very small dose.
Wonderful product; I had my gallbladder surgically removed. The 1st time I used the digestive bitters,I knew I had found the right product. Thank you!
Hi John, I'm having a hard time adjusting to the taste of the digestive bitters. Would it be okay for me to put the recommended 1/4 tsp into empty vegetarian capsules and just swallow it that way?Anne Morrison, Ann Arbor MI.
Anne,Part of the medicine is in the taste. If it is unbearable, then taking the capsules will be more helpful than not taking the herbs at all, but you will not get the maximum benefit.
It depends on the person. This blend is particularly useful for Vata and Kapha types.
We generally recommend working with a practitioner when using herbs. You can see the recommended uses under the contents and usage tab.
Super cleansing tea! Taste is great and the results are perfect
Glad you're finding it beneficial Lisa!
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