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11 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Insulin resistance is one cause of abnormally high blood sugar levels. A kapha pacifying diet and reducing sweets / high glycemic foods in your diet will help. Exercises, and even breathing exercises (pranayama) can improve insulin uptake by... 60 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Cholesterol functions to repair irritated and inflamed tissues. High cholesterol is often a kapha response to high inflammation. It also strengthens the cell wall.... 26 likes SAVE SYMPTOM High triglycerides indicate high fat content of the blood. Often, the best way to deal with fatty foods cravings is to find a satisfying substitute. Sweet potatoes, beans and sunflower seeds provide heaviness but won't aggravate triglyceride levels as... 60 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Diabetes Type I, is a generally a Pitta disorder where the immune system attacks and destroys insulin producing cells of the pancreas. Diabetes type II, from insulin resistance, is generally a Kapha disorder. Diabetics tend to develop thick, doughy... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 81 likes SAVE SYMPTOM What is High Blood Pressure? The concept of blood pressure is simple - it refers to the force of blood pressing against the walls of your arteries. Healthy blood pressure is around 120/80mm Hg. When your blood pressure reaches or... 50 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Fatty Liver is a condition characterized by a buildup of fat (triglycerides) in the 56 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Water retention could imply poor circulation or low kidney function. Poor circulation may be due to thick, sweet Kapha blood, a heart condition, low metabolism, or other factors. 14 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Celiac disease is an allergy to wheat. Wheat intolerance (the inability to digest wheat) and wheat allergies are different even though the symptoms may be similar. In celiac disease, the immune system attacks the gluten. The symptoms are generally... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES