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8 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Vata individuals tend to be lanky due to poor digestion, malabsorption, or parasites. Vata individuals have thin fluids, which tends to make the limbs long. Kapha individuals on the other hand, tend to be short and stocky. Due to thick fluids, Kapha... 6 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Kapha individuals tend to be short and stocky. They easily gain weight. Due to thick fluids and poor circulation, limbs are short and tapering. 8 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Kapha's stability, generosity, and loving nature is visible in their facial expressions, and especially their eyes. Large eyes also imply fatty deposits behind the eyes. 6 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Pitta individuals tend to maintain a constant weight. They have a high enough metabolism to prevent weight loss, yet a strong enough digestion to be well nourished. (4.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 76 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Trying to lose or control your weight is exhausting and often empty process. Let your body decide what weight to be and focus instead on establishing balance in your body and your life. When you desire or try to be a weight that is unhealthy for your... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 67 likes SAVE SYMPTOM In Ayurveda, excess weight is considered a symptom of something deeper. You might feel physically heavy, puffy, or sluggish; perhaps there is a feeling of discomfort in overly tight clothing or a shame about the number on the scale that makes you... 32 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Gaining weight in the past was extremely adaptive when there were frequent shortages of food or famine. Famine is still a reality in developing countries. Those able to easily store and retain fat were the most likely to survive. In affluent societies,... 14 likes SAVE SYMPTOM Any recent or sudden weight change is important sign from the body that demands attention. It is important to know the cause of any recent weight changes. Rapid weight gain may be caused by low metabolism and hypothyroid. Getting your thyroid... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES