"The course has been one of the best "gifts" I have ever gifted myself, as in the past I have had a complicated, not so healthy relationship with food. I�ve often said to myself, if I could overcome this one obstacle, I could rule the world. My biggest inspiration comes simply from listening to the stories of the diverse voices on the lectures, both students and instructors. My second inspiration comes from implementing the concepts into my daily life. Thank you once again for accepting me at last minute. I appreciate you."

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Shallowater, TX

"HI! I miss you! I want you to know from the bottom of my heart how grateful and appreciative of all the knowledge, time, energy, and compassion you gave to me during the MID program. I'm honored to have been in this class. I have learned so much! My mind, body and spirit is still processing and slowly assimilating. I have decided to find my way by incorporating more in-depth digestion lessons of Ayurveda into the existing 5 sense programs/classes I offer, therapies etc. I will add this knowledge to my cooking classes, creating more balancing recipes and lectures on weight loss etc..

I'm compounding my herbal and essential oil blends for my patient's with new insight, along with tweaking some of my existing formularies. As a clinical aromatherapist I'll able to add so much more for my patient when formulating and to my aromatherapy teachings for my students this knowledge will give my students another lens to view all of the precious oils and carriers I discuss in lecture. I'm able to supercharge my nature walk/talks and outdoor lectures, and outdoor yoga classes with even more renewed- exuberance!

I'm using the Ayurvedic knowledge on dosha to create an even more personalized sound therapy session along with an even greater for detail for massotherapy, marma-tcm-accupressure point therapy, hypnosis, ect..

I will be FOREVER grateful!"

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Canfield, OH

"I have enjoyed this course so much, it's been a life changer and so glad I did the step to take it."

Yoga Instructor - Shenzhen, HAMPSHIRE

"I love the joyful belly website and send a lot of people there as well. Did you know that you can become an affiliate and get reimbursed for referrals? The information is amazing. I have my client's create their quizzes and forward them to me, just like we're doing in class. John Joseph Immel and the rest of the gang at JB are GREAT!!!"

Ayurvedic Healer -

"Everything that I have experienced made so much sense in my body and in my mind."

Pacific grove, CA

"I pushed myself to familiarize myself not only with herbal remedies and their many uses, dhatus, srotas and many other Ayurvedic concepts but also with brand colours, fonts or how to write my own bio when it came to business planning. John doesn't leave anything to chance but believes in giving you the best foundation when starting out as an Ayurvedic digestive health coach. Trust him"

Nutritionist - York, AL

"As far as the course, it has been an eye opening experience for me , as a pediatric gastroenterologist and also being of Indian origin. There is so much that I have been doing as an allopathic physician for the past 22 years and wished that I had stepped in to Ayurveda sooner. Not too late however

Sometimes I think it is harder for someone like me with an M.D degree to understand some of the concepts because what I have in my head ( western concept) gets in the way . I am working on it.....

On the other hand, once I grasp the Ayurvedic concept , understanding why, how and what should be done is very easy and I am enjoying that very much .

Thank you !!"

Medical Doctor - Goleta, CA

"I came into the Joyful Belly Master of Digestion program with many years of knowledge and passion surrounding nutrition, health and wellness. I wanted to elevate my holistic health knowledge to a higher level. I never realized how much I would be getting out of this program. From a broader perspective, my understanding of holistic health has in fact reached the deeper level I aspired to. The program enriched my understanding of what many of us are struggling with on a day to day basis. I also understand more about how to help myself and others reach more of our short and long term health goals. I came out at the end of this program with more knowledge then I could have ever believed possible in such a short amount of time. I am extremely grateful for the experience."

Ayurvedic Healer - Los angeles, CA

"I just spent two hours on the Joyful Belly website, just looking around and LEARNING. Have you all seen what is offered to us, just free information given in easy to understand language??!! I have referred every one of my family, friends and clients to this site. I am overwhelmed with gratitude, John Joseph Immel. And I just cannot imagine having all this knowledge at my fingertips. Thank you!"

Ayurvedic Healer -

"These were so helpful. Even as a practitioner this was not something that I had a lot of experience coming into the class and the things I discovered during these exercises were amazing."

Sanford, FL

"Just wanted to say that today's teacher was amazing! She did such a great job interviewing the client, explaining pathogenesis, breaking down the treatment plan, and answering questions. It was very organized, thorough, and informative. Would love to see more classes like this!"

Psychologist / Therapist - Austin, TX

"The class, has brought a certain calm to me, I have experienced my mental warrior energy, where as before this i�ve only experienced my physical warrior energy. To absorb this information is a lot for a 24 year old to take in but the fact that I gave it my best, showed me what I am truly capable of and I am seeing the outcome of giving your all to something you dreamed about doing. I feel strengthened, and motivated to see the world and my part in it in through a more experienced lens. I�ve learned how to balance, school, relationships, work, and play in a whole new way. I have a deeper respect for teachers, and think that we have been spoiled to have such knowledgeable and nurturing teachers to learn from, couldn�t thank the Joyful belly team enough."

Ayurvedic Healer -

"Thank you so much, for everything! This course has been one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. I am thankful for the challenge, it makes my success much sweeter! I am excited to continue my learning journey!"

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Shallowater, TX

"I would like just to leave my comment regarding the class given just now. The live consultation was amazing, full of new information and the thought process was very useful! I have been loving all the classes, but I would like to stand out this class today and share my gratitude with Jessica, it really made a big difference for me today."

Dubai, DUBAI

"I just want to show my thanks for John Joseph Immel and the time he has taken to share his experience, and expertise. His sharing is supplying us with all that we need to take our personal life experience to a new level of understanding."

Ayurvedic Healer -

"I am Thankful and Grateful for you and the creation of Joyful Belly and the MID program. You have a stellar group of teachers, yourself included and I feel truly blessed to have been lead down this path as part of my journey. I will share and have shared the information of Joyful Belly with others that may be seeking this path or any other classes or help in healing you have to offer."

Other Health / Wellness Professional - Canfield, OH

"I never realized so much of what we struggle with all starts with digestion. Joyful Belly�s program is beautifully designed. It takes you through the entire digestive tract, guiding you to a better understanding of its different components, while teaching and applying ayurvedic concepts as they apply to ailments that much of society struggles with."

Ayurvedic Healer - Los angeles, CA
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[email protected] +1 828-307-3281
Asheville, North Carolina