Table of ContentsAre you prone to a problem with 'Emphysema'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Respiratory System by taking the free respiratory health quiz: AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE ON EMPHYSEMAEmphysema is a condition where the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs are damaged and rupture, creating large air filled spaces in the lungs. The early symptoms of emphysema are shortness of breath, coughing, and recurrent lung infections.Imagine a collection of tiny bubbles. As each tiny bubble pops, it combines with the neighboring bubble and a larger bubble forms. A similar process happens to the air sacs of the lungs - as the sacs rupture they combine to form larger sacs. Eventually large air spaces from, replacing the spongy elastic tissue of the lungs, and causing hyperinflation of the lungs. Each time a sac ruptures, the surface area of the lungs diminishes, reducing oxygen absorption. Eventually, the lungs are not able to absorb enough oxygen for the body. ComplicationsThe loss of elastic tissue of the lungs makes breathing more difficult and those with emphysema must use chest muscles to support breathing. This gives those with emphysema a barrel chested appearance. The use of muscles to support breathing takes significant effort, leading to weight loss and exhaustion. Normally, exhalation is effortless due to elastic recoil in the lungs. Emphysema patients, on the hand, must use their muscles to physically push the air out the lungs.The chronic inflammation associated with emphysema causes excess mucus, which may be difficult to expectorate due to hyperinflation. This leads to solid mucus plugs that may become infected. Emphysema is progressive and may develop into chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Risk FactorsSmoking tobacco is one of the main risk factors of emphysema, as well as long term exposure to respiratory irritants such as asbestos, fumes, dust, paints, and chemicals.However emphysema also develops in those who do not have exposure. A genetic disorder resulting in alpha-1-trypsin deficiency may predispose individuals to loss of elastic tissue, fibrosis, and emphysema. TreatmentThere is no cure for emphysema. To slow the profession, remove the cause of respiratory irritation. Antifibrotic herbs and connective tissue tonics help to preserve what lung function still exists.Oxygen therapy may slow the progression of the disease. Chronic hypoxia leads to pulmonary hypertension, which results in further detrioration and strain on the heart. Serine protease inhibitors may reduce elastase enzymes that break down elastic tissue. Lifestyle Tips for Clearing Morning MucusMucus builds while sleeping and lying down at night due to slowed circulation and less movement. Emphysema patients may benefit from clearing the lungs first thing in the morning by:
Disclaimer: 'Emphysema' could be serious and should be checked by a medical doctor.
WHAT HAS ALREADY HELPED YOU HEAL EMPHYSEMA?Improve the accuracy of your recommendations by letting us know what is working.DIET REMEDIES FOR 'EMPHYSEMA'
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HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS FOR 'EMPHYSEMA'Please check with your medical doctor before making any changes to your health & wellness routine, and for the proper use of these products.
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RESPIRATORY HEALTH TIPS DISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. Balance Your Body with Diet, Herbs, & Lifestyles Having These BiocharacteristicsEverything you eat has an effect on your body, which Ayurveda categorizes in a simple and easy way, using biocharacteristics (gunas). Biocharacteristics are qualities (like cold and hot) that describe the effect a food or herb has on your body. Cooling foods like cucumber, decrease metabolism. Heating foods like chili pepper, stimulate your body and increase metabolism. For 'Emphysema', you should select foods with the following biocharacteristics. Individual results will vary, based on your body type and the root cause of your imbalance.MATCH WITH YOUR WELLNESS PROFILECLEAR ABOUT CLEAR BIOCHARACTERISTICClear refers to anything that cleanses or flushes out wastes, or that digests ama.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Clear' gunaLIQUEFIED ABOUT LIQUEFIED BIOCHARACTERISTICSubstances that thin fluids (lower viscosity of blood plasma). These may include blood thinners or mucolytic herbs.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Liquefied' gunaTo learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. EMETICAn herb that causes vomiting and nausea.PRANAPrana is the Sanskrit word for vital life energy (Qi in Chinese Medicine, pneuma in Greek). Many herbs stimulate your energy, or improve the flow of prana through your body. Generally, prana needs to be increased in spring after a sleepy winter.ANTIFIBROTICFibrosis of an organ is often a progressive leading to organ failure (i.e lungs, liver, kidney). While vulneraries usually help restore collagen, antifibrotic herbs often clear collagen. Aka fibrinolytic.VULNERARYAn herb used for the treatment of wounds (antiulcer, connective tissue tonic).EXPECTORANTExpectorants help you eliminate mucus from the lungs. These herbs often work by increasing the quantity of mucus, or thinning the mucus. Expectorants are indicated when phlegm congests the lower respiratory tract.LUNG-TONICStrengthens the lungs. Lung tonics include antifibrotic, vessel tonic, or nourishing herbs with an affinity for the lungs. They aid recovery in acute or chronic lung conditions.MUCOLYTICAn herb that breaks apart mucus, liquefying the mucus.ANTI-INFLAMMATORYReduces inflammation in the body. Different herbs and carriers target different body systems.ANTIMICROBIALAn agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Antimicrobial is an umbrella term that can be broken down into specific categories of target microorganism, such as anti-bacterials, fungals, and virals.IMMUNE-CALMINGHerbs that interrupt an allergic reaction or calm the immune system, useful in allergies and autoimmune conditions.VESSEL-TONICAn herb that improves the tone and integrity of blood vessel walls. This is helpful in easy bruising.FLAVONOIDSFlavonoids are a colorful type of polyphenol. As all polyphenols, they have a strong antioxidant effect. Many flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory, and/or antiallergen effect.ACRIDAcrid taste is a combination of bitter and pungent tastes. Example include radish, turnip, and coffee.![]() Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. HOW TO ADDRESS ISSUES IN STAGE OF DISEASE #4EMPHYSEMA IS IN STAGE OF DISEASE #4 - TISSUE DISEASEIf you have symptoms in this category it means your imbalances have overwhelmed your body's resistance causing a full-fledged disease. Once imbalance reaches this stage it is more likely to cause acute or chronic conditions. You might be tempted to focus your attention on fighting symptoms in this category, but dismiss earlier warning signs of imbalance - i.e. symptoms in the stage 1 category. It is ideal to find and address the root causes weakening your system and remove them first. This ensures you are not adding fuel to the fire of disease. Once the root causes are removed, you can work on addressing the disease head on along with strengthening your body. This typically yields a quicker recovery and prevents recurrence. Ayurveda's preventative approach suggests you pay careful attention to every stage of disease development. AVOID DIETS, LIFESTYLES & HERBS THAT AGGRAVATE THESE EFFECTSAccording to Ayurveda, one or more of the following doshas and biocharacteristics may aggravate 'Emphysema'. If you have an excess of one of these doshas or biocharacteristics below, Ayurveda recommends reducing foods and lifestyle habits that aggravate them. Click on the biocharacteristic to learn what foods and lifestyle habits should be reduced.![]() Symptoms Tell A Story The first step to healing is learning patterns from your symptoms. Symptoms are clues that reveal underlying imbalances. Symptoms show you where your body is weakened. Ultimately, all disease has a root in tissues too weak to defend itself. Ayurveda describes these patterns of weakness using doshas & biocharacteristics. If you notice a biocharacteristic or dosha appears next to many of your symptoms, it helps you establish a pattern that may be systemic.
To learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. Are you prone to a problem with 'Emphysema'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Respiratory System by taking the free respiratory health quiz: RELATED SYMPTOMS & HABITSThe following symptoms & habits may be related to 'Emphysema'. See your quiz results for a computerized assessment of your body type. Please click on the symptoms below to learn more about them.Risk Factors of Emphysema
Below you will see general risk factors as well as the greatest risk factors, i.e. those who were also more likely to report Emphysema.
Overall, 0.37% of people surveyed in this research study reported Emphysema.
SYMPTOM (Cases)Cases With Both% Reporting ThisIncrease from 0.37%Review These Common Risk Factors Feel overweight (25362)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Feel overweight.
20% less often
Hyperactive, quick (19615)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Hyperactive, quick.
38 Small number of cases 0.2%
50% less often
Fatigue / tired (16721)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fatigue / tired.
10% more often
Female (26227)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Female.
20% less often
Atherosclerosis (189)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Atherosclerosis.
7 Small number of cases 3.7%
890% more often
Cardiac Insufficiency (139)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Cardiac Insufficiency.
5 Small number of cases 3.6%
870% more often
Lungs Irritated / Inflamed (1038)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Lungs Irritated / Inflamed.
37 Small number of cases 3.6%
870% more often
Lichen planus (206)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Lichen planus.
5 Small number of cases 2.4%
540% more often
Wheezing (2488)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Wheezing.
520% more often
Stroke (from clot) (139)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Stroke (from clot).
3 Small number of cases 2.2%
490% more often
Epilepsy (190)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Epilepsy.
4 Small number of cases 2.1%
460% more often
Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease (242)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease.
5 Small number of cases 2.1%
460% more often
Liver Degeneration (200)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Liver Degeneration.
4 Small number of cases 2%
440% more often
Hyperparathyroid (166)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Hyperparathyroid.
3 Small number of cases 1.8%
380% more often
Chronic cough (1911)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chronic cough.
34 Small number of cases 1.8%
380% more often
Nerve Damage (293)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Nerve Damage.
5 Small number of cases 1.7%
360% more often
Difficulty expectorating (1399)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Difficulty expectorating.
23 Small number of cases 1.6%
330% more often
Recent broken bone (182)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Recent broken bone.
3 Small number of cases 1.6%
330% more often
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (194)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
3 Small number of cases 1.5%
300% more often
Semen discharge in urine (130)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Semen discharge in urine.
2 Small number of cases 1.5%
300% more often
Enlarged Prostate (BPH) (205)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Enlarged Prostate (BPH).
3 Small number of cases 1.5%
300% more often
Enlarged Spleen (328)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Enlarged Spleen.
5 Small number of cases 1.5%
300% more often
Cough with mucus / wet cough (3294)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Cough with mucus / wet cough.
45 Small number of cases 1.4%
280% more often
Shortness of Breath (6434)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Shortness of Breath.
280% more often
Glaucoma (430)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Glaucoma.
6 Small number of cases 1.4%
280% more often
Osteoporosis / Osteopenia (2605)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Osteoporosis / Osteopenia.
33 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Bronchitis (3856)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Bronchitis.
250% more often
Laryngitis (906)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Laryngitis.
12 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Hepatitis (Past/Current) (790)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Hepatitis (Past/Current).
10 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Pneumonia (2799)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Pneumonia.
36 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Convulsions (156)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Convulsions.
2 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Flat rash (526)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Flat rash.
7 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Colon Polyps (468)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Colon Polyps.
6 Small number of cases 1.3%
250% more often
Large amounts of mucus (2491)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Large amounts of mucus.
31 Small number of cases 1.2%
220% more often
Non-healing sore / ulcer (816)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Non-healing sore / ulcer.
10 Small number of cases 1.2%
220% more often
Skin problems on elbows (2379)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on elbows.
29 Small number of cases 1.2%
220% more often
Bones brittle / break easily (575)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Bones brittle / break easily.
7 Small number of cases 1.2%
220% more often
Brown coating tongue (279)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Brown coating tongue.
3 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Duodenal Ulcer (373)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Duodenal Ulcer.
4 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Pain relieved by cold (374)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Pain relieved by cold.
4 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Multiple Sclerosis (179)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Multiple Sclerosis.
2 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Neuralgia (784)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Neuralgia.
9 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Heart Attack (188)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Heart Attack.
2 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Current) (3840)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Current).
42 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Wrinkles on Skin (4279)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Wrinkles on Skin.
48 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Skin problems entire body (1396)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems entire body.
16 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) (534)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence).
6 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Liver Sore (883)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Liver Sore.
10 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Sleep Apnea (2359)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Sleep Apnea.
25 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Croup (176)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Croup.
2 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Gastric bypass surgery (437)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gastric bypass surgery.
5 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
High Blood Sugar (1860)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and High Blood Sugar.
21 Small number of cases 1.1%
200% more often
Chronic Infection (1413)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chronic Infection.
14 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II) (1568)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II).
16 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Fever (Current) (294)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fever (Current).
3 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Short Bowel Syndrome (201)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Short Bowel Syndrome.
2 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Osteoarthritis (3252)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Osteoarthritis.
33 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Gray teeth (1031)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gray teeth.
10 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting) (1259)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting).
12 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Skin problems on knees (1119)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on knees.
11 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Baggy / sagging skin (4442)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Baggy / sagging skin.
46 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Boils (1160)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Boils.
12 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Carbuncle (209)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Carbuncle.
2 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Skin growths - other (619)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin growths - other.
6 Small number of cases 1%
170% more often
Post Menopausal (6871)
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140% more often
Gallstones / Attack (1914)
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18 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Hiatal Hernia (1911)
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18 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Tooth Infection (1644)
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15 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Asthma (5086)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Asthma.
44 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Prolapsed Uterus (769)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Prolapsed Uterus.
7 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Prolapsed Bladder (690)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Prolapsed Bladder.
6 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis (1940)
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18 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Whooping Cough (232)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Whooping Cough.
2 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Jaundice (568)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Jaundice.
5 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain (1417)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
13 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Fecal Incontinence (1138)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fecal Incontinence.
10 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (227)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome.
2 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Edema (2527)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Edema.
23 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Chest Pain (2589)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chest Pain.
23 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Limited sense of smell (3232)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Limited sense of smell.
30 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Limited sense of taste (2674)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Limited sense of taste.
25 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Gallbladder Removed (3116)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gallbladder Removed.
28 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Skin problems on ears (1503)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on ears.
13 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Liver spots numerous (3200)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Liver spots numerous.
30 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Purpura (429)
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4 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Scabies (211)
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2 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Skin cancer (1006)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin cancer.
9 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Fragile skin/breaks easily (1846)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fragile skin/breaks easily.
17 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Grave's Disease (229)
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2 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
At odds with nationality / culture (212)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and At odds with nationality / culture.
2 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Defensive (225)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Defensive.
2 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Past) (9489)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Past).
140% more often
Poor hearing (1163)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Poor hearing.
10 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Braces / Dentures (3762)
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34 Small number of cases 0.9%
140% more often
Dry cough (4384)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Dry cough.
35 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
Kidney Infection (1649)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Kidney Infection.
13 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
Stomach Ulcer (1449)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Stomach Ulcer.
12 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
Guarding area of pain (886)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Guarding area of pain.
7 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
High Blood Pressure (5699)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and High Blood Pressure.
46 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
Nasal Polyps (787)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Nasal Polyps.
6 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
Diarrhea quickly after eating (3488)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Diarrhea quickly after eating.
27 Small number of cases 0.8%
110% more often
Complications of Those Reporting Emphysema
In this research study, people who report Emphysema were likely to report the following:
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Lungs Irritated / Inflamed.
+10.5 times
2.86% (1,038 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Wheezing.
+6.3 times
7.51% (2,488 cases)
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting).
+5.7 times
1.74% (1,259 cases)
Difficulty expectorating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Difficulty expectorating.
+5.2 times
3.62% (1,399 cases)
Chronic cough
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chronic cough.
+4.6 times
5.83% (1,911 cases)
Shortness of Breath
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Shortness of Breath.
+4.4 times
16.54% (6,434 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Glaucoma.
+4.3 times
1.15% (430 cases)
Flat rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Flat rash.
+3.9 times
1.53% (526 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Pneumonia.
+3.8 times
7.7% (2,799 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Laryngitis.
+3.6 times
2.78% (906 cases)
Non-healing sore / ulcer
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Non-healing sore / ulcer.
+3.6 times
2.25% (816 cases)
Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Current)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Current).
+3.5 times
9.61% (3,840 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Bronchitis.
+3.5 times
11.33% (3,856 cases)
Cough with mucus / wet cough
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Cough with mucus / wet cough.
+3.5 times
10.28% (3,294 cases)
Hepatitis (Past/Current)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Hepatitis (Past/Current).
+3.5 times
2.31% (790 cases)
Large amounts of mucus
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Large amounts of mucus.
+3.5 times
7.22% (2,491 cases)
Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II).
+3.4 times
3.79% (1,568 cases)
Bones brittle / break easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Bones brittle / break easily.
+3.4 times
1.76% (575 cases)
Liver Sore
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Liver Sore.
+3.4 times
2.35% (883 cases)
Skin problems on elbows
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on elbows.
+3.4 times
6.82% (2,379 cases)
Osteoporosis / Osteopenia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Osteoporosis / Osteopenia.
+3.3 times
8.21% (2,605 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Boils.
+3.2 times
3.08% (1,160 cases)
Wrinkles on Skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Wrinkles on Skin.
+3.2 times
12.07% (4,279 cases)
Skin problems entire body
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems entire body.
+3.2 times
4.06% (1,396 cases)
Gastric bypass surgery
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gastric bypass surgery.
+3.2 times
1.26% (437 cases)
Baggy / sagging skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Baggy / sagging skin.
+3.1 times
11.97% (4,442 cases)
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence).
+3.1 times
1.62% (534 cases)
Gallstones / Attack
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gallstones / Attack.
+3.0 times
4.95% (1,914 cases)
High Blood Sugar
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and High Blood Sugar.
+3.0 times
5.62% (1,860 cases)
Skin growths - other
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin growths - other.
+3.0 times
1.68% (619 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Osteoarthritis.
+3.0 times
9.08% (3,252 cases)
Hiatal Hernia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Hiatal Hernia.
+3.0 times
5.05% (1,911 cases)
Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis.
+3.0 times
5.07% (1,940 cases)
Gallbladder Removed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gallbladder Removed.
+2.9 times
7.83% (3,116 cases)
Gray teeth
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gray teeth.
+2.9 times
2.73% (1,031 cases)
Limited sense of taste
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Limited sense of taste.
+2.9 times
6.93% (2,674 cases)
Tooth Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Tooth Infection.
+2.9 times
4.17% (1,644 cases)
Sleep Apnea
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Sleep Apnea.
+2.9 times
6.97% (2,359 cases)
Abdominal surgery
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Abdominal surgery.
+2.8 times
2.47% (1,336 cases)
Skin problems on knees
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on knees.
+2.8 times
3.18% (1,119 cases)
Chronic Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chronic Infection.
+2.8 times
3.94% (1,413 cases)
Braces / Dentures
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Braces / Dentures.
+2.8 times
9.76% (3,762 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Neuralgia.
+2.8 times
2.54% (784 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Edema.
+2.7 times
6.96% (2,527 cases)
Chest Pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chest Pain.
+2.7 times
6.96% (2,589 cases)
Stomach Ulcer
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Stomach Ulcer.
+2.7 times
3.67% (1,449 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Purpura.
+2.7 times
1.11% (429 cases)
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
+2.7 times
3.75% (1,417 cases)
Fragile skin/breaks easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fragile skin/breaks easily.
+2.6 times
5.3% (1,846 cases)
Smoking to suppress appetite
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Smoking to suppress appetite.
+2.6 times
9.99% (3,891 cases)
Liver spots numerous
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Liver spots numerous.
+2.6 times
9.24% (3,200 cases)
Fecal Incontinence
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fecal Incontinence.
+2.6 times
3.1% (1,138 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Asthma.
+2.5 times
13.79% (5,086 cases)
Guarding area of pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Guarding area of pain.
+2.5 times
2.38% (886 cases)
Fatty Liver
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fatty Liver.
+2.5 times
6.76% (2,700 cases)
Recurrent Vomiting
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Recurrent Vomiting.
+2.5 times
2.03% (817 cases)
Prolapsed Uterus
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Prolapsed Uterus.
+2.4 times
2.45% (769 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Fibromyalgia.
+2.4 times
7.84% (3,094 cases)
Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Past)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Tobacco Cigarette Smoker (Past).
+2.4 times
27.25% (9,489 cases)
Prolapsed Bladder
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Prolapsed Bladder.
+2.4 times
2.07% (690 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Jaundice.
+2.4 times
1.66% (568 cases)
Limited sense of smell
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Limited sense of smell.
+2.4 times
10.02% (3,232 cases)
High Blood Pressure
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and High Blood Pressure.
+2.4 times
15.48% (5,699 cases)
Skin cancer
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin cancer.
+2.4 times
2.94% (1,006 cases)
Skin problems on ears
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on ears.
+2.4 times
4.22% (1,503 cases)
Diarrhea quickly after eating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Diarrhea quickly after eating.
+2.4 times
9.32% (3,488 cases)
Difficulty Swallowing
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Difficulty Swallowing.
+2.4 times
7.64% (2,999 cases)
Skin Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin Infection.
+2.4 times
1.7% (608 cases)
Blood thick / Congested lymph
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Blood thick / Congested lymph.
+2.3 times
3% (1,069 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Corns.
+2.3 times
5.62% (2,019 cases)
Post Menopausal
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Post Menopausal.
+2.3 times
21.44% (6,871 cases)
Skin problems on Abdomen
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin problems on Abdomen.
+2.3 times
5.29% (1,865 cases)
Lazy Eye / Eyelid
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Lazy Eye / Eyelid.
+2.3 times
6.62% (2,460 cases)
Urinary incontinence
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Urinary incontinence.
+2.2 times
9.38% (3,117 cases)
Kidney Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Kidney Infection.
+2.2 times
4.49% (1,649 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Warts.
+2.2 times
6.87% (2,402 cases)
Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc.
+2.2 times
7.8% (3,400 cases)
Athlete's foot
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Athlete's foot.
+2.2 times
6.47% (2,270 cases)
Weakness / Debility
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Weakness / Debility.
+2.1 times
11.64% (3,964 cases)
Dental Surgery or Missing Teeth
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Dental Surgery or Missing Teeth.
+2.1 times
27.99% (11,164 cases)
H pylori infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and H pylori infection.
+2.1 times
2.8% (1,025 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Psoriasis.
+2.1 times
6.07% (2,135 cases)
Chronic Fungus infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Chronic Fungus infection.
+2.1 times
7.02% (2,556 cases)
Pressure in eye
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Pressure in eye.
+2.1 times
6.09% (2,299 cases)
PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder).
+2.1 times
14.64% (5,247 cases)
Dry cough
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Dry cough.
+2.1 times
13.26% (4,384 cases)
Thick mucus
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Thick mucus.
+2.1 times
20.46% (7,806 cases)
Skin lacks tone
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Skin lacks tone.
+2.1 times
15.24% (5,438 cases)
Ulcerative Colitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Ulcerative Colitis.
+2.1 times
1.44% (568 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Goiter.
+2.1 times
1.44% (482 cases)
Unemployed / underemployed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Unemployed / underemployed.
+2.1 times
16.88% (7,576 cases)
Exercise aggravates symptoms
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Exercise aggravates symptoms.
+2.1 times
11.1% (5,106 cases)
Gallbladder Inflammation
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Gallbladder Inflammation.
+2.1 times
2.9% (1,070 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Cancer.
+2.1 times
3.88% (1,357 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Hysterectomy.
+2.1 times
9.22% (3,069 cases)
Nasal Polyps
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Nasal Polyps.
+2.1 times
2.43% (787 cases)
Bloodshot Eyes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Bloodshot Eyes.
+2.0 times
7.33% (2,543 cases)
Stinging Eyes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Stinging Eyes.
+2.0 times
7.84% (2,850 cases)
Mice in house
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Mice in house.
+2.0 times
5.4% (1,835 cases)
Red capillaries visible on skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Red capillaries visible on skin.
+2.0 times
11.3% (4,003 cases)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Emphysema and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
+2.0 times
3.45% (1,204 cases)
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