Table of ContentsAre you prone to a problem with 'Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Kidney, Bladder & Urinary tract by taking the free kidney bladder urinary quiz: AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE ON CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE / RENAL DISEASERenal failure is characterized by scanty urine, the inability to clear nitrogenous wastes (Blood Urea Nitrogen or BUN) and creatinine, or the failure to maintain electrolyte balance.Renal failure is often a complication of diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or heavy metal, drug or other toxicity. "Pre-renal" causes of renal failure include severe burns dehydration, or liver disease that drastically alters electrolytes and blood protein levels. Post-renal causes may include obstruction of urine due to stones, tumors, or prostate. Early stages of renal failure include scanty urine (oliguria), which then progresses in a matter of days, or 6-8 weeks, to a a total lack of urine (anuria). Dialysis is needed as nitrogenous wastes, creatinine, and electrolytes rise. Kidney tonics and herbs should aim to increase renal perfusion / circulation (blood movers), reduce inflammation, and reduce fibrosis. Mineral diuretics are helpful to improve diuresis but are frequently non-irritating. A small dose of a counterirritant like Juniper or Deodar can help increase urine. A large dose, however, can inflame the kidneys. Avoid high protein diet, as the nitrogenous waste products can irritate the kidney further. Proteinuria is one of the first signs of failing kidney function. Disclaimer: 'Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease' could be serious and should be checked by a medical doctor.
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HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS FOR 'CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE / RENAL DISEASE'Please check with your medical doctor before making any changes to your health & wellness routine, and for the proper use of these products.
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These supplements are contraindicated / may aggravate 'Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease'.
![]() MORE KIDNEY BLADDER URINARY TIPSDISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. ANTIFIBROTICFibrosis of an organ is often a progressive leading to organ failure (i.e lungs, liver, kidney). While vulneraries usually help restore collagen, antifibrotic herbs often clear collagen. Aka fibrinolytic.VULNERARYAn herb used for the treatment of wounds (antiulcer, connective tissue tonic).ANTI-INFLAMMATORYReduces inflammation in the body. Different herbs and carriers target different body systems.ANTIOXIDANTAn antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals that lead to a chain reaction causing damage or death to cells. Antioxidants terminate these oxidation reactions.KIDNEY-TONICAn herb that strengthens the kidneys.![]() Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. HOW TO ADDRESS ISSUES IN STAGE OF DISEASE #4CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE / RENAL DISEASE IS IN STAGE OF DISEASE #4 - TISSUE DISEASEIf you have symptoms in this category it means your imbalances have overwhelmed your body's resistance causing a full-fledged disease. Once imbalance reaches this stage it is more likely to cause acute or chronic conditions. You might be tempted to focus your attention on fighting symptoms in this category, but dismiss earlier warning signs of imbalance - i.e. symptoms in the stage 1 category. It is ideal to find and address the root causes weakening your system and remove them first. This ensures you are not adding fuel to the fire of disease. Once the root causes are removed, you can work on addressing the disease head on along with strengthening your body. This typically yields a quicker recovery and prevents recurrence. Ayurveda's preventative approach suggests you pay careful attention to every stage of disease development. AVOID DIETS, LIFESTYLES & HERBS THAT AGGRAVATE THESE EFFECTSAccording to Ayurveda, one or more of the following doshas and biocharacteristics may aggravate 'Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease'. If you have an excess of one of these doshas or biocharacteristics below, Ayurveda recommends reducing foods and lifestyle habits that aggravate them. Click on the biocharacteristic to learn what foods and lifestyle habits should be reduced.![]() Symptoms Tell A Story The first step to healing is learning patterns from your symptoms. Symptoms are clues that reveal underlying imbalances. Symptoms show you where your body is weakened. Ultimately, all disease has a root in tissues too weak to defend itself. Ayurveda describes these patterns of weakness using doshas & biocharacteristics. If you notice a biocharacteristic or dosha appears next to many of your symptoms, it helps you establish a pattern that may be systemic.
To learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. Are you prone to a problem with 'Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Kidney, Bladder & Urinary tract by taking the free kidney bladder urinary quiz: RELATED SYMPTOMS & HABITSThe following symptoms & habits may be related to 'Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease'. See your quiz results for a computerized assessment of your body type. Please click on the symptoms below to learn more about them.Biocharacteristics of 242 People Reporting Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal DiseaseOn average the biocharacteristics of people reporting Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease were more aggravated than 72% of other symptoms. From the 242 people who reported Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease in this research study of 74,671 individuals, average deviation in biocharacteristic levels were the following:BIOCHARACTERISTICAVG CLIENT LEVEL %%CASES (#)#IMBALANCE Salty Aggravates
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Salty.
41.3% (100)
7,179 have Salty constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gooey.
27.3% (66)
7,069 have Gooey constitution
Toxic Aggravates
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Toxic.
38.0% (92)
7,099 have Toxic constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Kapha.
39.7% (96)
12,745 have Kapha constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Sweet.
31.4% (76)
9,650 have Sweet constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Oily.
27.7% (67)
9,587 have Oily constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Bitter.
20.2% (49)
8,626 have Bitter constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Light.
21.1% (51)
9,391 have Light constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Heavy.
26.9% (65)
9,738 have Heavy constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Cold.
26.9% (65)
8,107 have Cold constitution
Pitta Aggravates
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pitta.
23.6% (57)
10,540 have Pitta constitution
Vata Aggravates
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26.4% (64)
11,554 have Vata constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Dry.
19.4% (47)
9,009 have Dry constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pungent.
12.8% (31)
6,802 have Pungent constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Difficult.
34.7% (84)
8,532 have Difficult constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Hot.
19.4% (47)
7,949 have Hot constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Astringent.
20.2% (49)
8,068 have Astringent constitution
Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease
Below you will see general risk factors as well as the greatest risk factors, i.e. those who were also more likely to report Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease.
Overall, 0.88% of people surveyed in this research study reported Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease.
SYMPTOM (Cases)Cases With Both% Reporting ThisIncrease from 0.88%Review These Common Risk Factors Feel overweight (25362)
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20% less often
Hyperactive, quick (19615)
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70% less often
Fatigue / tired (16721)
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insignificant difference
Male (1336)
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21 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Female (26227)
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30% less often
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (194)
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18 Small number of cases 9.3%
960% more often
Stroke (from clot) (139)
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12 Small number of cases 8.6%
880% more often
Atherosclerosis (189)
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15 Small number of cases 7.9%
800% more often
Heart Attack (188)
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12 Small number of cases 6.4%
630% more often
Hyperparathyroid (166)
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10 Small number of cases 6%
580% more often
Gout (451)
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26 Small number of cases 5.8%
560% more often
Enlarged Prostate (BPH) (205)
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10 Small number of cases 4.9%
460% more often
Liver Degeneration (200)
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9 Small number of cases 4.5%
410% more often
Many bubbles after urinating (1033)
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45 Small number of cases 4.4%
400% more often
Cardiac Insufficiency (139)
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6 Small number of cases 4.3%
390% more often
Emphysema (124)
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5 Small number of cases 4%
350% more often
Kidney Infection (1649)
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310% more often
Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II) (1568)
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280% more often
Pancreatitis (498)
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16 Small number of cases 3.2%
260% more often
Semen discharge in urine (130)
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4 Small number of cases 3.1%
250% more often
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) (534)
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16 Small number of cases 3%
240% more often
Pancreatic Insufficiency (545)
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15 Small number of cases 2.8%
220% more often
Bones brittle / break easily (575)
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15 Small number of cases 2.6%
200% more often
High Blood Sugar (1860)
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49 Small number of cases 2.6%
200% more often
Fever (Current) (294)
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7 Small number of cases 2.4%
170% more often
Thalassemia Minor (169)
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4 Small number of cases 2.4%
170% more often
Pain in testicles (251)
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6 Small number of cases 2.4%
170% more often
High Blood Pressure (5699)
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160% more often
Interstitial Cystitis (878)
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20 Small number of cases 2.3%
160% more often
Burning / painful urination (1010)
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22 Small number of cases 2.2%
150% more often
Neuralgia (784)
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17 Small number of cases 2.2%
150% more often
Edema (2527)
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150% more often
High Triglycerides (3447)
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140% more often
Epilepsy (190)
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4 Small number of cases 2.1%
140% more often
Prolapsed Bladder (690)
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14 Small number of cases 2%
130% more often
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting) (1259)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting).
25 Small number of cases 2%
130% more often
Insulin Resistance (2202)
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45 Small number of cases 2%
130% more often
Sleep Apnea (2359)
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48 Small number of cases 2%
130% more often
Nerve Damage (293)
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6 Small number of cases 2%
130% more often
Fatty Liver (2700)
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130% more often
Chronic Infection (1413)
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27 Small number of cases 1.9%
120% more often
Rheumatoid Arthritis (1204)
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23 Small number of cases 1.9%
120% more often
Osteoporosis / Osteopenia (2605)
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120% more often
Inguinal hernia (411)
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8 Small number of cases 1.9%
120% more often
Under a physician's care (5319)
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120% more often
Osteoarthritis (3252)
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100% more often
Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis (1940)
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35 Small number of cases 1.8%
100% more often
Ulcerative Colitis (568)
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10 Small number of cases 1.8%
100% more often
Kidney / Bladder Stones (1849)
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33 Small number of cases 1.8%
100% more often
Hepatitis (Past/Current) (790)
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14 Small number of cases 1.8%
100% more often
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (227)
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4 Small number of cases 1.8%
100% more often
Boils (1160)
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21 Small number of cases 1.8%
100% more often
Colon surgery (416)
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7 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Whooping Cough (232)
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4 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Recurrent Vomiting (817)
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14 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Laryngitis (906)
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15 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Implant / Prosthesis (787)
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13 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Nasal Polyps (787)
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13 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Oozing Sores on Skin (292)
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5 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Painful rash (516)
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9 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Lungs Irritated / Inflamed (1038)
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18 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Colon Polyps (468)
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8 Small number of cases 1.7%
90% more often
Vomiting (1149)
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18 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Chronic Fungus infection (2556)
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40 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Difficulty expectorating (1399)
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22 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Duodenal Ulcer (373)
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6 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Gallbladder Removed (3116)
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49 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Blood thick / Congested lymph (1069)
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17 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Liver Sore (883)
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14 Small number of cases 1.6%
80% more often
Gallstones / Attack (1914)
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29 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Fecal Incontinence (1138)
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17 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Autoimmune Disorders (5726)
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70% more often
Fibromyalgia (3094)
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46 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Wheezing (2488)
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37 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Tuberculosis/TB (135)
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2 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Taking Western pharmaceuticals (6618)
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70% more often
Staph infection (1066)
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16 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Lichen planus (206)
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3 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Skin Infection (608)
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9 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Urinary incontinence (3117)
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47 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Dysentery (203)
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3 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Hot / Burning Feet (3220)
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49 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Enlarged Spleen (328)
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5 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Herniated disc / back injury (2846)
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43 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Weakness / Debility (3964)
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70% more often
Restricting Water Intake (650)
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10 Small number of cases 1.5%
70% more often
Brown coating tongue (279)
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4 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
High Cholesterol (6934)
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60% more often
Feet or Ankles Swelling (8846)
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60% more often
Glaucoma (430)
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6 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Many cracks on tongue (1809)
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25 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Hiatal Hernia (1911)
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27 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain (1417)
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20 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Lumps on Surface of Belly (713)
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10 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Gallbladder Inflammation (1070)
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15 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Intestinal Perforation (142)
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2 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Intestinal Obstruction (352)
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5 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Bronchitis (3856)
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60% more often
Pneumonia (2799)
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40 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Poor discernment of temperature (1393)
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20 Small number of cases 1.4%
60% more often
Psychiatric Treatment (3639)
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60% more often
Complications of Those Reporting Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease
In this research study, people who report Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease were likely to report the following:
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gout.
+7.9 times
1.4% (451 cases)
Many bubbles after urinating
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+6.0 times
3.17% (1,033 cases)
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
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+5.7 times
1.74% (1,259 cases)
Kidney Infection
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+5.6 times
4.49% (1,649 cases)
Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II).
+5.5 times
3.79% (1,568 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pancreatitis.
+5.4 times
1.3% (498 cases)
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence).
+4.3 times
1.62% (534 cases)
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pancreatic Insufficiency.
+3.8 times
1.6% (545 cases)
High Blood Sugar
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and High Blood Sugar.
+3.6 times
5.62% (1,860 cases)
Interstitial Cystitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Interstitial Cystitis.
+3.5 times
2.27% (878 cases)
High Blood Pressure
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and High Blood Pressure.
+3.5 times
15.48% (5,699 cases)
Bones brittle / break easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Bones brittle / break easily.
+3.4 times
1.76% (575 cases)
High Triglycerides
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and High Triglycerides.
+3.4 times
8.88% (3,447 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Edema.
+3.3 times
6.96% (2,527 cases)
Insulin Resistance
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Insulin Resistance.
+3.3 times
5.8% (2,202 cases)
Fatty Liver
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Fatty Liver.
+3.3 times
6.76% (2,700 cases)
Recurrent Vomiting
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Recurrent Vomiting.
+3.0 times
2.03% (817 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Boils.
+2.9 times
3.08% (1,160 cases)
Burning / painful urination
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Burning / painful urination.
+2.9 times
3.1% (1,010 cases)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
+2.9 times
3.45% (1,204 cases)
Prolapsed Bladder
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Prolapsed Bladder.
+2.9 times
2.07% (690 cases)
Sleep Apnea
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Sleep Apnea.
+2.9 times
6.97% (2,359 cases)
Abdominal surgery
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Abdominal surgery.
+2.8 times
2.47% (1,336 cases)
Chronic Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Chronic Infection.
+2.8 times
3.94% (1,413 cases)
Ulcerative Colitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
+2.8 times
1.44% (568 cases)
Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis.
+2.8 times
5.07% (1,940 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Neuralgia.
+2.8 times
2.54% (784 cases)
Kidney / Bladder Stones
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Kidney / Bladder Stones.
+2.7 times
5.11% (1,849 cases)
Colon surgery
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Colon surgery.
+2.7 times
1.12% (416 cases)
Inguinal hernia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Inguinal hernia.
+2.7 times
1.12% (411 cases)
Painful rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Painful rash.
+2.6 times
1.51% (516 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Osteoarthritis.
+2.6 times
9.08% (3,252 cases)
Hepatitis (Past/Current)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Hepatitis (Past/Current).
+2.6 times
2.31% (790 cases)
Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc.
+2.6 times
7.8% (3,400 cases)
Osteoporosis / Osteopenia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Osteoporosis / Osteopenia.
+2.6 times
8.21% (2,605 cases)
Gallbladder Removed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gallbladder Removed.
+2.6 times
7.83% (3,116 cases)
Liver Sore
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Liver Sore.
+2.6 times
2.35% (883 cases)
Under a physician's care
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Under a physician's care.
+2.5 times
16.92% (5,319 cases)
Difficulty expectorating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Difficulty expectorating.
+2.5 times
3.62% (1,399 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Vomiting.
+2.5 times
2.82% (1,149 cases)
Lungs Irritated / Inflamed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Lungs Irritated / Inflamed.
+2.4 times
2.86% (1,038 cases)
Gallstones / Attack
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gallstones / Attack.
+2.4 times
4.95% (1,914 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Fibromyalgia.
+2.4 times
7.84% (3,094 cases)
Chronic Fungus infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Chronic Fungus infection.
+2.4 times
7.02% (2,556 cases)
Skin Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Skin Infection.
+2.4 times
1.7% (608 cases)
Exercise aggravates symptoms
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Exercise aggravates symptoms.
+2.3 times
11.1% (5,106 cases)
Blood thick / Congested lymph
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Blood thick / Congested lymph.
+2.3 times
3% (1,069 cases)
Staph infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Staph infection.
+2.3 times
3.01% (1,066 cases)
Autoimmune Disorders
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Autoimmune Disorders.
+2.3 times
15.16% (5,726 cases)
High Cholesterol
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and High Cholesterol.
+2.3 times
18.08% (6,934 cases)
Hot / Burning Feet
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Hot / Burning Feet.
+2.3 times
8.83% (3,220 cases)
Fecal Incontinence
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Fecal Incontinence.
+2.3 times
3.1% (1,138 cases)
Difficulty Swallowing
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Difficulty Swallowing.
+2.2 times
7.64% (2,999 cases)
Non-healing sore / ulcer
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Non-healing sore / ulcer.
+2.2 times
2.25% (816 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pneumonia.
+2.2 times
7.7% (2,799 cases)
Feet or Ankles Swelling
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Feet or Ankles Swelling.
+2.2 times
22.82% (8,846 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Anemia.
+2.2 times
16.04% (6,770 cases)
Hiatal Hernia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Hiatal Hernia.
+2.2 times
5.05% (1,911 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Laryngitis.
+2.2 times
2.78% (906 cases)
Pain wakes you up at night
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pain wakes you up at night.
+2.2 times
4.18% (1,604 cases)
Weakness / Debility
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Weakness / Debility.
+2.1 times
11.64% (3,964 cases)
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
+2.1 times
3.75% (1,417 cases)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
+2.1 times
10.87% (4,107 cases)
Herniated disc / back injury
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Herniated disc / back injury.
+2.1 times
8.53% (2,846 cases)
Slow, heavy digestion
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Slow, heavy digestion.
+2.1 times
22.89% (21,898 cases)
Famine / Underfed in Childhood
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Famine / Underfed in Childhood.
+2.1 times
5.25% (1,923 cases)
Poor discernment of temperature
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Poor discernment of temperature.
+2.1 times
3.82% (1,393 cases)
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).
+2.1 times
6.22% (2,279 cases)
Swollen joints
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Swollen joints.
+2.1 times
7.66% (2,624 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Appendectomy.
+2.1 times
6.26% (2,496 cases)
Lumps on Surface of Belly
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Lumps on Surface of Belly.
+2.1 times
1.93% (713 cases)
Gallbladder Inflammation
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gallbladder Inflammation.
+2.1 times
2.9% (1,070 cases)
Puffy / swollen skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Puffy / swollen skin.
+2.1 times
10.17% (3,944 cases)
Nasal Polyps
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Nasal Polyps.
+2.1 times
2.43% (787 cases)
Liver spots numerous
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Liver spots numerous.
+2.1 times
9.24% (3,200 cases)
Shortness of Breath
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Shortness of Breath.
+2.1 times
16.54% (6,434 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Bronchitis.
+2.0 times
11.33% (3,856 cases)
Stole food or money to buy food
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Stole food or money to buy food.
+2.0 times
2.96% (1,041 cases)
Urinary incontinence
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Urinary incontinence.
+2.0 times
9.38% (3,117 cases)
Unemployed / underemployed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Unemployed / underemployed.
+2.0 times
16.88% (7,576 cases)
Baggy / sagging skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Baggy / sagging skin.
+2.0 times
11.97% (4,442 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Shingles.
+2.0 times
3.99% (1,445 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Wheezing.
+2.0 times
7.51% (2,488 cases)
Implant / Prosthesis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Implant / Prosthesis.
+2.0 times
2.51% (787 cases)
Nail / Toe Fungus
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Nail / Toe Fungus.
+2.0 times
14.58% (5,254 cases)
Frequent Nausea
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Frequent Nausea.
+2.0 times
12.57% (5,021 cases)
Restricting Water Intake
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Restricting Water Intake.
+2.0 times
2.02% (650 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Psoriasis.
+2.0 times
6.07% (2,135 cases)
Gray Stool
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gray Stool.
+2.0 times
1.52% (528 cases)
Pressure in eye
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Pressure in eye.
+2.0 times
6.09% (2,299 cases)
Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
+2.0 times
3.06% (1,126 cases)
Flat rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Flat rash.
+2.0 times
1.53% (526 cases)
Sour sweat
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Sour sweat.
+2.0 times
6.13% (2,316 cases)
Many cracks on tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Many cracks on tongue.
+2.0 times
5.12% (1,809 cases)
Past physical trauma
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Past physical trauma.
+1.9 times
16.93% (5,997 cases)
Abdominal pain continuous
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Abdominal pain continuous.
+1.9 times
3.09% (1,145 cases)
Gray coating tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Gray coating tongue.
+1.9 times
3.61% (1,345 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes - hips
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Swollen lymph nodes - hips.
+1.9 times
2.58% (899 cases)
Artificial sweeteners
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Artificial sweeteners.
+1.9 times
17.04% (8,589 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Ringworm.
+1.9 times
2.07% (712 cases)
Bluish / Purple Tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease and Bluish / Purple Tongue.
+1.9 times
1.04% (472 cases)
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HOW AYURVEDA WORKSARE YOU WONDERING HOW AYURVEDA CAN HELP YOU?WHY IS AYURVEDA THE RIGHT SOLUTION?Ayurveda strengthens the body while opposing disorders. It takes a holistic, systemic approach that looks at the whole body. Ayurveda shows how to interpret signs and symptoms of imbalance, and how to address them using diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbs. It shows a person how to optimize their health on a continual basis. You can't take the doctor home with you, but you can take Ayurveda home with you. Ayurveda is the most advanced and easy to use home system for self healing.HOW DOES AYURVEDA WORK?Ayurveda starts by identifying your body type, which identifies certain tendencies in your body to get sick (as well as identifying your strengths). It uses body type to determine the likely root causes of your disorders. Next, Ayurveda analyzes the nature of your disorder. It fits all your signs and symptoms into a pattern, expressed as a combination of biocharaceristics (gunas). For example, you may have a heat disorder, a cold disorder, or an oily disorder, etc. This simple categorical approach shows you how to correct systemic imbalances and strengthen your body as a whole.On Joyful Belly, we've created an extensive categorization of food so you can easily match food to your imbalanced biocharacteristics. By eating an optimal diet that balances your biocharacteristics, your whole body is strengthened and the conditions that created the disorder are removed. Once the root causes of the disease are removed, the disease lessens in strength or disappears altogether. Additional remedies - such as herbs and lifestyle practices - focused on the specific disorder, can greatly enhance your healing. GET STARTEDTo get started on your Ayurvedic journey, we first recommend that your find your body type by taking our free quiz. In Ayurveda, every solution is based on your unique body type, so by taking this quiz, you’ll get the best results.5 WAYS TO HEAL YOUR BODY