Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Home Remedy Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWPrayer lifts the soul to the God the Creator who is the master of life - therefore maintaining communion with the cause of happiness. Adoration and praise of this cause reforms your appetites to those desires which are ultimately joyful.
Altogether these activities can help you turn and detach from lesser things, and re-attach you to the source and cause of joy. The stages can include 1) clearing / detoxing the mind and senses, 2) Contemplation of what is good / happy, and 3) Adoration and praise of that cause.
One of my favorite contemplations is Psalm 95, which I recite every morning. This prayer begins the day with gratitude, amazement of God, surrendering to Him, hearing His voice, and correcting my own stubbornness. It is a prayer I deeply love. SUGGESTED USEMetabolic Nature of Daily prayer / contemplation / meditation
Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. TRADITIONALLY INDICATED FOR THESE SYMPTOMSDaily prayer / contemplation / meditation may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any herb supplement for a condition is highly dependent on the individual. Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition. |