Table of ContentsAre you prone to a problem with 'Thalassemia Minor'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Blood and Circulation by taking the free blood and circulation quiz: AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE ON THALASSEMIA MINOR'Thalas' means sea in Greek while 'emia' means blood. Thalassemia thus means 'blood of the sea.' In Thalassemia, a genetic mutation makes red blood cells irregular. The mutation confers immunity to malaria, which is more prevalent near the coastline (hence the name). Unfortunately, the irregularity also leads to the early death of red blood cells. While normal red blood cells live an average of 120 days, those of a person with thalassemia minor die in 30 days.Choleric Heat & Black BileThe churning and recycling of red blood cells that characterizes hemolytic anemias such as thalassemia and sickle cell congests the liver and spleen. The spleen filters the dead red blood cells while the liver breaks the hemoglobin down into bile. The excess production of bile acids produces what Greek medicine calls 'Choleric Heat' - characterized by pre-jaundice conditions: high bilirubin levels in the blood lead to yellow eyes, yellow teeth, a yellow tinge to the palms or olive complexion. Bile is firey and pitta like in nature. It increases metabolism, aids the inflammatory response, thins the blood, breaks up mucus, lowers cholesterol, and irritates the nervous system.Over time, high metabolism burns up oil and fat reserves (ojas) leading to a characteristic thin, lanky Vata appearance of those with thalassemia. Eventually, the high concentration of uncongugated bilirubin in bile crystallizes and may form gallstones of a jet black color (most gallstones are yellow), giving rise to the name 'Black Bile' in Greek medicine. Take Care of Your Liver & SpleenIndividuals with thalassemia minor should take special care of their liver and spleen. Liver & spleen stress makes a person firey, irritable, anxious and defensive. Those who suffer these intense emotions will need frequent affirmation from friends to feel good about themselves, or withdraw from relationship when insulted. Their heightened sensitivity to shame may also causes them to dominate close intimate relationships. They may be intolerant of a messy house and sensitive to alcohol and chemical exposure. Liver stress can make you critical, judgmental and argumentative.Individuals with liver stress are visually sensitive. They may be sensitive to bright light and sun. Liver stress can cause frequent migraines and a low pain threshold. On the other hand, individuals with liver stress love beauty & grace. Beauty, delicate smells & a cooling atmosphere may be soothing, such as sitting in a rose garden with fountains at night under the light of the cool moon. As symptoms progress, you may notice pain in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen and eczema in your extremities, both signs that your liver may need to be decongested and/or nourished. Decongestion may be accomplished simply through twisting yoga poses, which can also provide immediate emotional relief from liver stress symptoms. Avoid harsh liver cleanses, which can further weaken your liver. Instead, focus on nurturing your liver (90%) and cleansing (10%). The best way to nurture your liver is rest and stress reduction. Keep a good eating and sleeping routine. Avoid late nights. Get to bed on time. Take naps, especially in the afternoon. Sweet, oily, cooling & sour foods nurture your liver. Bitter & sour foods cleanse the liver. Notice sour is on both lists. That's why many individuals with thalassemia will crave sour foods like vinegar, lemons & pickles. However, vinegar's harshness must be tempered with something sweet, like maple syrup. Strawberries & blueberries are perfectly packaged for relief from thalassemia. Naturally swet & tart, their deep red/blue hue is a sign of beta-carotene, which stimulates the liver. Applesauce is also wonderfully sweet and tart for thalassemia. Coconut oil is cold and oily. Recipes with mild cleansing action include the bitterness of kale tempered with coconut oil, coconut flakes, raisins & fennel. Look Out for Hyperactive FatigueHeavy physical activity, stress, and exposure to heat can increase the die-off rate of red blood cells, making you anemic. This will reduce your stamina and increase fatigue. At the same time, spleen and liver stress will make you hyperactive. The condition of "hyperactive fatigue" is most noticable at night after 10pm, during the "second wind". Avoid working this time of night, which is a natural time of high liver activity (10pm-2am). When you notice you, or a loved one, is hyperactive, it is a sign that of exhaustion, not extra energy, and a good time to take a rest, and nourish your body.Avoid High Heat
The symptoms of hemolytic anemia differ radically from those of iron-deficient anemias. Instead of exhaustion and the pale color normally found with iron-deficiency, a person with a hemolytic anemia will have radiant, yet delicate skin perhaps tinged with a yellow or olive hue.
Heat, spicy foods, rigorous exercise and anything that increases blood movement further weakens the spleen and liver. While moderate exposure to the sun aids the liver and reduces jaundice like symptoms, prolonged exposure to the strong heat of the afternoon summer sun aggravates thalassemia symptoms. Avoid Stress
High stress and lack of sleep increases the rate of red blood cellular death. You may notice slow wound healing & a low pain threshold, which can make you fearful. Through counseling and emotional awareness, you can find greater courage.
Avoid Strenuous Physical Activity
You may notice heavy breathing when playing sports, and long breath recovery times. Through training, this can be overcome. You may notice you get a runner's stitch when you exercise. Individuals with thalassemia minor often have low blood pressure, and dizziness upon standing.
Build Ojas
Liver tonics that are sweet and oily are best for thalassemia minor, especially coconut. Favor cooling summer berries like blueberries and strawberries. Mild bitters like well cooked kale cooked with coconut oil help flush liver toxicity without draining the liver of strength (ojas).
Nutritional Supplements
Misdiagnosed individuals with thalassemia minor may be given iron supplements for anemia, which can have serious consequences. Iron supplements will not help a person with this type of anemia, unless it causes heavy menstruation. A high rate of red blood cell death will release freely circulating globin and iron in the person's bloodstream. You may even notice a metallic taste in your mouth. Too much iron in the blood may weaken the heart & liver. Black tea blocks iron absorption and may be helpful in that case. Folic acid and B12 supplements help your body rebuild red blood cells, and may relieve symptoms in some individuals.
Disclaimer: Conditions such as 'Thalassemia Minor' that cause tissue changes could be serious and should be checked by a medical doctor.
WHAT HAS ALREADY HELPED YOU HEAL THALASSEMIA MINOR?Improve the accuracy of your recommendations by letting us know what is working.DIET REMEDIES FOR 'THALASSEMIA MINOR'
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HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS FOR 'THALASSEMIA MINOR'Please check with your medical doctor before making any changes to your health & wellness routine, and for the proper use of these products.
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These supplements are contraindicated / may aggravate 'Thalassemia Minor'.
BLOOD AND CIRCULATION TIPS DISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. Balance Your Body with Diet, Herbs, & Lifestyles Having These BiocharacteristicsEverything you eat has an effect on your body, which Ayurveda categorizes in a simple and easy way, using biocharacteristics (gunas). Biocharacteristics are qualities (like cold and hot) that describe the effect a food or herb has on your body. Cooling foods like cucumber, decrease metabolism. Heating foods like chili pepper, stimulate your body and increase metabolism. For 'Thalassemia Minor', you should select foods with the following biocharacteristics. Individual results will vary, based on your body type and the root cause of your imbalance.MATCH WITH YOUR WELLNESS PROFILECOLD ABOUT COLD BIOCHARACTERISTICCold refers to anything that reduces body temperature, metabolism, and blood flow.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Cold' gunaOILY ABOUT OILY BIOCHARACTERISTICIn Ayurveda, oily refers to anything moistening. More specifically, oily refers to building substances that increases fat, or are themselves fatty. For example, sugar is Oily.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Oily' gunaBITTER ABOUT BITTER BIOCHARACTERISTICBitter taste has cholagogue action - it is cold, clear, light, and stimulating. It increases digestive enzymes, laxative, and drying.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Bitter' tasteSWEET ABOUT SWEET BIOCHARACTERISTICSweet refers to anything builds tissue, including macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.![]() Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Sweet' tasteTo learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. NERVINEBalances the nervous system. They can help with stress, memory, early alzheimer's, and even chronic pain. Often they are aromatic in nature.SEDATIVESedative herbs create a sense of calm in the mind and body by specifically calming or quieting the nervous system. Excellent for anxiety, stress and chronic pain.NUTRITIVEAn herb that is strengthening and nourishing.ALTERATIVERestores the proper function of the body by cleansing the blood and balancing blood chemistry. In Ayurveda terms, they pacify Pitta in rakta. They were traditionally used to revitalize and detoxify after a long winter.BLOOD-TONICAn herb that produces more blood cells in the body, or otherwise improves blood cell quality or hemoglobin content. Helpful for anemia and other types of deficiency.REFRIGERANTAn herb or substance that strongly cools the body. Can be helpful in cases of heat conditions.HEPATOPROTECTIVEAn herb that is capable of preventing liver damage. Many hepatoprotectives work via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.LIVOTONICAn herb that strengthens the liver. It is helpful for people with a history of substance abuse, chronic liver issues from hepatitis and hemolytic anemias. Generally, liver tonics are oily, cool, sweet, mildly sour, or contain beta-carotene.LOWERS-THYROIDReduces thyroid function. Useful for people with hyperthyroid.OJASOjas is the essence of healthy tissue, immunity, stable energy and happiness. Substances that improve ojas are recommended after long-term illness, debility, emotional and physical trauma, and even sadness.![]() Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. HOW TO ADDRESS ISSUES IN STAGE OF DISEASE #3THALASSEMIA MINOR IS IN STAGE OF DISEASE #3 - ATTACKING TISSUEIf you have symptoms in this category it means that your imbalances are becoming stronger and weakening your body's resistance. Most people have a weakness in one or more organs. These areas of weakness are the 'weak link in the chain.' They are first to succumb when an imbalance reaches a tipping point. Repairing imbalances in this category often represent your last opportunity to prevent disease. At any moment, these imbalances could overwhelm weakened tissue and develop into a disease. You may feel pain or discomfort in the weakened area. At this stage you will need to support the weakened tissue with specialized foods and herbs for the weakened tissue. AVOID DIETS, LIFESTYLES & HERBS THAT AGGRAVATE THESE EFFECTSAccording to Ayurveda, one or more of the following doshas and biocharacteristics may aggravate 'Thalassemia Minor'. If you have an excess of one of these doshas or biocharacteristics below, Ayurveda recommends reducing foods and lifestyle habits that aggravate them. Click on the biocharacteristic to learn what foods and lifestyle habits should be reduced.![]() Symptoms Tell A Story The first step to healing is learning patterns from your symptoms. Symptoms are clues that reveal underlying imbalances. Symptoms show you where your body is weakened. Ultimately, all disease has a root in tissues too weak to defend itself. Ayurveda describes these patterns of weakness using doshas & biocharacteristics. If you notice a biocharacteristic or dosha appears next to many of your symptoms, it helps you establish a pattern that may be systemic.
To learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. Are you prone to a problem with 'Thalassemia Minor'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Blood and Circulation by taking the free blood and circulation quiz: RELATED SYMPTOMS & HABITSThe following symptoms & habits may be related to 'Thalassemia Minor'. See your quiz results for a computerized assessment of your body type. Please click on the symptoms below to learn more about them.Biocharacteristics of 169 People Reporting Thalassemia MinorOn average the biocharacteristics of people reporting Thalassemia Minor were less aggravated than 59% of other symptoms. From the 169 people who reported Thalassemia Minor in this research study of 74,671 individuals, average deviation in biocharacteristic levels were the following:BIOCHARACTERISTICAVG CLIENT LEVEL %%CASES (#)#IMBALANCE Bitter Sign
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Bitter.
34.3% (58)
8,626 have Bitter constitution
Cold Sign
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25.4% (43)
8,107 have Cold constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Light.
30.2% (51)
9,391 have Light constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Astringent.
20.7% (35)
8,068 have Astringent constitution
Sour Sign
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18.9% (32)
7,528 have Sour constitution
Vata Sign
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36.7% (62)
11,554 have Vata constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Dry.
25.4% (43)
9,009 have Dry constitution
Pungent Sign
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14.2% (24)
6,802 have Pungent constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Oily.
24.3% (41)
9,587 have Oily constitution
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22.5% (38)
7,179 have Salty constitution
Difficult Aggravates
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26.6% (45)
8,532 have Difficult constitution
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17.2% (29)
9,650 have Sweet constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Kapha.
29.6% (50)
12,745 have Kapha constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Heavy.
19.5% (33)
9,738 have Heavy constitution
Hot Aggravates
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14.2% (24)
7,949 have Hot constitution
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Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gooey.
17.2% (29)
7,069 have Gooey constitution
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23.1% (39)
7,099 have Toxic constitution
Pitta Aggravates
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18.9% (32)
10,540 have Pitta constitution
Risk Factors of Thalassemia Minor
Below you will see general risk factors as well as the greatest risk factors, i.e. those who were also more likely to report Thalassemia Minor.
Overall, 0.62% of people surveyed in this research study reported Thalassemia Minor.
SYMPTOM (Cases)Cases With Both% Reporting ThisIncrease from 0.62%Review These Common Risk Factors Feel underweight (2358)
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20 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Feel overweight (25362)
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40% less often
Hyperactive, quick (19615)
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50% less often
Fatigue / tired (16721)
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20% less often
Female (26227)
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40% less often
Jaundice (568)
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13 Small number of cases 2.3%
270% more often
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (194)
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4 Small number of cases 2.1%
240% more often
Enlarged Spleen (328)
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7 Small number of cases 2.1%
240% more often
Bluish / Purple Tongue (472)
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8 Small number of cases 1.7%
170% more often
Whooping Cough (232)
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4 Small number of cases 1.7%
170% more often
Colon Cancer (119)
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2 Small number of cases 1.7%
170% more often
Brown sclera (white part of eyes) (176)
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3 Small number of cases 1.7%
170% more often
Chronic Kidney Disease / Renal Disease (242)
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4 Small number of cases 1.7%
170% more often
Anemia (6770)
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160% more often
Semen discharge in urine (130)
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2 Small number of cases 1.5%
140% more often
Dysentery (203)
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3 Small number of cases 1.5%
140% more often
Yellow eyes / sclera (552)
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8 Small number of cases 1.4%
130% more often
Stroke (from clot) (139)
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2 Small number of cases 1.4%
130% more often
Purpura (429)
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6 Small number of cases 1.4%
130% more often
Carbuncle (209)
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3 Small number of cases 1.4%
130% more often
Gray sclera (white part of eye) (231)
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3 Small number of cases 1.3%
110% more often
Convulsions (156)
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2 Small number of cases 1.3%
110% more often
Dilated Pupil (518)
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6 Small number of cases 1.2%
90% more often
Bones brittle / break easily (575)
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7 Small number of cases 1.2%
90% more often
Flat rash (526)
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6 Small number of cases 1.1%
80% more often
Atherosclerosis (189)
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2 Small number of cases 1.1%
80% more often
Gallstones / Attack (1914)
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20 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Short Bowel Syndrome (201)
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2 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Colon surgery (416)
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4 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Thin tongue (986)
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10 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Hepatitis (Past/Current) (790)
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8 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Liver Degeneration (200)
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2 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting) (1259)
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13 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Hyperthyroid (780)
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8 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Yellowish skin (2733)
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27 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Vitiligo / white patches (1152)
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12 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Hopeless (730)
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7 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Iron deficiency (7072)
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60% more often
Nerve Damage (293)
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3 Small number of cases 1%
60% more often
Chronic Infection (1413)
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13 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Dull / Gray Skin (1056)
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10 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Corns (2019)
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18 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Grave's Disease (229)
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2 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Pale menstrual blood (461)
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4 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Liver Sore (883)
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8 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Food Poisoning (1032)
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9 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Liposuction (652)
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6 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Fatty Liver (2700)
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25 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Colon Polyps (468)
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4 Small number of cases 0.9%
50% more often
Strong body odor (4228)
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33 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Swollen lymph nodes (2365)
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19 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II) (1568)
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13 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Uterine Fibroids (2888)
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23 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis (1940)
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16 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Duodenal Ulcer (373)
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3 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Kidney / Bladder Stones (1849)
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14 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Tongue deviates to right/left (484)
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4 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Tongue frothy on edges (739)
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6 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Irregular heartbeat (3634)
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28 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
H pylori infection (1025)
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8 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Poor discernment of temperature (1393)
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11 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Neuralgia (784)
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6 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Implant / Prosthesis (787)
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6 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Hirsutism / Female Facial Hair on Chin (1304)
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11 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Hives (2397)
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20 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Boils (1160)
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9 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Skin Infection (608)
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5 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Bluish nail-beds (2239)
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17 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Fear of getting sick (1065)
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8 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Bleed less than other people (637)
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5 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Blood thick / Congested lymph (1069)
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9 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Swollen lymph nodes - hips (899)
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7 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Malabsorption (4275)
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33 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Sleep Apnea (2359)
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18 Small number of cases 0.8%
30% more often
Burning / painful urination (1010)
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7 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Pale Tongue (5209)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pale Tongue.
35 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Heart Murmur (2889)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Heart Murmur.
20 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Shortness of Breath (6434)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Shortness of Breath.
47 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Orange / Rubbery Stool (1013)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Orange / Rubbery Stool.
7 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Abdominal surgery (1336)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Abdominal surgery.
10 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Tooth Infection (1644)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Tooth Infection.
12 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Inguinal hernia (411)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Inguinal hernia.
3 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Sticky saliva (2391)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Sticky saliva.
17 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Gray teeth (1031)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gray teeth.
7 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Gallbladder Inflammation (1070)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gallbladder Inflammation.
8 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Recent weight loss (1516)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Recent weight loss.
10 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Pain relieved by exercise (1996)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pain relieved by exercise.
13 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Intestinal Perforation (142)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Intestinal Perforation.
1 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Hair loss / Balding (10011)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Hair loss / Balding.
10% more often
Cardiac Insufficiency (139)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Cardiac Insufficiency.
1 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Autoimmune Disorders (5726)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Autoimmune Disorders.
39 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Fibromyalgia (3094)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Fibromyalgia.
22 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Stinging Eyes (2850)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Stinging Eyes.
21 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Edema (2527)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Edema.
17 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Tuberculosis/TB (135)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Tuberculosis/TB.
1 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Chest Pain (2589)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Chest Pain.
19 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Rheumatic Fever (146)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Rheumatic Fever.
1 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) (2279)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).
17 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Skin problems on elbows (2379)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin problems on elbows.
16 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Skin problems on knees (1119)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin problems on knees.
8 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Skin problems on ears (1503)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin problems on ears.
10 Small number of cases 0.7%
10% more often
Complications of Those Reporting Thalassemia Minor
In this research study, people who report Thalassemia Minor were likely to report the following:
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Jaundice.
+4.8 times
1.66% (568 cases)
Bluish / Purple Tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Bluish / Purple Tongue.
+4.8 times
1.04% (472 cases)
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting).
+4.6 times
1.74% (1,259 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Anemia.
+3.9 times
16.04% (6,770 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Purpura.
+3.6 times
1.11% (429 cases)
Yellow eyes / sclera
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Yellow eyes / sclera.
+3.1 times
1.62% (552 cases)
Dilated Pupil
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Dilated Pupil.
+2.9 times
1.38% (518 cases)
Flat rash
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Flat rash.
+2.6 times
1.53% (526 cases)
Abdominal surgery
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Abdominal surgery.
+2.4 times
2.47% (1,336 cases)
Gallstones / Attack
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gallstones / Attack.
+2.4 times
4.95% (1,914 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Hyperthyroid.
+2.4 times
2.1% (780 cases)
Thin tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Thin tongue.
+2.3 times
2.63% (986 cases)
Bones brittle / break easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Bones brittle / break easily.
+2.3 times
1.76% (575 cases)
Fatty Liver
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Fatty Liver.
+2.2 times
6.76% (2,700 cases)
Yellowish skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Yellowish skin.
+2.2 times
7.29% (2,733 cases)
Feel underweight
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Feel underweight.
+2.2 times
5.47% (2,358 cases)
Iron deficiency
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Iron deficiency.
+2.2 times
19.17% (7,072 cases)
Hepatitis (Past/Current)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Hepatitis (Past/Current).
+2.2 times
2.31% (790 cases)
Vitiligo / white patches
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Vitiligo / white patches.
+2.2 times
3.24% (1,152 cases)
Hirsutism / Female Facial Hair on Chin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Hirsutism / Female Facial Hair on Chin.
+2.1 times
3.29% (1,304 cases)
Liver Sore
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Liver Sore.
+2.1 times
2.35% (883 cases)
Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Diabetes (Adult Onset Type II).
+2.1 times
3.79% (1,568 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Liposuction.
+2.1 times
1.95% (652 cases)
Tongue frothy on edges
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Tongue frothy on edges.
+2.0 times
1.96% (739 cases)
Chronic Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Chronic Infection.
+2.0 times
3.94% (1,413 cases)
Slow, heavy digestion
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Slow, heavy digestion.
+2.0 times
22.89% (21,898 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Corns.
+2.0 times
5.62% (2,019 cases)
Dry, dark, frizzy hair
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Dry, dark, frizzy hair.
+1.9 times
30.27% (24,799 cases)
Dull / Gray Skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Dull / Gray Skin.
+1.9 times
3.14% (1,056 cases)
Food Poisoning
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Food Poisoning.
+1.9 times
2.68% (1,032 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Hives.
+1.8 times
6.49% (2,397 cases)
Poor discernment of temperature
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Poor discernment of temperature.
+1.8 times
3.82% (1,393 cases)
H pylori infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and H pylori infection.
+1.8 times
2.8% (1,025 cases)
Colon surgery
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Colon surgery.
+1.8 times
1.12% (416 cases)
Inguinal hernia
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Inguinal hernia.
+1.8 times
1.12% (411 cases)
Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis.
+1.8 times
5.07% (1,940 cases)
Skin Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin Infection.
+1.8 times
1.7% (608 cases)
Strong body odor
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Strong body odor.
+1.8 times
11.4% (4,228 cases)
Bluish nail-beds
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Bluish nail-beds.
+1.7 times
5.76% (2,239 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Malabsorption.
+1.7 times
11.52% (4,275 cases)
Gallbladder Inflammation
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gallbladder Inflammation.
+1.7 times
2.9% (1,070 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Swollen lymph nodes.
+1.7 times
6.44% (2,365 cases)
Shortness of Breath
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Shortness of Breath.
+1.7 times
16.54% (6,434 cases)
Frequent Nose Bleeds
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Frequent Nose Bleeds.
+1.7 times
4.14% (1,500 cases)
Tooth Infection
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Tooth Infection.
+1.7 times
4.17% (1,644 cases)
Lose weight easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Lose weight easily.
+1.7 times
16.19% (13,037 cases)
Blood thick / Congested lymph
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Blood thick / Congested lymph.
+1.7 times
3% (1,069 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Fibromyalgia.
+1.7 times
7.84% (3,094 cases)
Bleed less than other people
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Bleed less than other people.
+1.7 times
1.81% (637 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Boils.
+1.6 times
3.08% (1,160 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Keloids.
+1.6 times
4.34% (1,593 cases)
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).
+1.6 times
6.22% (2,279 cases)
Irregular heartbeat
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Irregular heartbeat.
+1.6 times
10.66% (3,634 cases)
Implant / Prosthesis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Implant / Prosthesis.
+1.6 times
2.51% (787 cases)
Tongue deviates to right/left
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Tongue deviates to right/left.
+1.6 times
1.26% (484 cases)
Blood light in color
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Blood light in color.
+1.6 times
10.72% (3,938 cases)
Chest Pain
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Chest Pain.
+1.6 times
6.96% (2,589 cases)
Sleep Apnea
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Sleep Apnea.
+1.6 times
6.97% (2,359 cases)
Uterine Fibroids
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Uterine Fibroids.
+1.6 times
8.89% (2,888 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Neuralgia.
+1.6 times
2.54% (784 cases)
Sunken, small, active, dark eyes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Sunken, small, active, dark eyes.
+1.6 times
19.07% (15,029 cases)
Skin problems on knees
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin problems on knees.
+1.6 times
3.18% (1,119 cases)
Pale Tongue
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pale Tongue.
+1.6 times
13.38% (5,209 cases)
Sticky saliva
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Sticky saliva.
+1.6 times
6.38% (2,391 cases)
Kidney / Bladder Stones
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Kidney / Bladder Stones.
+1.6 times
5.11% (1,849 cases)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
+1.6 times
10.87% (4,107 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes - hips
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Swollen lymph nodes - hips.
+1.6 times
2.58% (899 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pancreatitis.
+1.5 times
1.3% (498 cases)
Gallbladder Removed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gallbladder Removed.
+1.5 times
7.83% (3,116 cases)
Stinging Eyes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Stinging Eyes.
+1.5 times
7.84% (2,850 cases)
Skin Allergy / Contact dermatitis
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin Allergy / Contact dermatitis .
+1.5 times
5.23% (1,872 cases)
Heart Murmur
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Heart Murmur.
+1.5 times
7.86% (2,889 cases)
Autoimmune Disorders
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Autoimmune Disorders.
+1.5 times
15.16% (5,726 cases)
Fragile skin/breaks easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Fragile skin/breaks easily.
+1.5 times
5.3% (1,846 cases)
Need constant social activity
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Need constant social activity.
+1.5 times
5.33% (1,756 cases)
Anal Fissures
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Anal Fissures.
+1.5 times
6.02% (2,415 cases)
Pain on left side above heart
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pain on left side above heart.
+1.5 times
4.69% (1,752 cases)
Recent weight loss
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Recent weight loss.
+1.5 times
4.04% (1,516 cases)
Fast Heartbeat
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Fast Heartbeat.
+1.5 times
8.83% (3,232 cases)
Hair loss / Balding
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Hair loss / Balding.
+1.5 times
27.26% (10,011 cases)
Gray teeth
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Gray teeth.
+1.5 times
2.73% (1,031 cases)
Tooth ache
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Tooth ache.
+1.5 times
7.57% (2,997 cases)
Sunken chest, ribs showing
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Sunken chest, ribs showing.
+1.5 times
12.4% (9,675 cases)
Swollen lymph nodes - arm pits
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Swollen lymph nodes - arm pits.
+1.4 times
5.54% (2,014 cases)
Exercise aggravates symptoms
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Exercise aggravates symptoms.
+1.4 times
11.1% (5,106 cases)
Abdominal pain relieved by eating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Abdominal pain relieved by eating.
+1.4 times
4.17% (1,562 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Edema.
+1.4 times
6.96% (2,527 cases)
Thin skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Thin skin.
+1.4 times
30.74% (23,090 cases)
Joint pain after eating
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Joint pain after eating.
+1.4 times
2.1% (712 cases)
Irregular/small appetite
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Irregular/small appetite.
+1.4 times
23.81% (20,509 cases)
Skin problems on ears
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Skin problems on ears.
+1.4 times
4.22% (1,503 cases)
Orange / Rubbery Stool
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Orange / Rubbery Stool.
+1.4 times
2.82% (1,013 cases)
Pain relieved by exercise
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pain relieved by exercise.
+1.4 times
5.65% (1,996 cases)
Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Unable to exercise due to Injury, disease, breathlessness, etc.
+1.4 times
7.8% (3,400 cases)
Heart Palpitations
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Heart Palpitations.
+1.4 times
17.13% (6,505 cases)
Lungs Irritated / Inflamed
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Lungs Irritated / Inflamed.
+1.4 times
2.86% (1,038 cases)
Macrobiotic diet
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Macrobiotic diet.
+1.4 times
2.87% (1,127 cases)
Discolored Tooth
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Discolored Tooth.
+1.4 times
10.07% (4,009 cases)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Goiter.
+1.4 times
1.44% (482 cases)
Pale menstrual blood
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pale menstrual blood.
+1.4 times
1.44% (461 cases)
Pins and Needles Hands and Feet
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Thalassemia Minor and Pins and Needles Hands and Feet.
+1.4 times
23.07% (8,533 cases)
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Your body map contains a complete analysis of your Ayurvedic imbalances, organ by organ.
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